2 changed files with 582 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ |
########## |
# COMMON # |
########## |
# The smart def and smart class snippets use a global option called |
# "g:ultisnips_python_style" which, if set to "doxygen" will use doxygen |
# style comments in docstrings. |
global !p |
NORMAL = 0x1 |
DOXYGEN = 0x2 |
SPHINX = 0x3 |
GOOGLE = 0x4 |
NUMPY = 0x5 |
JEDI = 0x6 |
class Arg(object): |
def __init__(self, arg): |
self.arg = arg |
name_and_type = arg.split('=')[0].split(':') |
|||| = name_and_type[0].strip() |
self.type = name_and_type[1].strip() if len(name_and_type) == 2 else None |
def __str__(self): |
return |
def __unicode__(self): |
return |
def is_kwarg(self): |
return '=' in self.arg |
def is_vararg(self): |
return '*' in |
def get_args(arglist): |
args = [Arg(arg) for arg in arglist.split(',') if arg] |
args = [arg for arg in args if != 'self'] |
return args |
def get_quoting_style(snip): |
style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_quoting_style", "double") |
if style == 'single': |
def triple_quotes(snip): |
style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_triple_quoting_style") |
if not style: |
return get_quoting_style(snip) * 3 |
return (SINGLE_QUOTES if style == 'single' else DOUBLE_QUOTES) * 3 |
def triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, quoting_style): |
""" |
Generate triple quoted strings and handle any trailing quote char, |
which might be there from some autoclose/autopair plugin, |
i.e. when expanding ``"|"``. |
""" |
if not snip.c: |
# Do this only once, otherwise the following error would happen: |
# RuntimeError: The snippets content did not converge: … |
_, col = vim.current.window.cursor |
line = vim.current.line |
# Handle already existing quote chars after the trigger. |
_ret = quoting_style * 3 |
while True: |
try: |
nextc = line[col] |
except IndexError: |
break |
if nextc == quoting_style and len(_ret): |
_ret = _ret[1:] |
col = col+1 |
else: |
break |
snip.rv = _ret |
else: |
snip.rv = snip.c |
def get_style(snip): |
style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_style", "normal") |
if style == "doxygen": return DOXYGEN |
elif style == "sphinx": return SPHINX |
elif style == "google": return GOOGLE |
elif style == "numpy": return NUMPY |
elif style == "jedi": return JEDI |
else: return NORMAL |
def format_arg(arg, style): |
if style == DOXYGEN: |
return "@param %s TODO" % arg |
elif style == SPHINX: |
return ":param %s: TODO" % arg |
elif style == NORMAL: |
return ":%s: TODO" % arg |
elif style == GOOGLE: |
return "%s (TODO): TODO" % arg |
elif style == JEDI: |
return ":type %s: TODO" % arg |
elif style == NUMPY: |
return "%s : TODO" % arg |
def format_return(style): |
if style == DOXYGEN: |
return "@return: TODO" |
elif style in (NORMAL, SPHINX, JEDI): |
return ":returns: TODO" |
elif style == GOOGLE: |
return "Returns: TODO" |
def write_docstring_args(args, snip): |
if not args: |
snip.rv += ' {0}'.format(triple_quotes(snip)) |
return |
snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='') |
style = get_style(snip) |
if style == GOOGLE: |
write_google_docstring_args(args, snip) |
elif style == NUMPY: |
write_numpy_docstring_args(args, snip) |
else: |
for arg in args: |
snip += format_arg(arg, style) |
def write_google_docstring_args(args, snip): |
kwargs = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_kwarg()] |
args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.is_kwarg()] |
if args: |
snip += "Args:" |
snip.shift() |
for arg in args: |
snip += format_arg(arg, GOOGLE) |
snip.unshift() |
snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='') |
if kwargs: |
snip += "Kwargs:" |
snip.shift() |
for kwarg in kwargs: |
snip += format_arg(kwarg, GOOGLE) |
snip.unshift() |
snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='') |
def write_numpy_docstring_args(args, snip): |
if args: |
snip += "Parameters" |
snip += "----------" |
kwargs = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_kwarg()] |
args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.is_kwarg()] |
if args: |
for arg in args: |
snip += format_arg(arg, NUMPY) |
if kwargs: |
for kwarg in kwargs: |
snip += format_arg(kwarg, NUMPY) + ', optional' |
snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='') |
def write_init_body(args, parents, snip): |
parents = [p.strip() for p in parents.split(",")] |
parents = [p for p in parents if p != 'object'] |
for p in parents: |
snip += p + ".__init__(self)" |
if parents: |
snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='') |
for arg in filter(lambda arg: not arg.is_vararg(), args): |
snip += "self._%s = %s" % (arg, arg) |
def write_slots_args(args, snip): |
