A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

431 lines
13 KiB

import crochet
import datetime
import json
import pappyproxy
import pygments
import pprint
import shlex
import urllib
from pappyproxy.console import load_reqlist, print_table, print_request_rows, get_req_data_row
from pappyproxy.util import PappyException, utc2local
from pappyproxy.http import Request, repeatable_parse_qs
from twisted.internet import defer
from pappyproxy.plugin import main_context_ids
from pappyproxy.colors import Colors, Styles, verb_color, scode_color, path_formatter, host_color
from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
from pygments.lexers.data import JsonLexer
## Helper functions
def view_full_message(request, headers_only=False):
if headers_only:
print request.headers_section_pretty
print request.full_message_pretty
def print_request_extended(request):
# Prints extended info for the request
title = "Request Info (reqid=%s)" % request.reqid
print Styles.TABLE_HEADER + title + Colors.ENDC
reqlen = len(request.body)
reqlen = '%d bytes' % reqlen
rsplen = 'No response'
mangle_str = 'Nothing mangled'
if request.unmangled:
mangle_str = 'Request'
if request.response:
response_code = str(request.response.response_code) + \
' ' + request.response.response_text
response_code = scode_color(response_code) + response_code + Colors.ENDC
rsplen = len(request.response.body)
rsplen = '%d bytes' % rsplen
if request.response.unmangled:
if mangle_str == 'Nothing mangled':
mangle_str = 'Response'
mangle_str += ' and Response'
response_code = ''
time_str = '--'
if request.time_start and request.time_end:
time_delt = request.time_end - request.time_start
time_str = "%.2f sec" % time_delt.total_seconds()
if request.is_ssl:
is_ssl = 'YES'
is_ssl = 'NO'
if request.time_start:
dtobj = utc2local(request.time_start)
time_made_str = dtobj.strftime('%a, %b %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p')
time_made_str = '--'
verb = verb_color(request.verb) + request.verb + Colors.ENDC
host = host_color(request.host) + request.host + Colors.ENDC
print_pairs = []
print_pairs.append(('Made on', time_made_str))
print_pairs.append(('ID', request.reqid))
print_pairs.append(('Verb', verb))
print_pairs.append(('Host', host))
print_pairs.append(('Path', path_formatter(request.full_path)))
print_pairs.append(('Status Code', response_code))
print_pairs.append(('Request Length', reqlen))
print_pairs.append(('Response Length', rsplen))
if request.response and request.response.unmangled:
print_pairs.append(('Unmangled Response Length', len(request.response.unmangled.full_response)))
print_pairs.append(('Time', time_str))
print_pairs.append(('Port', request.port))
print_pairs.append(('SSL', is_ssl))
print_pairs.append(('Mangled', mangle_str))
print_pairs.append(('Tags', ', '.join(request.tags)))
if request.plugin_data:
print_pairs.append(('Plugin Data', request.plugin_data))
for k, v in print_pairs:
print Styles.KV_KEY+str(k)+': '+Styles.KV_VAL+str(v)
def print_tree(tree):
# Prints a tree. Takes in a sorted list of path tuples
_print_tree_helper(tree, 0, [])
def pretty_print_body(fmt, body):
if fmt.lower() == 'json':
d = json.loads(body.strip())
s = json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
print pygments.highlight(s, JsonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())
elif fmt.lower() == 'form':
qs = repeatable_parse_qs(body)
for k, v in qs.all_pairs():
s = Colors.GREEN
s += '%s: ' % urllib.unquote(k)
s += Colors.ENDC
s += urllib.unquote(v)
print s
raise PappyException('"%s" is not a valid format' % fmt)
except PappyException as e:
raise e
raise PappyException('Body could not be parsed as "%s"' % fmt)
def _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, last):
if depth == 0:
return u''
ret = u''
pb = print_bars + [True]
for i in range(depth):
if pb[i]:
ret += u'\u2502 '
ret += u' '
if last:
ret += u'\u2514\u2500\u2500 '
ret += u'\u251c\u2500\u2500 '
return ret
def _print_tree_helper(tree, depth, print_bars):
# Takes in a tree and prints it at the given depth
if tree == [] or tree == [()]:
while tree[0] == ():
tree = tree[1:]
if tree == [] or tree == [()]:
if len(tree) == 1 and len(tree[0]) == 1:
print _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars + [False], True) + tree[0][0]
curkey = tree[0][0]
subtree = []
for row in tree:
if row[0] != curkey:
if curkey == '':
curkey = '/'
print _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, False) + curkey
if depth == 0:
_print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [False])
_print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [True])
curkey = row[0]
subtree = []
if curkey == '':
curkey = '/'
print _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, True) + curkey
_print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [False])
## Command functions
def list_reqs(line):
List the most recent in-context requests. By default shows the most recent 25
Usage: list [a|num]
If `a` is given, all the in-context requests are shown. If a number is given,
that many requests will be shown.
