You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
742 lines
25 KiB
742 lines
25 KiB
8 years ago
import datetime
import json
import pygments
import pprint
import re
import shlex
import urllib
from ..util import print_table, print_request_rows, get_req_data_row, datetime_string, maybe_hexdump, load_reqlist
from ..colors import Colors, Styles, verb_color, scode_color, path_formatter, color_string, url_formatter, pretty_msg, pretty_headers
from ..console import CommandError
from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
from import JsonLexer
from pygments.lexers.html import XmlLexer
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote
## Helper functions
def view_full_message(request, headers_only=False, try_ws=False):
def _print_message(mes):
print_str = ''
if mes.to_server == False:
print_str += Colors.BLUE
print_str += '< Incoming'
print_str += Colors.GREEN
print_str += '> Outgoing'
print_str += Colors.ENDC
if mes.unmangled:
print_str += ', ' + Colors.UNDERLINE + 'mangled' + Colors.ENDC
t_plus = "??"
if request.time_start:
t_plus = mes.timestamp - request.time_start
print_str += ', binary = %s, T+%ss\n' % (mes.is_binary, t_plus.total_seconds())
print_str += Colors.ENDC
print_str += maybe_hexdump(mes.message).decode()
print_str += '\n'
return print_str
if headers_only:
if try_ws and request.ws_messages:
print_str = ''
print_str += Styles.TABLE_HEADER
print_str += "Websocket session handshake\n"
print_str += Colors.ENDC
print_str += pretty_msg(request)
print_str += '\n'
print_str += Styles.TABLE_HEADER
print_str += "Websocket session \n"
print_str += Colors.ENDC
for wsm in request.ws_messages:
print_str += _print_message(wsm)
if wsm.unmangled:
print_str += Colors.YELLOW
print_str += '-'*10
print_str += Colors.ENDC
print_str += ' vv UNMANGLED vv '
print_str += Colors.YELLOW
print_str += '-'*10
print_str += Colors.ENDC
print_str += '\n'
print_str += _print_message(wsm.unmangled)
print_str += Colors.YELLOW
print_str += '-'*20 + '-'*len(' ^^ UNMANGLED ^^ ')
print_str += '\n'
print_str += Colors.ENDC
def print_request_extended(client, request):
# Prints extended info for the request
title = "Request Info (reqid=%s)" % client.get_reqid(request)
print(Styles.TABLE_HEADER + title + Colors.ENDC)
reqlen = len(request.body)
reqlen = '%d bytes' % reqlen
rsplen = 'No response'
mangle_str = 'Nothing mangled'
if request.unmangled:
mangle_str = 'Request'
if request.response:
response_code = str(request.response.status_code) + \
' ' + request.response.reason
response_code = scode_color(response_code) + response_code + Colors.ENDC
rsplen = request.response.content_length
rsplen = '%d bytes' % rsplen
if request.response.unmangled:
if mangle_str == 'Nothing mangled':
mangle_str = 'Response'
mangle_str += ' and Response'
response_code = ''
time_str = '--'
if request.time_end is not None and request.time_start is not None:
time_delt = request.time_end - request.time_start
time_str = "%.2f sec" % time_delt.total_seconds()
if request.use_tls:
is_ssl = 'YES'
is_ssl = Colors.RED + 'NO' + Colors.ENDC
if request.time_start:
time_made_str = datetime_string(request.time_start)
time_made_str = '--'
verb = verb_color(request.method) + request.method + Colors.ENDC
host = color_string(request.dest_host)
colored_tags = [color_string(t) for t in request.tags]
print_pairs = []
print_pairs.append(('Made on', time_made_str))
print_pairs.append(('ID', client.get_reqid(request)))
print_pairs.append(('URL', url_formatter(request, colored=True)))
print_pairs.append(('Host', host))
print_pairs.append(('Path', path_formatter(request.url.path)))
print_pairs.append(('Verb', verb))
print_pairs.append(('Status Code', response_code))
print_pairs.append(('Request Length', reqlen))
print_pairs.append(('Response Length', rsplen))
if request.response and request.response.unmangled:
print_pairs.append(('Unmangled Response Length', request.response.unmangled.content_length))
print_pairs.append(('Time', time_str))
print_pairs.append(('Port', request.dest_port))
print_pairs.append(('SSL', is_ssl))
print_pairs.append(('Mangled', mangle_str))
print_pairs.append(('Tags', ', '.join(colored_tags)))
for k, v in print_pairs:
print(Styles.KV_KEY+str(k)+': '+Styles.KV_VAL+str(v))
def pretty_print_body(fmt, body):
bstr = body.decode()
if fmt.lower() == 'json':
d = json.loads(bstr.strip())
s = json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
print(pygments.highlight(s, JsonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()))
elif fmt.lower() == 'form':
qs = parse_qs(bstr, keep_blank_values=True)
for k, vs in qs.items():
for v in vs:
s = Colors.GREEN
s += '%s: ' % unquote(k)
s += Colors.ENDC
if v == '':
s += Colors.RED
s += 'EMPTY'
s += Colors.ENDC
s += unquote(v)
elif fmt.lower() == 'text':
elif fmt.lower() == 'xml':
import xml.dom.minidom
xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(bstr)
print(pygments.highlight(xml.toprettyxml(), XmlLexer(), TerminalFormatter()))
raise CommandError('"%s" is not a valid format' % fmt)
except CommandError as e:
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError('Body could not be parsed as "{}": {}'.format(fmt, e))
def print_params(client, req, params=None):
if not req.url.parameters() and not req.body:
print('Request %s has no url or data parameters' % client.get_reqid(req))
if req.url.parameters():
print(Styles.TABLE_HEADER + "Url Params" + Colors.ENDC)
for k, v in req.url.param_iter():
if params is None or (params and k in params):
print(Styles.KV_KEY+str(k)+': '+Styles.KV_VAL+str(v))
if req.body:
print(Styles.TABLE_HEADER + "Body/POST Params" + Colors.ENDC)
pretty_print_body(guess_pretty_print_fmt(req), req.body)
if 'cookie' in req.headers:
print(Styles.TABLE_HEADER + "Cookies" + Colors.ENDC)