quote = get_quoting_style(snip) |
arg_format = quote + '_%s' + quote |
args = [arg_format % arg for arg in args] |
snip += '__slots__ = (%s,)' % ', '.join(args) |
def write_function_docstring(t, snip): |
""" |
Writes a function docstring with the current style. |
:param t: The values of the placeholders |
:param snip: UltiSnips.TextObjects.SnippetUtil object instance |
""" |
snip.rv = "" |
snip >> 1 |
args = get_args(t[2]) |
if args: |
write_docstring_args(args, snip) |
style = get_style(snip) |
if style == NUMPY: |
snip += 'Returns' |
snip += '-------' |
snip += 'TODO' |
else: |
snip += format_return(style) |
snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='') |
snip += triple_quotes(snip) |
def get_dir_and_file_name(snip): |
return os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-1] + '.' + snip.basename |
endglobal |
snippet ! "entry function with docstrings and if __name__" b |
def ${1:main}(`!p |
if snip.indent: |
snip.rv = 'self' + (", " if len(t[2]) else "")`${2:arg1}): |
`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:Main entry function.}`!p |
write_function_docstring(t, snip) ` |
${5:${VISUAL:pass}} |
if __name__ == `!p snip.rv = get_quoting_style(snip)`__main__`!p snip.rv = get_quoting_style(snip)`: |
$1() |
endsnippet |
snippet ifarg " with docstrings" b |
if len(sys.argv) > $1 and sys.argv[$1] == "${2:something}": |
$0 |
endsnippet |
@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ |
global !p |
texMathZones = ['texMathZone' + x for x in ['A', 'AS', 'B', 'BS', 'C', 'CS', 'D', 'DS', 'E', 'ES', 'F', 'FS', 'G', 'GS', 'H', 'HS', 'I', 'IS', 'J', 'JS', 'K', 'KS', 'L', 'LS', 'DS', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'AmsA', 'AmsB', 'AmsC', 'AmsD', 'AmsE', 'AmsF', 'AmsG', 'AmsAS', 'AmsBS', 'AmsCS', 'AmsDS', 'AmsES', 'AmsFS', 'AmsGS' ]] |
texIgnoreMathZones = ['texMathText'] |
texMathZoneIds = vim.eval('map('+str(texMathZones)+", 'hlID(v:val)')") |
texIgnoreMathZoneIds = vim.eval('map('+str(texIgnoreMathZones)+", 'hlID(v:val)')") |
ignore = texIgnoreMathZoneIds[0] |
def math(): |
synstackids = vim.eval("synstack(line('.'), col('.') - (col('.')>=2 ? 1 : 0))") |
try: |
first = next(i for i in reversed(synstackids) if i in texIgnoreMathZoneIds or i in texMathZoneIds) |
return first != ignore |
except StopIteration: |
return False |
def create_table(snip): |
rows = snip.buffer[snip.line].split('x')[0] |
cols = snip.buffer[snip.line].split('x')[1] |
int_val = lambda string: int(''.join(s for s in string if s.isdigit())) |
rows = int_val(rows) |
cols = int_val(cols) |
offset = cols + 1 |
old_spacing = snip.buffer[snip.line][:snip.buffer[snip.line].rfind('\t') + 1] |
snip.buffer[snip.line] = '' |
final_str = old_spacing + "\\begin{tabular}{|" + "|".join(['$' + str(i + 1) for i in range(cols)]) + "|}\n" |
for i in range(rows): |
final_str += old_spacing + '\t' |
final_str += " & ".join(['$' + str(i * cols + j + offset) for j in range(cols)]) |
final_str += " \\\\\\\n" |
final_str += old_spacing + "\\end{tabular}\n$0" |
snip.expand_anon(final_str) |
def add_row(snip): |
row_len = int(''.join(s for s in snip.buffer[snip.line] if s.isdigit())) |
old_spacing = snip.buffer[snip.line][:snip.buffer[snip.line].rfind('\t') + 1] |
snip.buffer[snip.line] = '' |
final_str = old_spacing |
final_str += " & ".join(['$' + str(j + 1) for j in range(row_len)]) |
final_str += " \\\\\\" |
snip.expand_anon(final_str) |
endglobal |
snippet article "article template" b |
\documentclass[12pt]{article} |
\usepackage{geometry} % Required for adjusting page dimensions |
\usepackage{amsmath} |
\usepackage{amsthm} |
\usepackage{amssymb} |
\usepackage{amsfonts} |
\usepackage{longtable} |
\usepackage{booktabs} |
\usepackage[UKenglish]{babel} |
\geometry{ |
paper=a4paper, % Change to letterpaper for US letter |
top=3cm, % Top margin |
bottom=1.5cm, % Bottom margin |
left=4.5cm, % Left margin |
right=4.5cm, % Right margin |
%showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page |
} |
\title{$1} |
\author{Jonathan Hodgson} |
\date{\today} |
\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\section{$2} |
$0 |
\end{document} |
endsnippet |
snippet standalone "standalone template" b |
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} |
\begin{document} |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
$0 |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{document} |
endsnippet |
snippet "b(egin)?" "begin{} / end{}" br |
\begin{${1:something}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\end{$1} |
endsnippet |
snippet frame "frame environment" b |
\begin{frame} |
\frametitle{${1:title}} |
${0:${VISUAL}} |
\note{% |
} |
\end{frame} |
endsnippet |
snippet abs "abstract environment" b |
