Rework logic to support diagnol gestures, rotation, and timeouts

Miles Alan 4 years ago
parent 877beea273
commit b4dd89ae3a
  1. 4
  2. 49
  3. 252

@ -44,7 +44,3 @@ Full commandline-based configuration example:
lisgd -d /dev/input/input1 -g "1,l,r,notify-send swiped lr" -t 200 -v
### TODO
- Diagnol swipe gestures
- Gestures recognition based on screenspace executed in

@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
/* Minimum cutoff for a gestures to take effect */
unsigned int threshold = 300;
distancethreshold: Minimum cutoff for a gestures to take effect
degreesleniency: Offset degrees within which gesture is recognized (max=45)
timeoutms: Maximum duration for a gesture to take place in miliseconds
orientation: Number of 90 degree turns to shift gestures by
verbose: 1=enabled, 0=disabled; helpful for debugging
device: Path to the /dev/ filesystem device events should be read from
gestures: Array of gestures; binds num of fingers / gesturetypes to commands
Supported gestures: SwipeLR, SwipeRL, SwipeDU, SwipeUD,
SwipeDLUR, SwipeURDL, SwipeDRUL, SwipeULDR
/* Verbose mode, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled */
int verbose = 0;
/* Device libinput should read from */
unsigned int distancethreshold = 300;
unsigned int degreesleniency = 15;
unsigned int timeoutms = 800;
unsigned int orientation = 0;
unsigned int verbose = 0;
char *device = "/dev/input/event1";
/* Commands to execute upon recieving a swipe gesture */
Gesture gestures[] = {
/* fingers start end command */
{ 1, Left, Right, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+e" },
{ 1, Right, Left, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+r" },
{ 2, Left, Right, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+e" },
{ 2, Right, Left, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+r" },
{ 2, Down, Up, "pidof svkbd-sxmo || svkbd-sxmo &" },
{ 2, Up, Down, "pkill -9 svkbd-sxmo" },
{ 3, Down, Up, " up" },
{ 3, Up, Down, " down" },
{ 4, Down, Up, " up" },
{ 4, Up, Down, " down" },
/* nfingers gesturetype command */
{ 1, SwipeLR, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+e" },
{ 1, SwipeRL, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+r" },
{ 1, SwipeDLUR, " up" },
{ 1, SwipeURDL, " down" },
{ 1, SwipeDRUL, " up" },
{ 1, SwipeULDR, " down" },
{ 2, SwipeLR, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+e" },
{ 2, SwipeRL, "xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+r" },
{ 2, SwipeDU, "pidof svkbd-sxmo || svkbd-sxmo &" },
{ 2, SwipeUD, "pkill -9 svkbd-sxmo" },

@ -8,19 +8,29 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* Defines */
#define MAXSLOTS 20
#define INVALID -999999
#define NOMOTION -999999
/* Types */
enum { Left, Right, Down, Up };
typedef int direction;
enum {
typedef int Swipe;
typedef struct {
int nfingers;
direction start;
direction end;
int nfswipe;
Swipe swipe;
char *command;
} Gesture;
@ -30,9 +40,10 @@ typedef struct {
/* Globals */
Gesture *gestsarr;
int gestsarrlen;
direction pendingstart, pendingend;
Swipe pendingswipe;
double xstart[MAXSLOTS], xend[MAXSLOTS], ystart[MAXSLOTS], yend[MAXSLOTS];
unsigned fingsdown = 0, fingspending = 0;
unsigned nfdown = 0, nfpendingswipe = 0;
struct timespec timedown;
die(char * msg)
@ -47,6 +58,57 @@ execcommand(char *c)
gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(double gestdegrees, double wantdegrees) {
return (
gestdegrees >= wantdegrees - degreesleniency &&
gestdegrees <= wantdegrees + degreesleniency
gesturecalculateswipe(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) {
double t, degrees, dist;
t = atan2(x1 - x0, y0 - y1);
degrees = 57.2957795130823209 * (t < 0 ? t + 6.2831853071795865 : t);
dist = sqrt(pow(x1 - x0, 2) + pow(y1 - y0, 2));
if (verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "Swipe distance=[%.2f]; degrees=[%.2f]\n", dist, degrees);
