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import { expect } from "chai";
import KeyQueue from '../../src/background/key-queue';
import * as actions from '../../src/shared/actions';
describe("keyQueue class", () => {
const KEYMAP = [
{ keys: [{ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G }, { code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G }],
action: [ actions.SCROLL_TOP ]},
{ keys: [{ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_J }],
action: [ actions.SCROLL_DOWN ]},
describe("#push", () => {
it("returns matched action", () => {
let queue = new KeyQueue(KEYMAP);
queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G });
let action = queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G });
expect(action).to.deep.equal([ actions.SCROLL_TOP ]);
it("returns null on no actions matched", () => {
let queue = new KeyQueue(KEYMAP);
queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G });
let action = queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_X });
describe("#queuedKeys", () => {
it("queues keys on matched actions exist", () => {
let queue = new KeyQueue(KEYMAP);
queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G });
it("flushs keys on no actions matched", () => {
let queue = new KeyQueue(KEYMAP);
queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_G });
queue.push({ code: KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_Z });