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5 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env sh
source /etc/profile
which $TERM || export TERM=st
which $BROWSER || export BROWSER=surf
xmodmap /usr/share/sxmo/xmodmap_caps_esc
5 years ago
xsetroot -mod 3 2 -fg '#000000' -bg '#888888'
4 years ago
xset s off -dpms
alsactl --file /usr/share/sxmo/default_alsa_sound.conf restore
#xset r off
5 years ago
# Xresources
xrdb /usr/share/sxmo/xresources_xcalc.xr
# E.g. for PBP
synclient TapButton1=1 TapButton2=3 TapButton3=2 MinSpeed=0.25
keynav &
4 years ago
conky -c /usr/share/sxmo/conky.conf -d
autocutsel & autocutsel -selection PRIMARY &
5 years ago &
exec dbus-run-session sh -c "dunst -conf /usr/share/sxmo/dunst.conf & lisgd -t 500 & dwm 2> ~/.dwm.log"