#!/usr/bin/env bash
getBlogSlug( ) {
echo " $1 " | sed 's/^content\//\//' | sed 's/.md$/.html/' | sed -E 's/[0-9]+-//'
blog( ) {
echo "Generating Blog pages"
[ ! -f "tmp/templates/tagList.html" ] && echo "No taglist file" | tee "tmp/templates/tagList.html" > /dev/stderr
local newer = ""
[ -f tmp/lastBlogUpdate ] && newer = "-newer tmp/lastBlogUpdate"
find content/ -type f -name '*.md' $newer | while read file; do
newFileName = $( getBlogSlug " $file " )
mkdir -p " public_html/ ${ newFileName %/* } "
pandoc --template= templates/blog.html -f markdown -t html5 " $file " > " public_html/ $newFileName "
touch tmp/lastBlogUpdate
makeIntro( ) {
local file = " $1 "
local output = " tmp/intros/ $file "
local rssoutput = " tmp/rss/ $file "
# We delete tmp each time the build script runs, so if the file exists, we have already generated one this time
[ -f " $output " ] && return 1
mkdir -p " ${ output %/* } "
mkdir -p " ${ rssoutput %/* } "
local info = " $( sed -n '/---/,/---/p' " $file " | sed '/^$/,$d' | sed -n '1,/---/p' | sed '/^---$/d' ) "
local slug = $( getBlogSlug " $file " )
local date = " $( echo " $info " | yq -r .date) "
local rfc822 = " $( date --utc -d " $date " "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" ) UT "
local tags = " $( echo " $info " | yq -r 'if ( .tags | type ) == "array" then .tags else [ .tags ] end | join("\n")' | awk '{print "<li>" $0 "</li>"}' ) "
local title = " $( echo " $info " | yq -r .title) "
local description = " $( echo " $info " | yq -r .description) "
echo " <article>
<h2><a href = '$slug' >$title </a></h2>
<div class = "article-details" >
<div class = "date" >
<p>$description </p>
<p><a href = '$slug' >Read More</a></p>
</article>" > " $output "
echo " <item>
<![ CDATA[ $title ] ] ></title>
<link>https://jonathanh.co.uk/$slug </link>
<guid isPermaLink = \" true\" >https://jonathanh.co.uk/$slug </guid>
<pubDate>$rfc822 </pubDate>
<description><![ CDATA[ $description ] ] ></description>
</item>" > " $rssoutput "
getIntro( ) {
local file = " $1 "
local output = " tmp/intros/ $file "
if [ " $2 " = "rss" ] ; then
local output = " tmp/rss/ $file "
makeIntro " $file "
cat " $output "
index( ) {
echo "Generating Home Page"
[ ! -f "tmp/templates/tagList.html" ] && echo "No taglist file" | tee "tmp/templates/tagList.html" > /dev/stderr
local template = " $( echo "" | pandoc --template= templates/blog.html -f markdown -t html5 -M frontpage 2> /dev/null ) "
# First loop makes all the intros needed and stores them in tmp/intros
find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do
makeIntro " $file " &
# Once they are created, we will put them in, in order
echo " $template " | sed -n '1,/#CONTENT#/p' | head -n -1
find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do
grep -Eq '^draft: true' " $file " || getIntro " $file "
echo " $template " | sed -n '/#CONTENT#/,$p' | sed '1d'
) > public_html/index.html
tagIndex( ) {
local tag = " $1 "
local title = " $( basename " $tag " ) "
[ ! -f "tmp/templates/tagList.html" ] && echo "No taglist file" | tee "tmp/templates/tagList.html" > /dev/stderr
local template = " $( echo "" | pandoc --template= templates/blog.html -f markdown -t html5 -M archive -M title:" $title Archive " 2> /dev/null ) "
cat " $1 " | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | while read file; do
makeIntro " $file " &
echo " $template " | sed -n '1,/#CONTENT#/p' | head -n -1
cat " $1 " | sort -r | while read file; do
getIntro " $file "
echo " $template " | sed -n '/#CONTENT#/,$p' | sed '1d'
html_tag_list( ) {
if [ -d "tmp/tag" ] ; then
echo "<ul class='taglist'>"
wc -l tmp/tag/* | head -n -1 | sort -nr | while read line; do
local link = $( echo " $line " | awk '{print $2 ".html"}' | sed 's/^tmp//' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr ' ' '-' )
local name = $( echo " $line " | sed 's/tmp\/tag\///' | awk '{print $2 " (" $1 ")"}' | tr '_' ' ' )
echo " <li><a href=' $link '> $name </a></li> "
echo "</ul>"
echo "Need to generate the taglist" > /dev/stderr
tags( ) {
echo "Generating Tags"
# Loops through each blog and puts it in tag lists, although only blogs that have changed
local newer = ""
[ -f tmp/lastTagUpdate ] && newer = "-newer tmp/lastTagUpdate"
find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' -not -name 'xxx-*' $newer | while read file; do
sed -n '/---/,/---/p' " $file " | sed -n '1,/---/p' | sed '/^---$/d' | sed '/^$/,$d' | yq -r 'if ( .tags | type ) == "array" then .tags else [ .tags ] end | join("\n")' | while read tag; do
tag = $( echo " $tag " | tr ' ' '_' )
# Adds the file to the tags list if it's not already in there
grep -q " $file " tmp/tag/" $tag " 2> /dev/null || echo " $file " >> tmp/tag/" $tag "
echo "Generating Taglist HTML"
html_tag_list > tmp/templates/tagList.html
# We should now have a folder with a text file for each tag containing each blog
echo "Generating Tag Index Pages"
find tmp/tag/ -type f $newer | while read tag; do
filename = " $( echo $tag | sed 's/^tmp//' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' ) .html "
tagIndex " $tag " > " public_html/ $filename "
touch tmp/lastTagUpdate
card( ) {
echo "Generating Card"
content/card.curl > public_html/card
rss( ) {
echo "Generating RSS Feed"
lastUpdate = " $( date --utc "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" ) UT "
# First loop makes all the intros needed and stores them in tmp/intros
find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do
makeIntro " $file " &
echo " <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<rss xmlns:dc= \" http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" xmlns:content= \" http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/\" xmlns:atom= \" http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\" version = \" 2.0\" >
<title><![ CDATA[ Jonathan Hodgson] ] ></title>
<description><![ CDATA[ Jonathan Hodgson' s Blog] ] ></description>
<lastBuildDate>$lastUpdate </lastBuildDate>"
find content/blog/ -type f -name '*.md' | grep -v 'xxx' | sort -r | head -n 20 | while read file; do
grep -Eq '^draft: true' " $file " || getIntro " $file " rss
echo "</channel></rss>" ;
) > public_html/feed.rss
clean( ) {
rm -rf tmp > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
# Don't remove the public_html folder or docker won't re-attach it
rm -rf public_html/*
# Make sure the folders we will need exist
mkdir -p public_html/{ blog,tag}
mkdir -p tmp/{ tag,templates,intros}
case " $1 " in
clean) clean ; ;
index) index ; ;
blog) blog ; ;
tags) tags ; ;
card) card ; ;
rss) rss ; ;
all) tags && blog && index && rss && card ; ;