A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
7.5 KiB

9 years ago
import pytest
import mock
import pappyproxy
from pappyproxy.mangle import async_mangle_request, async_mangle_response
from pappyproxy.http import Request, Response
from testutil import no_tcp, no_database, func_deleted, mock_deferred, mock_deep_save, fake_saving
def retf(r):
return False
def ignore_edit(mocker):
new_edit = mock.MagicMock()
new_edit.return_value = mock_deferred(None)
new_plugin = mock.MagicMock()
new_plugin.return_value = new_edit
mocker.patch('pappyproxy.plugin.plugin_by_name', new=new_plugin)
def ignore_delete(mocker):
new_os_remove = mock.MagicMock()
mocker.patch('os.remove', new=new_os_remove)
return new_os_remove
def no_logging(mocker):
def req():
r = Request()
r.start_line = 'GET / HTTP/1.1'
r.host = 'www.ffffff.eeeeee'
r.body = 'AAAA'
return r
def req_w_rsp(req):
r = Response()
r.start_line = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
r.headers['Test-Header'] = 'ABC123'
r.body = 'AAAA'
req.response = r
return req
def mock_tempfile(mocker):
new_tfile_obj = mock.MagicMock()
tfile_instance = mock.MagicMock()
new_tfile_obj.return_value.__enter__.return_value = tfile_instance
tfile_instance.name = 'mockTemporaryFile'
mocker.patch('tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile', new=new_tfile_obj)
new_open = mock.MagicMock()
fake_file = mock.MagicMock(spec=file)
new_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value = fake_file
mocker.patch('__builtin__.open', new_open)
return (new_tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file)
## Test request mangling
def test_mangle_request_edit(req, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req
new_contents = ('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n'
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
new_req = yield async_mangle_request(r)
assert not mock_deep_save.called
assert tfile_obj.called
assert tfile_instance.write.called
assert tfile_instance.write.call_args == ((r.full_request,),)
assert new_open.called
assert fake_file.read.called
assert new_req.full_request == new_contents
def test_mangle_request_edit_newlines(req, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is off, request in scope
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req
new_contents = ('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Test-Head: FOOBIE\n'
'Content-Length: 4\n\r\n'
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
new_req = yield async_mangle_request(r)
assert new_req.full_request == ('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Test-Head: FOOBIE\r\n'
'Content-Length: 4\r\n\r\n'
assert new_req.headers['Test-Head'] == 'FOOBIE'
def test_mangle_request_drop(req, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is off, request in scope
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req
new_contents = ''
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
new_req = yield async_mangle_request(r)
assert new_req is None
def test_mangle_request_edit_len(req, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is off, request in scope
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req
new_contents = ('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Test-Head: FOOBIE\n'
'Content-Length: 4\n\r\n'
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
new_req = yield async_mangle_request(r)
assert new_req.full_request == ('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n'
'Test-Head: FOOBIE\r\n'
'Content-Length: 8\r\n\r\n'
## Test response mangling
def test_mangle_response_edit(req_w_rsp, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is on, edit
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req_w_rsp
old_rsp = r.response.full_response
new_contents = ('HTTP/1.1 403 NOTOKIEDOKIE\r\n'
'Content-Length: 4\r\n'
'Other-Header: foobles\r\n\r\n'
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
mangled_rsp = yield async_mangle_response(r)
assert not mock_deep_save.called
assert tfile_obj.called
assert tfile_instance.write.called
assert tfile_instance.write.call_args == ((old_rsp,),)
assert new_open.called
assert fake_file.read.called
assert mangled_rsp.full_response == new_contents
def test_mangle_response_newlines(req_w_rsp, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is off, request in scope
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req_w_rsp
old_rsp = r.response.full_response
new_contents = ('HTTP/1.1 403 NOTOKIEDOKIE\n'
'Content-Length: 4\n'
'Other-Header: foobles\r\n\n'
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
mangled_rsp = yield async_mangle_response(r)
assert mangled_rsp.full_response == ('HTTP/1.1 403 NOTOKIEDOKIE\r\n'
'Content-Length: 4\r\n'
'Other-Header: foobles\r\n\r\n'
assert mangled_rsp.headers['Other-Header'] == 'foobles'
def test_mangle_response_drop(req_w_rsp, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is off, request in scope
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req_w_rsp
old_rsp = r.response.full_response
new_contents = ''
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
mangled_rsp = yield async_mangle_response(r)
assert mangled_rsp is None
def test_mangle_response_new_len(req_w_rsp, mock_deep_save, mock_tempfile,
ignore_edit, ignore_delete):
# Intercepting is off, request in scope
tfile_obj, tfile_instance, new_open, fake_file = mock_tempfile
r = req_w_rsp
old_rsp = r.response.full_response
new_contents = ('HTTP/1.1 403 NOTOKIEDOKIE\n'
'Content-Length: 4\n'
'Other-Header: foobles\r\n\n'
fake_file.read.return_value = new_contents
mangled_rsp = yield async_mangle_response(r)
assert mangled_rsp.full_response == ('HTTP/1.1 403 NOTOKIEDOKIE\r\n'
'Content-Length: 8\r\n'
'Other-Header: foobles\r\n\r\n'