if (dist < distancethreshold) return -1;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 0)) return SwipeDU;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 45)) return SwipeDLUR;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 90)) return SwipeLR;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 135)) return SwipeULDR;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 180)) return SwipeUD;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 225)) return SwipeURDL;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 270)) return SwipeRL;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 315)) return SwipeDRUL;
else if (gesturecalculateswipewithindegrees(degrees, 360)) return SwipeDU;
return -1;
gestureexecute(Swipe swipe, int nfingers) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gestsarrlen; i++) {
if (verbose) {
"[Nfswipe/SwipeId]: Cfg (%d/%d) <=> Evt (%d/%d)\n",
gestsarr[i].nfswipe, gestsarr[i].swipe, nfingers, swipe
if (gestsarr[i].nfswipe == nfingers && gestsarr[i].swipe == swipe) {
if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Execute %s\n", gestsarr[i].command);
static int
libinputopenrestricted(const char *path, int flags, void *user_data)
@ -60,6 +122,25 @@ libinputcloserestricted(int fd, void *user_data)
swipereorient(Swipe swipe, int orientation) {
while (orientation > 0) {
switch(swipe) {
// 90deg per turn so: L->U, R->D, U->R, D->L
case SwipeDU: swipe = SwipeLR; break;
case SwipeDLUR: swipe = SwipeULDR; break;
case SwipeLR: swipe = SwipeUD; break;
case SwipeULDR: swipe = SwipeURDL; break;
case SwipeUD: swipe = SwipeRL; break;
case SwipeURDL: swipe = SwipeDRUL; break;
case SwipeRL: swipe = SwipeDU; break;
case SwipeDRUL: swipe = SwipeDLUR; break;
return swipe;
touchdown(struct libinput_event *e)
@ -68,10 +149,10 @@ touchdown(struct libinput_event *e)
tevent = libinput_event_get_touch_event(e);
slot = libinput_event_touch_get_slot(tevent);
xstart[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_x(tevent);
ystart[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_y(tevent);
if (nfdown == 0) clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &timedown);
@ -79,6 +160,7 @@ touchmotion(struct libinput_event *e)
struct libinput_event_touch *tevent;
int slot;
double x, y;
tevent = libinput_event_get_touch_event(e);
slot = libinput_event_touch_get_slot(tevent);
@ -86,83 +168,48 @@ touchmotion(struct libinput_event *e)
yend[slot] = libinput_event_touch_get_y(tevent);
resetslot(int slot) {
xend[slot] = NOMOTION;
yend[slot] = NOMOTION;
xstart[slot] = NOMOTION;
ystart[slot] = NOMOTION;
touchup(struct libinput_event *e)
struct libinput_event_touch *tevent;
direction start;
direction end;
int i;
int slot;
struct libinput_event_touch *tevent;
struct timespec now;
tevent = libinput_event_get_touch_event(e);
slot = libinput_event_touch_get_slot(tevent);
if (xend[slot] == INVALID || xstart[slot] == INVALID) return;
if (verbose) {
"(%d down fingers) (%d pending fingers) [start: x %lf y %lf] to [end x %lf y %lf]\n",
fingsdown, fingspending, xstart[slot], ystart[slot], xend[slot], yend[slot]
if (xend[slot] > xstart[slot] && fabs(xend[slot] - xstart[slot]) > threshold) {
start = Left;
end = Right;
} else if (xend[slot] < xstart[slot] && fabs(xend[slot] - xstart[slot]) > threshold) {
start = Right;
end = Left;
} else if (yend[slot] > ystart[slot] && fabs(yend[slot] - ystart[slot]) > threshold) {
start = Up;
end = Down;
} else if (yend[slot] < ystart[slot] && fabs(yend[slot] - ystart[slot]) > threshold) {
start = Down;
end = Up;
} else {
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "Input didn't match a known gesture\n");
start = INVALID;
end = INVALID;
if (fingspending == 0) {
pendingstart = start;
pendingend = end;
if (pendingstart == start && pendingend == end) {
xend[slot] = INVALID;
yend[slot] = INVALID;
xstart[slot] = INVALID;
ystart[slot] = INVALID;
if (fingsdown == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < gestsarrlen; i++) {
if (verbose) {
"[Fingers/Start/End]: Cfg (%d/%d/%d) <=> Evt (%d/%d/%d)\n",
gestsarr[i].nfingers, gestsarr[i].start, gestsarr[i].end,
fingspending, pendingstart, pendingend
if (
gestsarr[i].nfingers == fingspending &&
gestsarr[i].start == pendingstart &&
gestsarr[i].end == pendingend
) {
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, "Execute %s\n", gestsarr[i].command);
fingspending = 0;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now);
// E.g. invalid motion, it didn't begin/end from anywhere
