Version 0.2.4

Rob Glew 9 years ago
parent d805eabeec
commit 0b6a63ddbb
  1. 121
  2. 4
  3. 13
  4. 34
  5. 1
  6. 1
  7. 2
  8. 49
  9. 16
  10. 59
  11. 5
  12. 2

@ -95,6 +95,115 @@ The following tokens will also be replaced with values:
See the default `config.json` for examples.
General Console Techniques
There are a few tricks you can use in general when using Pappy's console. Most of these are provided by the [cmd]( and [cmd2](
### Run a shell command
You can run a shell command with `!`:
pappy> ls
ID Verb Host Path S-Code Req Len Rsp Len Time Mngl
5 GET /netscape.gif 304 Not Modified 0 0 0.08 --
4 GET /esr1.jpg 304 Not Modified 0 0 0.07 --
3 GET /construction.gif 304 Not Modified 0 0 0.07 --
2 GET /vitaly2.jpg 0 N/A -- --
1 GET / 304 Not Modified 0 0 0.07 --
pappy> !ls
cmdhistory config.json data.db
### Running Python Code
You can use the `py` command to either run python code or to drop down to a Python shell.
pappy> py print ':D '*10
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
pappy> py
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
py <command>: Executes a Python command.
py: Enters interactive Python mode.
End with ``Ctrl-D`` (Unix) / ``Ctrl-Z`` (Windows), ``quit()``, '`exit()``.
Non-python commands can be issued with ``cmd("your command")``.
Run python code from external files with ``run("")``
>>> from pappyproxy import config
>>> config.CONFIG_DICT
{u'data_file': u'./data.db', u'history_size': 1000, u'cert_dir': u'{DATADIR}/certs', u'proxy_listeners': [{u'interface': u'', u'port': 8000}]}
>>> exit()
### Redirect Output To File
You can use `>` to direct output to a file. However, a number of commands use colored output. If you just redirect these to a file, there will be additional bytes which represent the ANSI color codes. To get around this, use the `nocolor` command to remove the color from the command output.
pappy> ls > ls.txt
pappy> !xxd -c 32 -g 4 ls.txt
0000000: 1b5b316d 1b5b346d 49442020 56657262 2020486f 73742020 20202020 20202050 .[1m.[4mID Verb Host P
0000020: 61746820 20202020 20202020 20202020 2020532d 436f6465 20202020 20202020 ath S-Code
0000040: 20202020 52657120 4c656e20 20527370 204c656e 20205469 6d652020 20204d6e Req Len Rsp Len Time Mn
0000060: 676c2020 1b5b306d 0a352020 201b5b33 366d4745 541b5b30 6d202020 1b5b3931 gl .[0m.5 .[36mGET.[0m .[91
0000080: 6d766974 616c792e 73657879 1b5b306d 20201b5b 33366d1b 5b306d2f 1b5b3334[0m .[36m.[0m/.[34
00000a0: 6d6e6574 73636170 652e6769 661b5b30 6d202020 2020201b 5b33356d 33303420 mnetscape.gif.[0m .[35m304
00000c0: 4e6f7420 4d6f6469 66696564 1b5b306d 20203020 20202020 20202030 20202020 Not Modified.[0m 0 0
00000e0: 20202020 302e3038 20202020 2d2d2020 20200a34 2020201b 5b33366d 4745541b 0.08 -- .4 .[36mGET.
0000100: 5b306d20 20201b5b 39316d76 6974616c 792e7365 78791b5b 306d2020 1b5b3336 [0m .[[0m .[36
0000120: 6d1b5b30 6d2f1b5b 33346d65 7372312e 6a70671b 5b306d20 20202020 20202020 m.[0m/.[34mesr1.jpg.[0m
0000140: 201b5b33 356d3330 34204e6f 74204d6f 64696669 65641b5b 306d2020 30202020 .[35m304 Not Modified.[0m 0
0000160: 20202020 20302020 20202020 2020302e 30372020 20202d2d 20202020 0a332020 0 0.07 -- .3
0000180: 201b5b33 366d4745 541b5b30 6d202020 1b5b3931 6d766974 616c792e 73657879 .[36mGET.[0m .[
00001a0: 1b5b306d 20201b5b 33366d1b 5b306d2f 1b5b3334 6d636f6e 73747275 6374696f .[0m .[36m.[0m/.[34mconstructio
00001c0: 6e2e6769 661b5b30 6d20201b 5b33356d 33303420 4e6f7420 4d6f6469 66696564 n.gif.[0m .[35m304 Not Modified
00001e0: 1b5b306d 20203020 20202020 20202030 20202020 20202020 302e3037 20202020 .[0m 0 0 0.07
0000200: 2d2d2020 20200a32 2020201b 5b33366d 4745541b 5b306d20 20201b5b 39316d76 -- .2 .[36mGET.[0m .[91mv
0000220: 6974616c 792e7365 78791b5b 306d2020 1b5b3336 6d1b5b30 6d2f1b5b 33346d76[0m .[36m.[0m/.[34mv
