Remove additional files

Rob Glew 7 years ago
parent 06defd68df
commit b5a7a93853
  1. 117
  2. 163

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
// An interface which represents a job to be done by the pool
type Job interface {
Run() // Start the job
Abort() // Abort any work that needs to be completed and close the DoneChannel
DoneChannel() chan struct{} // Returns a channel that is closed when the job is done
// An interface which represents a pool of workers doing jobs
type JobPool struct {
MaxThreads int
jobQueue chan Job
jobQueueDone chan struct{}
jobQueueAborted chan struct{}
jobQueueShutDown chan struct{}
func NewJobPool(maxThreads int) *JobPool {
q := JobPool{
MaxThreads: maxThreads,
jobQueue: make(chan Job),
jobQueueDone: make(chan struct{}), // Closing will shut down workers and reject any incoming work
jobQueueAborted: make(chan struct{}), // Closing tells workers to abort
jobQueueShutDown: make(chan struct{}), // Closed when all workers are shut down
return &q
func (q *JobPool) RunJob(j Job) error {
select {
case <-q.jobQueueDone:
return fmt.Errorf("job queue closed")
q.jobQueue <- j
return nil
func (q *JobPool) Run() {
if q.MaxThreads > 0 {
// Create pool of routines that read from the queue and run jobs
var w sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < q.MaxThreads; i++ {
go func() {
defer w.Done()
for {
select {
case job := <-q.jobQueue:
go func() {
select {
case <-job.DoneChannel(): // The job finishes normally
case <-q.jobQueueAborted: // We have to abort the job
job.Abort() // Tell the job to abort
<-job.DoneChannel() // Wait for the job to abort
case <-q.jobQueueDone:
// We're done and out of jobs, quit
close(q.jobQueueShutDown) // Flag that the workers quit
w.Wait() // Wait for workers to quit
close(q.jobQueueShutDown) // Flag that all workers quit
} else {
// Create a thread any time we pull something out of the job queue
for {
select {
case job := <-q.jobQueue:
go func() {
go func() {
select {
case <-job.DoneChannel(): // The job finishes normally
case <-q.jobQueueAborted: // We have to abort the job
job.Abort() // Tell the job to abort
<-job.DoneChannel() // Wait for the job to abort
case <-q.jobQueueDone:
close(q.jobQueueShutDown) // Flag that the workers quit
func (q *JobPool) Abort() {
close(q.jobQueueDone) // Stop accepting jobs and tell the workers to quit
close(q.jobQueueAborted) // Tell the workers to abort
<-q.jobQueueShutDown // Wait for all the workers to shut down
close(q.jobQueue) // Clean up the job queue
func (q *JobPool) CompleteAndClose() {
close(q.jobQueueDone) // Stop accepting jobs and tell the workers to quit
<-q.jobQueueShutDown // Wait for all the workers to shut down
close(q.jobQueue) // Clean up the job queue
close(q.jobQueueAborted) // Clean up abort channel

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
var logBanner string = `
.--. .---.
/:. '. .' .. '._.---.
/:::-. \.-"""-;' .-:::. .::\
/::'| '\/ _ _ \' '\:' ::::|
__.' | / (o|o) \ ''. ':/
/ .:. / | ___ | '---'
| ::::' /: (._.) .:\
\ .=' |:' :::|
'""' \ .-. ':/
type listenArg struct {
Type string
Addr string
func quitErr(msg string) {
func checkErr(err error) {
if err != nil {
func parseListenString(lstr string) (*listenArg, error) {
args := strings.SplitN(lstr, ":", 2)
if len(args) != 2 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid listener. Must be in the form of \"tye:addr\"")
argStruct := &listenArg{
Type: strings.ToLower(args[0]),
Addr: args[1],
if argStruct.Type != "tcp" && argStruct.Type != "unix" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid listener type: %s", argStruct.Type)
return argStruct, nil
func unixAddr() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/proxy.%d.%d.sock", os.TempDir(), os.Getpid(), time.Now().UnixNano())
var mln net.Listener
var logger *log.Logger
func cleanup() {
if mln != nil {
var MainLogger *log.Logger
func main() {
defer cleanup()
// Handle signals
sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigc, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
if logger != nil {
logger.Println("Caught signal. Cleaning up.")
msgListenStr := flag.String("msglisten", "", "Listener for the message handler. Examples: \"tcp::8080\", \"tcp:\", \"unix:/tmp/foobar\"")
// storageFname := flag.String("storage", "", "Datafile to use for storage")
// inMemStorage := flag.Bool("inmem", false, "Set flag to store messages in memroy rather than use a datafile")
autoListen := flag.Bool("msgauto", false, "Automatically pick and open a unix or tcp socket for the message listener")
debugFlag := flag.Bool("dbg", false, "Enable debug logging")
if *debugFlag {
logfile, err := os.OpenFile("log.log", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
logger = log.New(logfile, "[*] ", log.Lshortfile)
} else {
logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "[*] ", log.Lshortfile)
MainLogger = logger
// Parse arguments to structs
if *msgListenStr == "" && *autoListen == false {
quitErr("message listener address or `--msgauto` required")
if *msgListenStr != "" && *autoListen == true {
quitErr("only one of listener address or `--msgauto` can be used")
// Create the message listener
var listenStr string
if *msgListenStr != "" {
msgAddr, err := parseListenString(*msgListenStr)
if msgAddr.Type == "tcp" {
var err error
mln, err = net.Listen("tcp", msgAddr.Addr)
} else if msgAddr.Type == "unix" {
var err error
mln, err = net.Listen("unix", msgAddr.Addr)
} else {
quitErr("unsupported listener type:" + msgAddr.Type)
listenStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", msgAddr.Type, msgAddr.Addr)
} else {
fpath := unixAddr()
ulisten, err := net.Listen("unix", fpath)
if err == nil {
mln = ulisten
listenStr = fmt.Sprintf("unix:%s", fpath)
} else {
tcplisten, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
quitErr("unable to open any messaging ports")
mln = tcplisten
listenStr = fmt.Sprintf("tcp:%s", tcplisten.Addr().String())
// Set up the intercepting proxy
iproxy := NewInterceptingProxy(logger)
iproxy.AddHTTPHandler("puppy", WebUIHandler)
// Create a message server and have it serve for the iproxy
mserv := NewProxyMessageListener(logger, iproxy)
mserv.Serve(mln) // serve until killed