A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

155 lines
5.2 KiB

9 years ago
Contains helpers for interacting with the console. Includes definition for the
class that is used to run the console.
9 years ago
import atexit
9 years ago
import cmd2
9 years ago
import os
import readline
9 years ago
import string
9 years ago
from .util import PappyException
9 years ago
from .colors import Colors
9 years ago
9 years ago
## Helper functions
9 years ago
def print_pappy_errors(func):
def catch(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
except PappyException as e:
print str(e)
return catch
9 years ago
## Classes
class ProxyCmd(cmd2.Cmd):
An object representing the console interface. Provides methods to add
commands and aliases to the console.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
9 years ago
# the \x01/\x02 are to make the prompt behave properly with the readline library
self.prompt = 'pappy\x01' + Colors.YELLOW + '\x02> \x01' + Colors.ENDC + '\x02'
9 years ago
self.debug = True
9 years ago
self.session = kwargs['session']
del kwargs['session']
9 years ago
self._cmds = {}
self._aliases = {}
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
if os.path.exists('cmdhistory'):
9 years ago
if self.session.config.histsize != 0:
9 years ago
9 years ago
cmd2.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
9 years ago
9 years ago
def __dir__(self):
# Hack to get cmd2 to detect that we can run a command
ret = set(dir(self.__class__))
ret.update(['do_'+k for k in self._cmds.keys()])
ret.update(['help_'+k for k in self._cmds.keys()])
ret.update(['complete_'+k for k, v in self._cmds.iteritems() if self._cmds[k][1]])
for k, v in self._aliases.iteritems():
ret.add('do_' + k)
ret.add('help_' + k)
if self._cmds[self._aliases[k]][1]:
return sorted(ret)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
def gen_helpfunc(func):
def f():
if not func.__doc__:
to_print = 'No help exists for function'
lines = func.__doc__.splitlines()
if len(lines) > 0 and lines[0] == '':
lines = lines[1:]
if len(lines) > 0 and lines[-1] == '':
lines = lines[-1:]
to_print = '\n'.join(string.lstrip(l) for l in lines)
print to_print
return f
if attr.startswith('do_'):
command = attr[3:]
if command in self._cmds:
return print_pappy_errors(self._cmds[command][0])
elif command in self._aliases:
real_command = self._aliases[command]
if real_command in self._cmds:
return print_pappy_errors(self._cmds[real_command][0])
elif attr.startswith('help_'):
command = attr[5:]
if command in self._cmds:
return gen_helpfunc(self._cmds[command][0])
elif command in self._aliases:
real_command = self._aliases[command]
if real_command in self._cmds:
return gen_helpfunc(self._cmds[real_command][0])
elif attr.startswith('complete_'):
command = attr[9:]
if command in self._cmds:
if self._cmds[command][1]:
return self._cmds[command][1]
elif command in self._aliases:
real_command = self._aliases[command]
if real_command in self._cmds:
if self._cmds[real_command][1]:
return self._cmds[real_command][1]
raise AttributeError(attr)
9 years ago
def save_histfile(self):
# Write the command to the history file
9 years ago
if self.session.config.histsize != 0:
9 years ago
9 years ago
def get_names(self):
# Hack to get cmd to recognize do_/etc functions as functions for things
# like autocomplete
return dir(self)
def set_cmd(self, command, func, autocomplete_func=None):
Add a command to the console.
self._cmds[command] = (func, autocomplete_func)
def set_cmds(self, cmd_dict):
Set multiple commands from a dictionary. Format is:
{'command': (do_func, autocomplete_func)}
Use autocomplete_func=None for no autocomplete function
for command, vals in cmd_dict.iteritems():
do_func, ac_func = vals
self.set_cmd(command, do_func, ac_func)
def add_alias(self, command, alias):
Add an alias for a command.
ie add_alias("foo", "f") will let you run the 'foo' command with 'f'
self._aliases[alias] = command
def add_aliases(self, alias_list):
Pass in a list of tuples to add them all as aliases.
ie add_aliases([('foo', 'f'), ('foo', 'fo')]) will add 'f' and 'fo' as
aliases for 'foo'
for command, alias in alias_list:
self.add_alias(command, alias)
9 years ago