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) > 0:
if args[0][0].lower() == 'a':
print_count = -1
print_count = int(args[0])
print "Please enter a valid argument for list"
print_count = 25
rows = []
ids = yield main_context_ids(print_count)
for i in ids:
req = yield Request.load_request(i)
def view_request_info(line):
View information about request
Usage: view_request_info <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqids = args[0]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqids)
for req in reqs:
print ''
print ''
def view_request_headers(line):
View the headers of the request
Usage: view_request_headers <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid)
for req in reqs:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
view_full_message(req, True)
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*30
print ''
def view_full_request(line):
View the full data of the request
Usage: view_full_request <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid)
for req in reqs:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*30
print ''
def view_request_bytes(line):
View the raw bytes of the request. Use this if you want to redirect output to a file.
Usage: view_request_bytes <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid)
for req in reqs:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
print req.full_message
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*30
print ''
def pretty_print_request(line):
Print the body of the request pretty printed.
Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) < 2:
raise PappyException("Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>")
reqids = args[1]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqids)
for req in reqs:
pretty_print_body(args[0], req.body)
def view_response_headers(line):
View the headers of the response
Usage: view_response_headers <reqid(s)>
reqs = yield load_reqlist(line)
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15
view_full_message(req.response, True)
print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid
def view_full_response(line):
View the full data of the response associated with a request
Usage: view_full_response <reqid>
reqs = yield load_reqlist(line)
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15
print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid
def view_response_bytes(line):
View the full data of the response associated with a request
Usage: view_request_bytes <reqid(s)>
reqs = yield load_reqlist(line)
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
if len(reqs) > 1:
print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15
print req.response.full_message
print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid
def pretty_print_response(line):
Print the body of the request pretty printed.
Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>
args = shlex.split(line)
if len(args) < 2:
raise PappyException("Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>")
reqids = args[1]
reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqids)
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
pretty_print_body(args[0], req.response.body)
print 'No response associated with request %s' % req.reqid
def dump_response(line):
Dump the data of the response to a file.
Usage: dump_response <id> <filename>
# dump the data of a response
args = shlex.split(line)
reqid = args[0]
req = yield Request.load_request(reqid)
rsp = req.response
if len(args) >= 2:
fname = args[1]
fname = req.path.split('/')[-1]
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
print 'Response data written to %s' % fname
def site_map(line):
Print the site map. Only includes requests in the current context.
Usage: site_map
ids = yield main_context_ids()
paths_set = set()
for reqid in ids:
req = yield Request.load_request(reqid)
if req.response and req.response.response_code != 404:
tree = sorted(list(paths_set))
## Plugin hooks
def load_cmds(cmd):
'list': (list_reqs, None),
'view_request_info': (view_request_info, None),
'view_request_headers': (view_request_headers, None),
'view_full_request': (view_full_request, None),
'view_request_bytes': (view_request_bytes, None),
'pretty_print_request': (pretty_print_request, None),
'view_response_headers': (view_response_headers, None),
'view_full_response': (view_full_response, None),
'view_response_bytes': (view_response_bytes, None),
'pretty_print_response': (pretty_print_response, None),
'site_map': (site_map, None),
'dump_response': (dump_response, None),
('list', 'ls'),
('view_request_info', 'viq'),
('view_request_headers', 'vhq'),
('view_full_request', 'vfq'),
('view_request_bytes', 'vbq'),
('pretty_print_request', 'ppq'),
('view_response_headers', 'vhs'),
('view_full_response', 'vfs'),
('view_response_bytes', 'vbs'),
('pretty_print_response', 'pps'),
('site_map', 'sm'),
#('dump_response', 'dr'),