Significant changes to geastures

New gestures:
1 finger, from top, new terminal
2 finger, from top, close window with focus
1 finger, from left, current app menu
2 finger, from left, system menu
2 fingers, from bottom, normal keyboard
3 fingers, from bottom, numbers keyboard
2 or 3 fingers, to bottom, close keyboard
Jonathan Hodgson 3 years ago
parent 7773508130
commit cba4578762
  1. 12

@ -31,8 +31,12 @@ Gesture gestures[] = {
// { 1, SwipeULDR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "brightness down" }, // { 1, SwipeULDR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "brightness down" },
//{ 2, SwipeLR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+e" }, //{ 2, SwipeLR, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+e" },
//{ 2, SwipeRL, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+r" }, //{ 2, SwipeRL, EdgeAny, DistanceAny, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+r" },
{ 1, SwipeLR, EdgeLeft, DistanceShort, "launcher" }, { 1, SwipeUD, EdgeTop, DistanceShort, "folder-shell &" },
{ 2, SwipeDU, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pidof svkbd-colemak || svkbd-colemak &" }, { 1, SwipeLR, EdgeLeft, DistanceShort, "spawn-phone-menu &" },
{ 2, SwipeUD, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pkill -9 svkbd-colemak" }, { 2, SwipeLR, EdgeLeft, DistanceShort, "spawn-phone-menu system &" },
{ 2, SwipeDU, EdgeTop, DistanceShort, "xdotool windowkill $(xdotool getactivewindow)" }, { 2, SwipeDU, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pidof svkbd-colemak || pidof svkbd-numbers || svkbd-colemak &" },
{ 3, SwipeDU, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pidof svkbd-colemak || pidof svkbd-numbers || svkbd-numbers &" },
{ 2, SwipeUD, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pkill -9 'svkbd-*'" },
{ 3, SwipeUD, EdgeBottom, DistanceShort, "pkill -9 'svkbd-*'" },
{ 2, SwipeUD, EdgeTop, DistanceShort, "xdotool keys --clearmodifiers 'Super_L+q'" },
}; };
