You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.0 KiB

5 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Usage: curl | surf_linkselect [SURFWINDOWID] [PROMPT]
# Deps: xmllint, dmenu
# Info:
# Designed to be used w/ surf externalpipe patch. Enables keyboard-only
# link selection via dmenu. Given HTML stdin, extracts links one per line
# Selected link is normalized based on current URI and printed to STDOUT.
# Pipe the result to a new surf or xprop _SURF_URI accordingly.
SURF_WINDOW="${1:-$(xprop -root | sed -n '/^_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW/ s/.* //p')}"
function dump_links_with_titles() {
awk '{
input = $0;
$0 = input;
gsub("<[^>]*>", "");
gsub(/[ ]+/, " ");
gsub("&amp;", "\\&");
gsub("&lt;", "<");
gsub("&gt;", ">");
$1 = $1;
title = ($0 == "" ? "None" : $0);
$0 = input;
match($0, /\<[ ]*[aA][^>]* [hH][rR][eE][fF]=["]([^"]+)["]/, linkextract);
$0 = linkextract[1];
gsub(/^[ \t]+/,"");
gsub(/[ \t]+$/,"");
gsub("[ ]", "%20");
link = $0;
if (link != "") {
print title ": " link;
function link_normalize() {
awk -v uri=$URI '{
gsub("&amp;", "\\&");
if ($0 ~ /^https?:\/\// || $0 ~ /^\/\/.+$/) {
print $0;
} else if ($0 ~/^#/) {
gsub(/[#?][^#?]+/, "", uri);
print uri $0;
} else if ($0 ~/^\//) {
split(uri, uri_parts, "/");
print uri_parts[3] $0;
} else {
gsub(/[#][^#]+/, "", uri);
uri_parts_size = split(uri, uri_parts, "/");
delete uri_parts[uri_parts_size];
for (v in uri_parts) {
uri_pagestripped = uri_pagestripped uri_parts[v] "/"
print uri_pagestripped $0;
function link_select() {
tr '\n\r' ' ' |
xmllint --html --xpath "//a" - |
dump_links_with_titles |
awk '!x[$0]++' |
# sort | uniq
dmenu -p "$DMENU_PROMPT" -l 10 -i -c |
awk -F' ' '{print $NF}' |
link_normalize $(xprop -id $SURF_WINDOW _SURF_URI | cut -d '"' -f 2)
xset r off
pidof svkbd-sxmo || svkbd-sxmo &
pkill svkbd-sxmo
xset r on
echo "$VAL"