You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
1.4 KiB

# Initial author: Adrien Le Guillou
# License: MIT
# include common definitions
# shellcheck source=scripts/core/
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
set -e # error if a command as non 0 exit
set -u # error if undefined variable
# Default parameters
FORMAT="W:%W | %A - %T"
# FORMAT as a `jq` concatenation string
FORMAT=$(echo "$FORMAT" | \
sed 's/%O/" + .output + "/
s/%W/" + .workspace + "/
s/%A/" + .app_id + "/
s/%T/" + .name + "/
s/%I/" + .id + "/
# Get the container ID from the node tree
CON_ID=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | \
jq -r ".nodes[]
| {output: .name, content: .nodes[]}
| {output: .output, workspace:,
apps: .content
| ..
| {id: .id?|tostring, name: .name?, app_id: .app_id?, shell: .shell?}
| select(.app_id != null or .shell != null)}
| {output: .output, workspace: .workspace,
id:, app_id: .apps.app_id, name: }
| tostring" | \
$DMENU -i -p "Window Switcher")
# Requires the actual `id` to be at the end and between paretheses
# Focus on the chosen window
swaymsg "[con_id=$CON_ID]" focus