0000240: 6974616c 79322e6a 70671b5b 306d2020 20202020 201b5b33 366d3230 30204f4b italy2.jpg.[0m .[36m200 OK
0000260: 1b5b306d 20202020 20202020 20202020 30202020 20202020 20323033 34303033 .[0m 0 2034003
0000280: 20203135 352e3131 20202d2d 20202020 0a312020 201b5b33 366d4745 541b5b30 155.11 -- .1 .[36mGET.[0
00002a0: 6d202020 1b5b3931 6d766974 616c792e 73657879 1b5b306d 20201b5b 33366d1b m .[[0m .[36m.
00002c0: 5b306d2f 1b5b3334 6d1b5b30 6d202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 2020201b [0m/.[34m.[0m .
00002e0: 5b33356d 33303420 4e6f7420 4d6f6469 66696564 1b5b306d 20203020 20202020 [35m304 Not Modified.[0m 0
0000300: 20202030 20202020 20202020 302e3037 20202020 2d2d2020 20200a 0 0.07 -- .
pappy> nocolor ls > ls2.txt
pappy> !xxd -c 32 -g 4 ls2.txt
0000000: 49442020 56657262 2020486f 73742020 20202020 20202050 61746820 20202020 ID Verb Host Path
0000020: 20202020 20202020 2020532d 436f6465 20202020 20202020 20202020 52657120 S-Code Req
0000040: 4c656e20 20527370 204c656e 20205469 6d652020 20204d6e 676c2020 0a352020 Len Rsp Len Time Mngl .5
0000060: 20474554 20202076 6974616c 792e7365 78792020 2f6e6574 73636170 652e6769 GET /
0000080: 66202020 20202033 3034204e 6f74204d 6f646966 69656420 20302020 20202020 f 304 Not Modified 0
00000a0: 20203020 20202020 20202030 2e303820 2020202d 2d202020 200a3420 20204745 0 0.08 -- .4 GE
00000c0: 54202020 76697461 6c792e73 65787920 202f6573 72312e6a 70672020 20202020 T /esr1.jpg
00000e0: 20202020 33303420 4e6f7420 4d6f6469 66696564 20203020 20202020 20202030 304 Not Modified 0 0
0000100: 20202020 20202020 302e3037 20202020 2d2d2020 20200a33 20202047 45542020 0.07 -- .3 GET
0000120: 20766974 616c792e 73657879 20202f63 6f6e7374 72756374 696f6e2e 67696620 /construction.gif
0000140: 20333034 204e6f74 204d6f64 69666965 64202030 20202020 20202020 30202020 304 Not Modified 0 0
0000160: 20202020 20302e30 37202020 202d2d20 2020200a 32202020 47455420 20207669 0.07 -- .2 GET vi
0000180: 74616c79 2e736578 7920202f 76697461 6c79322e 6a706720 20202020 20203230 /vitaly2.jpg 20
00001a0: 30204f4b 20202020 20202020 20202020 30202020 20202020 20323033 34303033 0 OK 0 2034003
00001c0: 20203135 352e3131 20202d2d 20202020 0a312020 20474554 20202076 6974616c 155.11 -- .1 GET vital
00001e0: 792e7365 78792020 2f202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202033 3034204e / 304 N
0000200: 6f74204d 6f646966 69656420 20302020 20202020 20203020 20202020 20202030 ot Modified 0 0 0
0000220: 2e303720 2020202d 2d202020 200a0a .07 -- ..
If you want to write the contents of a request or response to a file, don't use `nocolor` with `vfq` or `vfs`. Use just the `vbq` or `vbs` commands.
| Command | Description |
| `nocolor` | Run a command and print its output without ASCII escape codes. Intended for use when redirecting output to a file. Should only be used with text and not with binary data. |
Generating Pappy's CA Cert
In order to intercept and modify requests to sites that use HTTPS, you have to generate and install CA certs to your browser. You can do this by running the `gencerts` command in Pappy. By default, certs are stored `~/.pappy/certs`. This is also the default location that Pappy will look for certificates (unless you specify otherwise in `config.json`.) In addition, you can give the `gencerts` command an argument to have it put the generated certs in a different directory.
@ -110,11 +219,13 @@ The following commands can be used to view requests and responses
| Command | Aliases | Description |
| `ls [a|<num>`]| list, ls |List requests that are in the current context (see Context section). Has information like the host, target path, and status code. With no arguments, it will print the 25 most recent requests in the current context. If you pass 'a' or 'all' as an argument, it will print all the requests in the current context. If you pass a number "n" as an argument, it will print the n most recent requests in the current context. |