\begin{abstract} |
$0 |
\end{abstract} |
endsnippet |
snippet tab "tabular / array environment" b |
\begin{${1:t}${1/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}}{${2:c}} |
$0${2/(?<=.)(c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g} |
\end{$1${1/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}} |
endsnippet |
pre_expand "create_table(snip)" |
snippet "gentbl(\d+)x(\d+)" "Generate table of *width* by *height*" r |
endsnippet |
pre_expand "add_row(snip)" |
snippet "tr(\d+)" "Add table row of dimension ..." r |
endsnippet |
snippet table "Table environment" b |
\begin{table}[${1:htpb}] |
\centering |
\caption{${2:caption}} |
\label{tab:${3:label}} |
\begin{${4:t}${4/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}}{${5:c}} |
$0${5/(?<=.)(c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g} |
\end{$4${4/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}} |
\end{table} |
endsnippet |
snippet fig "Figure environment" b |
\begin{figure}[${2:htpb}] |
\centering |
\includegraphics[width=${3:0.8}\linewidth]{${4:name.ext}} |
\caption{${4/(\w+)\.\w+/\u$1/}$0}% |
\label{fig:${4/(\w+)\.\w+/$1/}} |
\end{figure} |
endsnippet |
snippet enum "Enumerate" b |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item $0 |
\end{enumerate} |
endsnippet |
snippet item "Itemize" b |
\begin{itemize} |
\item $0 |
\end{itemize} |
endsnippet |
snippet desc "Description" b |
\begin{description} |
\item[$1] $0 |
\end{description} |
endsnippet |
snippet it "Individual item" b |
\item $0 |
endsnippet |
snippet part "Part" b |
\part{${1:part name}}% |
\label{prt:${2:${1/(\w+)|\W+/(?1:\L$0\E:_)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet cha "Chapter" b |
\chapter{${1:chapter name}}% |
\label{cha:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet sec "Section" |
\section{${1:${VISUAL:section name}}}% |
\label{sec:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet sec* "Section" |
\section*{${1:${VISUAL:section name}}}% |
\label{sec:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
${0} |
endsnippet |
snippet sub "Subsection" |
\subsection{${1:${VISUAL:subsection name}}}% |
\label{sub:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet sub* "Subsection" |
\subsection*{${1:${VISUAL:subsection name}}}% |
\label{sub:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
${0} |
endsnippet |
snippet ssub "Subsubsection" |
\subsubsection{${1:${VISUAL:subsubsection name}}}% |
\label{ssub:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet ssub* "Subsubsection" |
\subsubsection*{${1:${VISUAL:subsubsection name}}}% |
\label{ssub:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
${0} |
endsnippet |
snippet par "Paragraph" |
\paragraph{${1:${VISUAL:paragraph name}}}% |
\label{par:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet subp "Subparagraph" |
\subparagraph{${1:${VISUAL:subparagraph name}}}% |
\label{par:${2:${1/\\\w+\{(.*?)\}|\\(.)|(\w+)|([^\w\\]+)/(?4:_:\L$1$2$3\E)/ga}}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet ac "Acroynm normal" b |
\ac{${1:acronym}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet acl "Acroynm expanded" b |
\acl{${1:acronym}} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet ni "Non-indented paragraph" b |
\noindent |
$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet pac "Package" b |
\usepackage`!p snip.rv='[' if t[1] else ""`${1:options}`!p snip.rv = ']' if t[1] else ""`{${2:package}}$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet lp "Long parenthesis" |
\left(${1:${VISUAL:contents}}\right)$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet "mint(ed)?( (\S+))?" "Minted code typeset" br |
\begin{minted}{${1:language}} |
${2:${VISUAL:code}} |
\end{minted} |
$0 |
endsnippet |
context "math()" |
snippet '([A-Za-z])(\d)' "auto subscript" wrA |
`!p snip.rv =`_`!p snip.rv =` |
endsnippet |
context "math()" |
snippet '([A-Za-z])_(\d\d)' "auto subscript2" wrA |
`!p snip.rv =`_{`!p snip.rv =`} |
endsnippet |
context "math()" |
snippet // "Fraction" iA |
\\frac{$1}{$2}$0 |
endsnippet |
snippet / "Fraction" i |
\\frac{${VISUAL}}{$1}$0 |
endsnippet |
context "math()" |
snippet '((\d+)|(\d*)(\\)?([A-Za-z]+)((\^|_)(\{\d+\}|\d))*)/' "symbol frac" wrA |
\\frac{`!p snip.rv =`}{$1}$0 |
endsnippet |
context "math()" |
snippet sq "\sqrt{}" iA |
\sqrt{${1:${VISUAL}}} $0 |
endsnippet |
snippet '^.*\)/' "() Fraction" wrA |
`!p |
stripped = match.string[:-1] |
depth = 0 |
i = len(stripped) - 1 |
while True: |
if stripped[i] == ')': depth += 1 |
if stripped[i] == '(': depth -= 1 |
if depth == 0: break; |
i -= 1 |
snip.rv = stripped[0:i] + "\\frac{" + stripped[i+1:-1] + "}" |
`{$1}$0 |
endsnippet |
# vim:ft=snippets: |
Reference in new issue