A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

154 lines
5.2 KiB

Contains helpers for interacting with the console. Includes definition for the
class that is used to run the console.
import atexit
import cmd2
import os
import readline
import string
from .util import PappyException
from .colors import Colors
## Helper functions
def print_pappy_errors(func):
def catch(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
except PappyException as e:
print str(e)
return catch
## Classes
class ProxyCmd(cmd2.Cmd):
An object representing the console interface. Provides methods to add
commands and aliases to the console.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# the \x01/\x02 are to make the prompt behave properly with the readline library
self.prompt = 'pappy\x01' + Colors.YELLOW + '\x02> \x01' + Colors.ENDC + '\x02'
self.debug = True
self.session = kwargs['session']
del kwargs['session']
self._cmds = {}
self._aliases = {}
if os.path.exists('cmdhistory'):
if self.session.config.histsize != 0:
cmd2.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __dir__(self):
# Hack to get cmd2 to detect that we can run a command
ret = set(dir(self.__class__))
ret.update(['do_'+k for k in self._cmds.keys()])
ret.update(['help_'+k for k in self._cmds.keys()])
ret.update(['complete_'+k for k, v in self._cmds.iteritems() if self._cmds[k][1]])
for k, v in self._aliases.iteritems():
ret.add('do_' + k)
ret.add('help_' + k)
if self._cmds[self._aliases[k]][1]:
return sorted(ret)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
def gen_helpfunc(func):
def f():
if not func.__doc__:
to_print = 'No help exists for function'
lines = func.__doc__.splitlines()
if len(lines) > 0 and lines[0] == '':
lines = lines[1:]
if len(lines) > 0 and lines[-1] == '':
lines = lines[-1:]
to_print = '\n'.join(string.lstrip(l) for l in lines)
print to_print
return f
if attr.startswith('do_'):
command = attr[3:]
if command in self._cmds:
return print_pappy_errors(self._cmds[command][0])
elif command in self._aliases:
real_command = self._aliases[command]
if real_command in self._cmds:
return print_pappy_errors(self._cmds[real_command][0])
elif attr.startswith('help_'):
command = attr[5:]
if command in self._cmds:
return gen_helpfunc(self._cmds[command][0])
elif command in self._aliases:
real_command = self._aliases[command]
if real_command in self._cmds:
return gen_helpfunc(self._cmds[real_command][0])
elif attr.startswith('complete_'):
command = attr[9:]
if command in self._cmds:
if self._cmds[command][1]:
return self._cmds[command][1]
elif command in self._aliases:
real_command = self._aliases[command]
if real_command in self._cmds:
if self._cmds[real_command][1]:
return self._cmds[real_command][1]
raise AttributeError(attr)
def save_histfile(self):
# Write the command to the history file
if self.session.config.histsize != 0:
def get_names(self):
# Hack to get cmd to recognize do_/etc functions as functions for things
# like autocomplete
return dir(self)
def set_cmd(self, command, func, autocomplete_func=None):
Add a command to the console.
self._cmds[command] = (func, autocomplete_func)
def set_cmds(self, cmd_dict):
Set multiple commands from a dictionary. Format is:
{'command': (do_func, autocomplete_func)}
Use autocomplete_func=None for no autocomplete function
for command, vals in cmd_dict.iteritems():
do_func, ac_func = vals
self.set_cmd(command, do_func, ac_func)
def add_alias(self, command, alias):
Add an alias for a command.
ie add_alias("foo", "f") will let you run the 'foo' command with 'f'
self._aliases[alias] = command
def add_aliases(self, alias_list):
Pass in a list of tuples to add them all as aliases.
ie add_aliases([('foo', 'f'), ('foo', 'fo')]) will add 'f' and 'fo' as
aliases for 'foo'
for command, alias in alias_list:
self.add_alias(command, alias)