| `sm` | sm, site_map | Print a tree showing the site map. It will display all requests in the current context that did not have a 404 response. |
| `sm` | sm, site_map | Print a tree showing the site map. It will display all requests in the current context that did not have a 404 response. This has to go through all of the requests in the current context so it may be slow. |
| `viq <id(s)>` | view_request_info, viq | View additional information about requests. Includes the target port, if SSL was used, applied tags, and other information. |
| `vfq <id(s)>` | view_full_request, vfq | [V]iew [F]ull Re[Q]uest, prints the full request including headers and data. |
| `vbq <id(s)>` | view_request_bytes, vbq | [V]iew [B]ytes of Re[Q]uest, prints the full request including headers and data without coloring or additional newlines. Use this if you want to write a request to a file. |
| `vhq <id(s)>` | view_request_headers, vhq | [V]iew [H]eaders of a Re[Q]uest. Prints just the headers of a request. |
| `vfs <id(s)>` | view_full_response, vfs |[V]iew [F]ull Re[S]ponse, prints the full response associated with a request including headers and data. |
| `vbs <id(s)>` | view_response_bytes, vbs | [V]iew [B]ytes of Re[S]ponse, prints the full response including headers and data without coloring or additional newlines. Use this if you want to write a response to a file. |
| `vhs <id(s)>` | view_response_headers, vhs | [V]iew [H]eaders of a Re[S]ponse. Prints just the headers of a response associated with a request. |
The table shown by `ls` will have the following columns:
@ -326,6 +437,8 @@ The following commands can be used to encode/decode strings:
|`base64_encode`|`base64_encode`, `b64e` | Base64 encode a string |
|`asciihex_decode`|`asciihex_decode`, `ahd` | Decode an ASCII hex string |
|`asciihex_encode`|`asciihex_encode`, `ahe` | Encode an ASCII hex string |
|`html_decode`|`html_decode`, `htmld` | Decode an html encoded string |
|`html_encode`|`html_encode`, `htmle` | Encode a string to html encode all of the characters |
|`url_decode`|`url_decode`, `urld` | Url decode a string |
|`url_encode`|`url_encode`, `urle` | Url encode a string |
|`gzip_decode`|`gzip_decode`, `gzd` | Gzip decompress a string. Probably won't work too well since there's not a great way to get binary data passed in as an argument. I'm working on this. |
@ -334,6 +447,8 @@ The following commands can be used to encode/decode strings:
|`base64_encode_raw`|`base64_encode_raw`, `b64er` | Same as `base64_encode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`asciihex_decode_raw`|`asciihex_decode_raw`, `ahdr` | Same as `asciihex_decode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`asciihex_encode_raw`|`asciihex_encode_raw`, `aher` | Same as `asciihex_encode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`html_decode_raw`|`html_decode_raw`, `htmldr` | Same as `html_decode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`html_encode_raw`|`html_encode_raw`, `htmler` | Same as `html_encode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`url_decode_raw`|`url_decode_raw`, `urldr` | Same as `url_decode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`url_encode_raw`|`url_encode_raw`, `urler` | Same as `url_encode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
|`gzip_decode_raw`|`gzip_decode_raw`, `gzdr` | Same as `gzip_decode` but will not print a hexdump if it contains non-printable characters. It is suggested you use `>` to redirect the output to a file. |
@ -829,6 +944,10 @@ Changelog
The boring part of the readme
* 0.2.4
* Add command history saving between sessions
* Add html encoder/decoder
* All the bugs were fixed so I added some more for 0.2.5
* 0.2.3
* Decoder functions
* Add `merge` command