if (
xstart[slot] == NOMOTION || ystart[slot] == NOMOTION ||
xend[slot] == NOMOTION || yend[slot] == NOMOTION
) return;
Swipe swipe = gesturecalculateswipe(
xstart[slot], ystart[slot], xend[slot], yend[slot]
if (nfpendingswipe == 0) pendingswipe = swipe;
if (pendingswipe == swipe) nfpendingswipe++;
// All fingers up - check if within milisecond limit, exec, & reset
if (nfdown == 0) {
if (
timeoutms >
((now.tv_sec - timedown.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (now.tv_nsec - timedown.tv_nsec) / 1000) / 1000
) gestureexecute(swipe, nfpendingswipe);
nfpendingswipe = 0;
@ -194,10 +241,10 @@ run()
// E.g. initially invalidate every slot
for (i = 0; i < MAXSLOTS; i++) {
xend[i] = INVALID;
yend[i] = INVALID;
xstart[i] = INVALID;
ystart[i] = INVALID;
xend[i] = NOMOTION;
yend[i] = NOMOTION;
xstart[i] = NOMOTION;
ystart[i] = NOMOTION;
@ -239,29 +286,36 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) {
device = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-t")) {
threshold = atoi(argv[++i]);
distancethreshold = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")) {
degreesleniency = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m")) {
timeoutms = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) {
orientation = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-g")) {
realloc(gestsarr, (gestsarrlen * sizeof(Gesture)));
gestpt = strtok(argv[++i], ",");
for (j = 0; gestpt != NULL && j < 4; gestpt = strtok(NULL, ","), j++) {
for (j = 0; gestpt != NULL && j < 3; gestpt = strtok(NULL, ","), j++) {
switch(j) {
case 0: gestsarr[gestsarrlen - 1].nfingers = atoi(gestpt); break;
case 0: gestsarr[gestsarrlen - 1].nfswipe = atoi(gestpt); break;
case 1:
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "l")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].start = Left;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "r")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].start = Right;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "d")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].start = Down;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "u")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].start = Up;
case 2:
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "l")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].end = Left;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "r")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].end = Right;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "d")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].end = Down;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "u")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].end = Up;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "LR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeLR;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "RL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeRL;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "DU")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeDU;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "UD")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeUD;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "DLUR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeDLUR;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "URDL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeURDL;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "ULDR")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeULDR;
if (!strcmp(gestpt, "DRUL")) gestsarr[gestsarrlen-1].swipe = SwipeDRUL;
case 3: gestsarr[gestsarrlen - 1].command = gestpt; break;
case 2: gestsarr[gestsarrlen - 1].command = gestpt; break;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "lisgd [-v] [-d /dev/input/0] [-o 0] [-t 200] [-r 20] [-m 400] [-g '1,LR,notify-send swiped left to right']\n");
@ -272,6 +326,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
memcpy(gestsarr, gestures, sizeof(gestures));
// Modify gestures swipes based on orientation provided
for (i = 0; i < gestsarrlen; i++)
gestsarr[i].swipe = swipereorient(gestsarr[i].swipe, orientation);
return 0;
