A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import crochet
import glob
import pappyproxy
import scrypt
import twisted
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from cryptography import Fernet
from os import getcwd, sep, path, remove, urandom
from pappyproxy.plugins import compress
from pappyproxy.plugins.misc import CryptoCompressUtils as ccu
def encrypt_project(passwd):
Compress and encrypt the project files, deleting clear-text files afterwards
# Derive the key
key = crypto_ramp_up(passwd)
# Instantiate the crypto module
fern = Fernet(key)
archive = None
if path.is_file(ZIPFILE):
archive = open(ccu.ZIPFILE, 'rb')
archive = open(ccu.BZ2FILE, 'rb')
archive_crypt = open(ccu.CRYPTFILE, 'wb')
# Encrypt the archive read as a bytestring
crypt_token = fern.encrypt(archive)
# Delete clear-text files
def decrypt_project(passwd):
Decompress and decrypt the project files
# Derive the key
key = crypto_ramp_up(passwd)
fern = Fernet(key)
archive_crypt = open(ccu.CRYPTFILE, 'rb')
archive = fern.decrypt(archive_crypt)
def crypto_ramp_up(passwd):
salt = ""
if path.isfile(ccu.SALTFILE):
salt = get_salt()
salt = create_salt()
key = derive_key(passwd, salt)
return key
def delete_clear_files():
Deletes all clear-text files left in the project directory.
project_files = ccu.get_project_files()
for pf in project_files:
def delete_crypt_files():
Deletes all encrypted-text files in the project directory.
Forces generation of new salt after opening and closing the project.
Adds security in the case of a one-time compromise of the system.
def create_salt():
salt = b64encode(urandom(16))
salt_file = open(ccu.SALTFILE, 'wb')
return salt
def get_salt():
salt_file = open(ccu.SALTFILE, 'rb')
salt = b64decode(salt_file.readline())
raise PappyException("Unable to read pappy.salt")
return salt
def get_password():
Retrieve password from the user. Raise an exception if the
password is not capable of base64 encoding.
encode_passwd = ""
passwd = raw_input("Enter a password: ")
encode_passwd = b64encode(passwd.encode("utf-8"))
raise PappyException("Invalid password, try again")
return encode_passwd
def derive_key(passwd, salt):
Derive a key sufficient for use as a cryptographic key
used to encrypt the project (currently: cryptography.Fernet).
cryptography.Fernet utilizes AES-CBC-128, requiring a 32-byte key.
Parameter notes from the py-scrypt source-code:
Compute scrypt(password, salt, N, r, p, buflen).
The parameters r, p, and buflen must satisfy r * p < 2^30 and
buflen <= (2^32 - 1) * 32. The parameter N must be a power of 2
greater than 1. N, r and p must all be positive.
Notes for Python 2:
- `password` and `salt` must be str instances
- The result will be a str instance
Notes for Python 3:
- `password` and `salt` can be both str and bytes. If they are str
instances, they wil be encoded with utf-8.
- The result will be a bytes instance
Exceptions raised:
- TypeError on invalid input
- scrypt.error if scrypt failed
derived_key = ""
dkey = scrypt.hash(passwd, salt, bufflen=32)
except e:
raise PappyException("Error deriving the key: ", e)
return derived_key
def cryptocmd(line):
Encrypt/Decrypt local project directory
Usage: pappy -e
Pappy will create a compressed archive of local project files.
The archive file is encrypted using the cryptography.Fernet module,
a user-supplied password and the scrypt key-derivation function.
cryptography.Fernet uses AES-CBC-128 with HMAC256. This is merely
a starting point, and any help implementing a stronger crypto-system
is very welcome. Development is geared toward using
AES-256-GCM as the AEAD encryption mode to eliminate the need for Fernet and HMAC256.
SCrypt will still be used as the key derivation function until a public-key encryption
scheme is developed.
See Encryption section of README.md for more information.
if isinstance(line, str):
args = crochet.split(line)
## Encryption mode (Encrypt=0, Decrypt=1)
## Set internally depending if plugin is called during pappy startup or shutdown
mode = args[0]
## Request the pasword from the user
passwd = get_passwd()
if mode == ccu.ENCRYPT:
elif mode == ccu.DECRYPT:
raise PappyException("Incorrect crypto mode")