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ author = u'Rob Glew'
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = u'0.2.3'
version = u'0.2.4'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = version
release = u'0.2.4'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.

@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ The configuration settings for the proxy.
:Default: ``['{DATA_DIR}/plugins', '{PAPPY_DIR}/plugins']``
Whether command history should be saved to a file/loaded at startup.
:Default: True
.. data: CONFIG_DICT
The dictionary read from config.json. When writing plugins, use this to load
@ -85,6 +91,8 @@ LISTENERS = [(8000, '')]
SSL_CA_FILE = 'certificate.crt'
SSL_PKEY_FILE = 'private.key'
PLUGIN_DIRS = [os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'plugins'), os.path.join(PAPPY_DIR, 'plugins')]
@ -108,6 +116,7 @@ def load_settings(proj_config):
global DATA_DIR
global SSL_CA_FILE
# Substitution dictionary
subs = {}
@ -134,6 +143,10 @@ def load_settings(proj_config):
for l in proj_config["proxy_listeners"]:
LISTENERS.append((l['port'], l['interface']))
# History saving settings
if "history_size" in proj_config:
HISTSIZE = proj_config['history_size']
def load_global_settings(global_config):
from .http import Request

@ -3,14 +3,19 @@ Contains helpers for interacting with the console. Includes definition for the
class that is used to run the console.
import StringIO
import atexit
import cmd2
import os
import re
import readline
import string
import sys
import itertools
from .util import PappyException
from .colors import Styles, Colors, verb_color, scode_color, path_formatter, host_color
from . import config
from twisted.internet import defer
@ -262,7 +267,17 @@ class ProxyCmd(cmd2.Cmd):
self._cmds = {}
self._aliases = {}
if os.path.exists('cmdhistory'):
if config.HISTSIZE != 0:
cmd2.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __dir__(self):
# Hack to get cmd2 to detect that we can run a command
@ -319,6 +334,12 @@ class ProxyCmd(cmd2.Cmd):
if self._cmds[real_command][1]:
return self._cmds[real_command][1]
raise AttributeError(attr)
def save_histfile(self):
# Write the command to the history file
if config.HISTSIZE != 0:
def get_names(self):
# Hack to get cmd to recognize do_/etc functions as functions for things
@ -356,4 +377,15 @@ class ProxyCmd(cmd2.Cmd):
for command, alias in alias_list:
self.add_alias(command, alias)
# Taken from
# then modified
class Capturing():
def __enter__(self):
self._stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO.StringIO()
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.val = self._stringio.getvalue()
sys.stdout = self._stdout

