A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

155 lines
4.8 KiB

import gc
import shlex
import code
import crochet
import os
import resource
import random
import datetime
from pappyproxy.http import Request, post_request
from pappyproxy.util import PappyException
from pappyproxy.requestcache import RequestCache
from pappyproxy.console import print_requests
from pappyproxy.pappy import heapstats, cons
from twisted.internet import defer
def cache_info(line):
c = Request.cache
print 'Cache has %d/%d slots filled' % (len(c._cached_reqs), c._cache_size)
print 'Hit score: {0:.2f} ({1}/{2})'.format(c.hit_ratio, c.hits, c.hits+c.misses)
print ''
if line != 'q':
rl = [v for k, v in Request.cache._cached_reqs.iteritems()]
rs = sorted(rl, key=lambda r: Request.cache._last_used[r.reqid], reverse=True)
def memory_info(line):
import psutil
except ImportError:
raise PappyException('This command requires the psutil package')
proc = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
mem = proc.memory_info().rss
megabyte = (float(mem)/1024)/1024
print 'Memory usage: {0:.2f} Mb ({1} bytes)'.format(megabyte, mem)
def heap_info(line):
if heapstats is None:
raise PappyException('Command requires the guppy library')
size = heapstats.heap().size
print 'Heap usage: {0:.2f} Mb'.format(size/(1024.0*1024.0))
print heapstats.heap()
def limit_info(line):
rsrc = resource.RLIMIT_AS
soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(rsrc)
print 'Soft limit starts as:', soft
print 'Hard limit starts as:', hard
if line:
limit_mb = int(line)
limit_kb = int(line)*1024
print 'Setting limit to %s Mb' % limit_mb
resource.setrlimit(rsrc, (limit_kb, hard)) #limit to one kilobyte
soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(rsrc)
print 'Soft limit is now:', soft
print 'Hard limit is now:', hard
def graph_randobj(line):
import objgraph
except ImportError:
raise PappyException('This command requires the objgraph library')
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) > 1:
fname = args[1]
fname = 'chain.png'
print 'Getting random %s object...' % args[0]
obj = random.choice(objgraph.by_type(args[0]))
print 'Creating chain...'
chain = objgraph.find_backref_chain(obj, objgraph.is_proper_module)
print 'Saving chain...'
objgraph.show_chain(chain, filename=fname)
def heapdo(line):
if heapstats is None:
raise PappyException('Command requires the guppy library')
h = heapstats.heap()
def collect(line):
def loadblock(line):
args = shlex.split(line)
yield Request.cache.load(args[0], int(args[1]))
def big_fucking_data_file(line):
print "Generating some giant fucking requests"
for i in range(1000):
if i % 20 == 0:
print 'Generated %d' % i
r = post_request('https://www.google.com')
r.body = 'A'*(1024*1024)
yield r.async_deep_save()
def time_cmd(line):
print 'Timing `%s`...' % line
start = datetime.datetime.now()
end = datetime.datetime.now()
total_time = (end-start).total_seconds()
print '`{0}` took {1:.3f} seconds'.format(line, total_time)
def cache_data(line):
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
cached = reqid in Request.cache._cached_reqs
if reqid in Request.cache._last_used:
last_used = Request.cache._last_used[reqid]
last_used = 'NOT IN _last_used'
in_all = reqid in Request.cache.all_ids
in_unmangled = reqid in Request.cache.unmangled_ids
ordered_ids_pos = Request.cache.ordered_ids.index(reqid)
except ValueError:
ordered_ids_pos = 'Not in ordered_ids'
in_inmem = reqid in Request.cache.inmem_reqs
print ''
print 'Cache data about request %s ----------' % reqid
print 'Cahced: %s' % cached
print 'Last used: %s' % last_used
print 'In all_ids: %s' % in_all
print 'In unmangled: %s' % in_unmangled
print 'Ordered id pos: %s' % ordered_ids_pos
print 'Is inmem: %s' % in_inmem
print ''
def check_cache(line):
def load_cmds(cmd):
'cacheinfo': (cache_info, None),
'heapinfo': (heap_info, None),
'memlimit': (limit_info, None),
'heapdo': (heapdo, None),
'gccollect': (collect, None),
'graphobj': (graph_randobj, None),
'meminfo': (memory_info, None),
'genbigdata': (big_fucking_data_file, None),
'checkcache': (check_cache, None),
'loadblock': (loadblock, None),
'time': (time_cmd, None),
'cachedata': (cache_data, None),