Add help pages from readme

Shin'ya UEOKA 5 years ago
parent c92d3ae708
commit 9db4794a88
  1. 21
  2. 92
  3. 9
  4. 97
  5. 52
  6. 27

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
title: Blacklist
# Blacklist
The blacklist allows you to disable the plugin for certain pages by URL patterns.
For instance, you could use `"*"` to disable the plugin on all Slack channels.
In addition, you can also specify path patterns, such as `"*"`.
"blacklist": [
You can toggle Vim Vixen between disabled and enabled with

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
title: Console commands
# Console commands
Vim Vixen provides a console for `ex`-style commands, similar to Vimperator.
Open the console with <kbd>:</kbd>. Or populate it with initial values using
<kbd>o</kbd>/<kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>/<kbd>T</kbd>, or
## `:open`
The `:open` command operates two different ways, depending on the parameter.
When the parameter is a URL, it's opened in the current tab.
Otherwise, the current tab opens a search page with the supplied string (defaults to Google).
:open How to contribute to Vim-Vixen
To use a search engine other than the default, specify the search engine to use as the first parameter.
:open yahoo How to contribute to Vim-Vixen
To adjust the default search-engine and add/remove search engines, see the [search engines](./search_engines.html) section.
## `:tabopen`
Open a URL or search-engine query in a new tab.
## `:quit` or `:q`
Close the current tab.
## `:quitall` or `:qa`
Close all tabs.
## `:bdelete`
Close a certain tab.
You can add `!` to the end of the command to close a tab even if it is pinned:
## `:bdeletes`
Close tabs matching the specified keywords.
You can add `!` to the end of the command to close pinned tabs:
## `:winopen`
Open a URL or search-engine query in a new window.
## `:buffer`
Select tabs by URL or title keywords.
## `:addbookmark`
Create a bookmark from the current URL.
:addbookmark My bookmark title
The keymap <kbd>a</kbd> is a convenient way to create a bookmark for the
current page. It populates the console with `:addbookmark` and the title of
the current page.
## `:set`
The `:set` command can be used to temporarily override properties in the
console. See the [properties](./properties.html) section for more details on
the available properties.

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
title: Vim Vixen
# Vim Vixen # Vim Vixen
Vim Vixen is a Firefox add-on which allows you to easily navigate the web by Vim Vixen is a Firefox add-on which allows you to easily navigate the web by
keyboard. Since version 57, Firefox has migrated to the WebExtensions API and keyboard. Since version 57, Firefox has migrated to the WebExtensions API and
has dropped support for legacy add-ons. Vim Vixen is a new choice for Vim users has dropped support for legacy add-ons. Vim Vixen is a new choice for Vim users
since it uses the WebExtensions API. since it uses the WebExtensions API.
## Related links
- [Vim Vixen - GitHub](
- [Vim Vixen - Firefox Add-ons](