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"data_file": "./data.db",
"cert_dir": "{DATADIR}/certs",
"history_size": 1000,
"proxy_listeners": [
{"port": 8000, "interface": ""}

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ def main():
conf_settings = config.get_default_config()
conf_settings['debug_dir'] = None
conf_settings['debug_to_file'] = False
conf_settings['history_size'] = 0
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tf:
conf_settings['data_file'] =
print 'Temporary datafile is %s' %

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
'gccollect': (collect, None),
'graphobj': (graph_randobj, None),
'meminfo': (memory_info, None),
'bigdata': (big_fucking_data_file, None),
'genbigdata': (big_fucking_data_file, None),
'checkcache': (check_cache, None),
'loadblock': (loadblock, None),
'time': (time_cmd, None),

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import HTMLParser
import StringIO
import base64
import clipboard
@ -42,7 +43,13 @@ def gzip_decode_helper(s):
dec_data = gzip.GzipFile('', 'rb', 9, StringIO.StringIO(s))
dec_data =
return dec_data
def html_encode_helper(s):
return ''.join(['&#x{0:x};'.format(ord(c)) for c in s])
def html_decode_helper(s):
return HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(s)
def _code_helper(line, func, copy=True):
args = shlex.split(line)
if not args:
@ -110,6 +117,22 @@ def asciihex_encode(line):
Results are copied to the clipboard.
print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(line, asciihex_encode_helper))
def html_decode(line):
Decode an html encoded string.
If no string is given, will decode the contents of the clipboard.
Results are copied to the clipboard.
print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(line, html_decode_helper))
def html_encode(line):
Encode a string and escape html control characters.
If no string is given, will encode the contents of the clipboard.
Results are copied to the clipboard.
print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(line, html_encode_helper))
def gzip_decode(line):
@ -175,6 +198,22 @@ def asciihex_encode_raw(line):
print _code_helper(line, asciihex_encode_helper, copy=False)
def html_decode_raw(line):
Same as html_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
to a file.
print _code_helper(line, html_decode_helper, copy=False)
def html_encode_raw(line):
Same as html_encode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
to a file.
print _code_helper(line, html_encode_helper, copy=False)
def gzip_decode_raw(line):
Same as gzip_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
@ -199,6 +238,8 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
'asciihex_encode': (asciihex_encode, None),
'url_decode': (url_decode, None),
'url_encode': (url_encode, None),
'html_decode': (html_decode, None),
'html_encode': (html_encode, None),
'gzip_decode': (gzip_decode, None),
'gzip_encode': (gzip_encode, None),
'base64_decode_raw': (base64_decode_raw, None),
@ -207,6 +248,8 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
'asciihex_encode_raw': (asciihex_encode_raw, None),
'url_decode_raw': (url_decode_raw, None),
'url_encode_raw': (url_encode_raw, None),
'html_decode_raw': (html_decode_raw, None),
'html_encode_raw': (html_encode_raw, None),
'gzip_decode_raw': (gzip_decode_raw, None),
'gzip_encode_raw': (gzip_encode_raw, None),
@ -217,6 +260,8 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
('asciihex_encode', 'ahe'),
('url_decode', 'urld'),
('url_encode', 'urle'),
('html_decode', 'htmld'),
('html_encode', 'htmle'),
('gzip_decode', 'gzd'),
('gzip_encode', 'gze'),
('base64_decode_raw', 'b64dr'),
@ -225,6 +270,8 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
('asciihex_encode_raw', 'aher'),
('url_decode_raw', 'urldr'),
('url_encode_raw', 'urler'),
('html_decode_raw', 'htmldr'),
('html_encode_raw', 'htmler'),
('gzip_decode_raw', 'gzdr'),
('gzip_encode_raw', 'gzer'),

