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import * as keys from './keys';
import * as inputActions from '../actions/input';
import * as operationActions from '../actions/operation';
import * as commandActions from '../actions/command';
import * as consoleActions from '../actions/console';
import * as tabActions from '../actions/tab';
import reducers from '../reducers';
import messages from '../messages';
7 years ago
import * as store from '../store';
let prevInput = [];
7 years ago
const backgroundStore = store.createStore(reducers, (e, sender) => {
console.error('Vim-Vixen:', e);
if (sender) {
backgroundStore.dispatch(consoleActions.showError(e.message), sender);
backgroundStore.subscribe((sender) => {
7 years ago
let currentInput = backgroundStore.getState().input;
if (JSON.stringify(prevInput) === JSON.stringify(currentInput)) {
7 years ago
prevInput = currentInput;
if (currentInput.keys.length === 0) {
if (sender) {
return keyQueueChanged(backgroundStore.getState(), sender);
backgroundStore.subscribe((sender) => {
if (sender) {
return browser.tabs.sendMessage(, {
type: messages.STATE_UPDATE,
state: backgroundStore.getState()
const keyQueueChanged = (state, sender) => {
let prefix = keys.asKeymapChars(state.input.keys);
7 years ago
let matched = Object.keys(keys.defaultKeymap).filter((keyStr) => {
return keyStr.startsWith(prefix);
7 years ago
if (matched.length === 0) {
backgroundStore.dispatch(inputActions.clearKeys(), sender);
return Promise.resolve();
7 years ago
} else if (matched.length > 1 ||
matched.length === 1 && prefix !== matched[0]) {
return Promise.resolve();
let action = keys.defaultKeymap[matched];
backgroundStore.dispatch(operationActions.exec(action,, sender);
backgroundStore.dispatch(inputActions.clearKeys(), sender);
const handleMessage = (message, sender) => {
switch (message.type) {
case messages.KEYDOWN:
7 years ago
return backgroundStore.dispatch(
inputActions.keyPress(message.code, message.ctrl), sender);
case messages.OPEN_URL:
if (message.newTab) {
return backgroundStore.dispatch(
tabActions.openNewTab(message.url), sender);
return backgroundStore.dispatch(
tabActions.openToTab(message.url,, sender);
case messages.CONSOLE_BLURRED:
7 years ago
return backgroundStore.dispatch(
consoleActions.hide(), sender);
case messages.CONSOLE_ENTERED:
7 years ago
return backgroundStore.dispatch(
commandActions.exec(message.text), sender);
case messages.CONSOLE_CHANGEED:
7 years ago
return backgroundStore.dispatch(
commandActions.complete(message.text), sender);
7 years ago
browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender) => {
try {
handleMessage(message, sender);
} catch (e) {
backgroundStore.dispatch(consoleActions.showError(e.message), sender);