A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
5.8 KiB

import crochet
import pappyproxy
from pappyproxy.console import confirm
from pappyproxy.util import PappyException
from pappyproxy.http import Request
from twisted.internet import defer
class BuiltinFilters(object):
_filters = {
'not_image': (
['path nctr "(\.png$|\.jpg$|\.gif$)"'],
'Filter out image requests',
'not_jscss': (
['path nctr "(\.js$|\.css$)"'],
'Filter out javascript and css files',
def get(name):
if name not in BuiltinFilters._filters:
raise PappyException('%s not a bult in filter' % name)
if name in BuiltinFilters._filters:
filters = [pappyproxy.context.Filter(f) for f in BuiltinFilters._filters[name][0]]
for f in filters:
yield f.generate()
raise PappyException('"%s" is not a built-in filter' % name)
def list():
return [k for k, v in BuiltinFilters._filters.iteritems()]
def help(name):
if name not in BuiltinFilters._filters:
raise PappyException('"%s" is not a built-in filter' % name)
return pappyproxy.context.Filter(BuiltinFilters._filters[name][1])
def filtercmd(line):
Apply a filter to the current context
Usage: filter <filter string>
See README.md for information on filter strings
if not line:
raise PappyException("Filter string required")
filter_to_add = pappyproxy.context.Filter(line)
yield filter_to_add.generate()
def complete_builtin_filter(text, line, begidx, endidx):
all_names = BuiltinFilters.list()
if not text:
ret = all_names[:]
ret = [n for n in all_names if n.startswith(text)]
return ret
def builtin_filter(line):
if not line:
raise PappyException("Filter name required")
filters_to_add = yield BuiltinFilters.get(line)
for f in filters_to_add:
print f.filter_string
yield pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.add_filter(f)
def filter_up(line):
Remove the last applied filter
Usage: filter_up
def filter_clear(line):
Reset the context so that it contains no filters (ignores scope)
Usage: filter_clear
def filter_list(line):
Print the filters that make up the current context
Usage: filter_list
for f in pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.active_filters:
print f.filter_string
def scope_save(line):
Set the scope to be the current context. Saved between launches
Usage: scope_save
yield pappyproxy.context.store_scope(pappyproxy.http.dbpool)
def scope_reset(line):
Set the context to be the scope (view in-scope items)
Usage: scope_reset
yield pappyproxy.context.reset_to_scope(pappyproxy.pappy.main_context)
def scope_delete(line):
Delete the scope so that it contains all request/response pairs
Usage: scope_delete
yield pappyproxy.context.store_scope(pappyproxy.http.dbpool)
def scope_list(line):
Print the filters that make up the scope
Usage: scope_list
def filter_prune(line):
Delete all out of context requests from the data file.
CANNOT BE UNDONE!! Be careful!
Usage: filter_prune
# Delete filtered items from datafile
print ''
print 'Currently active filters:'
for f in pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.active_filters:
print '> %s' % f.filter_string
# We copy so that we're not removing items from a set we're iterating over
act_reqs = yield pappyproxy.pappy.main_context.get_reqs()
inact_reqs = Request.cache.all_ids.difference(set(act_reqs))
inact_reqs = inact_reqs.difference(set(Request.cache.unmangled_ids))
message = 'This will delete %d/%d requests. You can NOT undo this!! Continue?' % (len(inact_reqs), (len(inact_reqs) + len(act_reqs)))
if not confirm(message, 'n'):
for reqid in inact_reqs:
req = yield pappyproxy.http.Request.load_request(reqid)
yield req.deep_delete()
except PappyException as e:
print e
print 'Deleted %d requests' % len(inact_reqs)
## Plugin hooks
def load_cmds(cmd):
'filter_prune': (filter_prune, None),
'scope_list': (scope_list, None),
'scope_delete': (scope_delete, None),
'scope_reset': (scope_reset, None),
'scope_save': (scope_save, None),
'filter_list': (filter_list, None),
'filter_clear': (filter_clear, None),
'filter_up': (filter_up, None),
'builtin_filter': (builtin_filter, complete_builtin_filter),
'filter': (filtercmd, None),
#('filter_prune', ''),
('scope_list', 'sls'),
#('scope_delete', ''),
('scope_reset', 'sr'),
#('scope_save', ''),
('filter_list', 'fls'),
('filter_clear', 'fc'),
('filter_up', 'fu'),
('builtin_filter', 'fbi'),
('filter', 'f'),
('filter', 'fl'),