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# repeat_delay how much time in milisec to consider it is hold pressed
# should be long enough to trigger simple click easily but
# should be short enough to trigger a repeat before the next threshold
# repeat_rate then how much key per second should be triggered
# adapt it accordingly with the delay.
# prefer a lower but enough value
# This is enough for 4 multikeys long presses
### PinePhone (pine64-pinephone) / PineTab (pine64-pinetab)
# Power button
input 0:0:axp20x-pek {
repeat_delay 200
repeat_rate 15
xkb_file /usr/share/sxmo/sway/xkb_mobile_normal_buttons
# Volume buttons
input 1:1:1c21800.lradc {
repeat_delay 200
repeat_rate 15
xkb_file /usr/share/sxmo/sway/xkb_mobile_normal_buttons
### BQ Aquaris X5 (bq-paella)
# Power button
input 0:0:pm8941_pwrkey {
repeat_delay 200
repeat_rate 15
xkb_file /usr/share/sxmo/sway/xkb_mobile_normal_buttons
# Volume up button
input 1:1:GPIO_Buttons {
repeat_delay 200
repeat_rate 15
xkb_file /usr/share/sxmo/sway/xkb_mobile_normal_buttons
# Volume down button
input 0:0:pm8941_resin {
repeat_delay 200
repeat_rate 15
xkb_file /usr/share/sxmo/sway/xkb_mobile_normal_buttons
exec clear
### PinePhone (pine64-pinephone) / PineTab (pine64-pinetab)
# Multikey handling for power button
bindsym --input-device=0:0:axp20x-pek XF86PowerOff \
exec powerbutton \
" powerbutton_one" \
" powerbutton_two" \
" powerbutton_three"
# Multikey handling for volup button
bindsym --input-device=1:1:1c21800.lradc XF86AudioRaiseVolume \
exec volup \
" volup_one" \
" volup_two" \
" volup_three"
# Multikey handling for voldown button
bindsym --input-device=1:1:1c21800.lradc XF86AudioLowerVolume \
exec voldown \
" voldown_one" \
" voldown_two" \
" voldown_three"
### BQ Aquaris X5 (bq-paella)
bindsym --input-device=0:0:pm8941_pwrkey XF86PowerOff \
exec powerbutton \
" powerbutton_one" \
" powerbutton_two" \
" powerbutton_three"
# Multikey handling for volup button
bindsym --input-device=1:1:GPIO_Buttons XF86AudioRaiseVolume \
exec volup \
" volup_one" \
" volup_two" \
" volup_three"
# Multikey handling for voldown button
bindsym --input-device=0:0:pm8941_resin XF86AudioLowerVolume \
exec voldown \
" voldown_one" \
" voldown_two" \
" voldown_three"
mode "menu" {
bindsym --input-device=1:1:1c21800.lradc XF86AudioMute exec nothing # just a placeholder for "menu" mode