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ import crochet
import pappyproxy
import shlex
from pappyproxy.console import confirm, load_reqlist
from pappyproxy.util import PappyException
from pappyproxy.http import Request
from pappyproxy.console import confirm, load_reqlist, Capturing
from pappyproxy.util import PappyException, remove_color
from pappyproxy.requestcache import RequestCache
from pappyproxy.pappy import cons
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
@ -114,7 +114,12 @@ def merge_datafile(line):
print 'Added %d requests' % count
def run_without_color(line):
with Capturing() as output:
print remove_color(output.val)
def load_cmds(cmd):
'clrmem': (clrmem, None),
@ -122,7 +127,8 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
'sv': (save, None),
'export': (export, None),
'log': (log, None),
'merge': (merge_datafile, None)
'merge': (merge_datafile, None),
'nocolor': (run_without_color, None),
#('rpy', ''),

@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ def list_reqs(line):
def view_request_info(line):
View information about request
Usage: view_request_info <reqid> [u]
If 'u' is given as an additional argument, the unmangled version
of the request will be displayed.
Usage: view_request_info <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqids = args[0]
@ -197,9 +195,7 @@ def view_request_info(line):
def view_request_headers(line):
View the headers of the request
Usage: view_request_headers <reqid> [u]
If 'u' is given as an additional argument, the unmangled version
of the request will be displayed.
Usage: view_request_headers <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
@ -208,10 +204,10 @@ def view_request_headers(line):
for req in reqs:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
print ''
view_full_message(req, True)
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*30
print ''
@ -219,9 +215,7 @@ def view_request_headers(line):
def view_full_request(line):
View the full data of the request
Usage: view_full_request <reqid> [u]
If 'u' is given as an additional argument, the unmangled version
of the request will be displayed.
Usage: view_full_request <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
@ -230,18 +224,36 @@ def view_full_request(line):
for req in reqs:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
print ''
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*30
print ''
def view_request_bytes(line):
View the raw bytes of the request. Use this if you want to redirect output to a file.
Usage: view_request_bytes <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid)
for req in reqs:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
print req.full_message
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*30
print ''
def view_response_headers(line):
View the headers of the response
Usage: view_response_headers <reqid>
Usage: view_response_headers <reqid(s)>
reqs = yield load_reqlist(line)
for req in reqs:
@ -269,7 +281,22 @@ def view_full_response(line):
print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid
def view_response_bytes(line):
View the full data of the response associated with a request
Usage: view_request_bytes <reqid(s)>
reqs = yield load_reqlist(line)
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15
print req.response.full_message
print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid
def dump_response(line):
@ -317,8 +344,10 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
'view_request_info': (view_request_info, None),
'view_request_headers': (view_request_headers, None),
'view_full_request': (view_full_request, None),
'view_request_bytes': (view_request_bytes, None),
'view_response_headers': (view_response_headers, None),
'view_full_response': (view_full_response, None),
'view_response_bytes': (view_response_bytes, None),
'site_map': (site_map, None),
'dump_response': (dump_response, None),
@ -327,8 +356,10 @@ def load_cmds(cmd):
('view_request_info', 'viq'),
('view_request_headers', 'vhq'),
('view_full_request', 'vfq'),
('view_request_bytes', 'vbq'),
('view_response_headers', 'vhs'),
('site_map', 'sm'),
('view_full_response', 'vfs'),
('view_response_bytes', 'vbs'),
('site_map', 'sm'),
#('dump_response', 'dr'),

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import re
import string
import time
import datetime
@ -25,6 +26,10 @@ def printable_data(data):
chars += '.'
return ''.join(chars)
def remove_color(s):
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
return ansi_escape.sub('', s)
# Taken from
def utc2local(utc):
epoch = time.mktime(utc.timetuple())

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import pkgutil
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
VERSION = '0.2.3'
VERSION = '0.2.4'