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
title: Keymaps
# Keymaps
Keymaps are configurable in the add-on's preferences by navigating to `about:addons` and selecting "Extensions".
The default mappings are as follows:
## Console
- <kbd>:</kbd>: open the console
- <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>: open a page in the current tab, a new tab, or new window
- <kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>T</kbd>, <kbd>W</kbd>: similar to <kbd>o</kbd>, <kbd>t</kbd>, <kbd>w</kbd>, but using the current URL
- <kbd>b</kbd>: select tabs by URL or title
- <kbd>a</kbd>: add the current page to your bookmarks
See the [console commands](./console_commands.html) section for a more detailed description.
## Tabs
- <kbd>d</kbd>: delete the current tab and select the tab to its right
- <kbd>D</kbd>: delete the current tab and select the tab to its left
- <kbd>!</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>: delete a pinned tab
- <kbd>u</kbd>: reopen a close tab
- <kbd>r</kbd>: reload the current tab
- <kbd>R</kbd>: reload the current tab, bypassing the cache
- <kbd>K</kbd> or <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>T</kbd>: select the previous tab
- <kbd>J</kbd> or <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>t</kbd>: select the next tab
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>0</kbd>: select the first tab
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>$</kbd>: select the last tab
- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>6</kbd>: open the previously-selected tab
- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>p</kbd>: pin the curent tab tab
- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>: duplicate the current tab
## Scrolling
- <kbd>k</kbd>: scroll up
- <kbd>j</kbd>: scroll down
- <kbd>h</kbd>: scroll left
- <kbd>l</kbd>: scroll right
- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>U</kbd>: scroll up half a page
- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>D</kbd>: scroll down half a page
- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>B</kbd>: scroll up a page
- <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd>: scroll down a page
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>g</kbd>: scroll to the top of a page
- <kbd>G</kbd>: scroll to the bottom of a page
- <kbd>0</kbd>: scroll to the leftmost part of a page
- <kbd>$</kbd>: scroll to the rightmost part of a page
- <kbd>m</kbd>: set a mark for the current position
- <kbd>'</kbd>: jump to a marked position
Lowercase marks (`[a-z]`) store the position of the current tab. Uppercase and
numeric marks (`[A-Z0-9]`) store the position and the tab.
## Zoom
- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>: zoom in
- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>: zoom out
- <kbd>z</kbd><kbd>z</kbd>: zoom neutral (reset)
## Navigation
- <kbd>f</kbd>: follow links in the page in the current tab
- <kbd>F</kbd>: follow links in the page in a new tab
- <kbd>H</kbd>: go back in history
- <kbd>L</kbd>: go forward in history
- <kbd>[</kbd><kbd>[</kbd>, <kbd>]</kbd><kbd>]</kbd>: find a link to the previous/next page and open it
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>u</kbd>: go to the parent directory
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>U</kbd>: go to the root directory
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>i</kbd>: focus the first input field
Vim Vixen can be configured to follow links opened in tabs in the background
instead of switching to a new tab immediately. To do this, you'll need to update
the config file: change the `"background"` property of the `"follow.start"`
action to `true`, e.g.:
"keymaps": {
"F": { "type": "follow.start", "newTab": true, "background": true }
## Misc
- <kbd>y</kbd>: copy the URL of the current tab to the clipboard
- <kbd>p</kbd>: open the clipboard's URL in the current tab
- <kbd>P</kbd>: open the clipboard's URL in new tab
- <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Esc</kbd>: enable or disable the add-on in the current tab
- <kbd>/</kbd>: start searching for text in the page
- <kbd>n</kbd>: find the next search result in the page
- <kbd>N</kbd>: find the previous search result in the page
- <kbd>g</kbd><kbd>f</kbd>: view the source of the current tab

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
title: Properties
# Properties
Vim Vixen can be configured by defining settings in a JSON document, e.g.:
"properties": {
"complete": "sbh"
Properties can be temporarily overridden by using the `:set` command in the
The following properties are available:
## `smoothscroll`
Enable/disable smooth scrolling.
:set smoothscroll " enable smooth scrolling
:set nosmoothscroll " disable smooth scrolling
## `hintchars`
Set hint characters.
:set hintchars=0123456789
## `complete`
Set completion items on `open`, `tabopen`, and `winopen` commands.
The allowed value is character sequence of `s`, `b`, or `h`.
Hit <kbd>Tab</kbd> or <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Tab</kbd> to select an item from the completion list.
Each character represents the following:
- `s`: search engines
- `b`: bookmark items
- `h`: history items.
:set complete=sbh

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
title: Search engines
# Search engines
Vim Vixen supports searching with search engines such as Google and Yahoo.
You can configure search engines, including the default search engine, in the add-on's preferences.
The URLs specified in `"engines"` must contain a `{}`-placeholder, which will be
replaced with the search keyword parameters of the command.
"search": {
"default": "google",
"engines": {
"google": "{}",
"yahoo": "{}",
"bing": "{}",
"duckduckgo": "{}",
"twitter": "{}",
"wikipedia": "{}"