for k, v in req.cookie_iter():
if params is None or (params and k in params):
print(Styles.KV_KEY+str(k)+': '+Styles.KV_VAL+str(v))
# multiform request when we support it
def guess_pretty_print_fmt(msg):
if 'content-type' in msg.headers:
if 'json' in msg.headers.get('content-type'):
return 'json'
elif 'www-form' in msg.headers.get('content-type'):
return 'form'
elif 'application/xml' in msg.headers.get('content-type'):
return 'xml'
return 'text'
def print_tree(tree):
# Prints a tree. Takes in a sorted list of path tuples
_print_tree_helper(tree, 0, [])
def _get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, last):
if depth == 0:
return u''
ret = u''
pb = print_bars + [True]
for i in range(depth):
if pb[i]:
ret += u'\u2502 '
ret += u' '
if last:
ret += u'\u2514\u2500 '
ret += u'\u251c\u2500 '
return ret
def _print_tree_helper(tree, depth, print_bars):
# Takes in a tree and prints it at the given depth
if tree == [] or tree == [()]:
while tree[0] == ():
tree = tree[1:]
if tree == [] or tree == [()]:
if len(tree) == 1 and len(tree[0]) == 1:
print(_get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars + [False], True) + tree[0][0])
curkey = tree[0][0]
subtree = []
for row in tree:
if row[0] != curkey:
if curkey == '':
curkey = '/'
print(_get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, False) + curkey)
if depth == 0:
_print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [False])
_print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [True])
curkey = row[0]
subtree = []
if curkey == '':
curkey = '/'
print(_get_tree_prefix(depth, print_bars, True) + curkey)
_print_tree_helper(subtree, depth+1, print_bars + [False])
def add_param(found_params, kind: str, k: str, v: str, reqid: str):
if type(k) is not str:
raise Exception("BAD")
if not k in found_params:
found_params[k] = {}
if kind in found_params[k]:
found_params[k][kind].append((reqid, v))
found_params[k][kind] = [(reqid, v)]
def print_param_info(param_info):
for k, d in param_info.items():
print(Styles.TABLE_HEADER + k + Colors.ENDC)
for param_type, valpairs in d.items():
value_ids = {}
for reqid, val in valpairs:
ids = value_ids.get(val, [])
value_ids[val] = ids
for val, ids in value_ids.items():
if len(ids) <= 15:
idstr = ', '.join(ids)
idstr = ', '.join(ids[:15]) + '...'
if val == '':
printstr = (Colors.RED + 'BLANK' + Colors.ENDC + 'x%d (%s)') % (len(ids), idstr)
printstr = (Colors.GREEN + '%s' + Colors.ENDC + 'x%d (%s)') % (val, len(ids), idstr)
def path_tuple(url):
return tuple(url.path.split('/'))
## Command functions
def list_reqs(client, args):
List the most recent in-context requests. By default shows the most recent 25
Usage: list [a|num]
If `a` is given, all the in-context requests are shown. If a number is given,
that many requests will be shown.
if len(args) > 0:
if args[0][0].lower() == 'a':
print_count = 0
print_count = int(args[0])
print("Please enter a valid argument for list")
print_count = 25
rows = []
reqs = client.in_context_requests(headers_only=True, max_results=print_count)
for req in reqs:
rows.append(get_req_data_row(req, client=client))
def view_full_request(client, args):
View the full data of the request
Usage: view_full_request <reqid(s)>
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
for req in reqs:
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
view_full_message(req, try_ws=True)
def view_full_response(client, args):
View the full data of the response associated with a request
Usage: view_full_response <reqid>
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
for req in reqs:
if not req.response:
print("-- Request {} does not have an associated response".format(reqid))
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
def view_request_headers(client, args):
View the headers of the request
Usage: view_request_headers <reqid(s)>
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0], headers_only=True)
for req in reqs:
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
view_full_message(req, headers_only=True)
def view_response_headers(client, args):
View the full data of the response associated with a request
Usage: view_full_response <reqid>
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0], headers_only=True)
for req in reqs:
if not req.response:
print("-- Request {} does not have an associated response".format(reqid))
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
view_full_message(req.response, headers_only=True)
def view_request_info(client, args):
View information about request
Usage: view_request_info <reqid(s)>
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0], headers_only=True)
for req in reqs:
print_request_extended(client, req)
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
def pretty_print_request(client, args):
Print the body of the request pretty printed.
Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>
if len(args) < 2:
raise CommandError("Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>")
print_type = args[0]
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[1])
for req in reqs:
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
pretty_print_body(print_type, req.body)
except Exception as e:
def pretty_print_response(client, args):
Print the body of the response pretty printed.
Usage: pretty_print_response <format> <reqid(s)>
if len(args) < 2:
raise CommandError("Usage: pretty_print_request <format> <reqid(s)>")
print_type = args[0]
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[1])
for req in reqs:
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
if not req.response:
print("request {} does not have an associated response".format(reqid))
pretty_print_body(print_type, req.response.body)
except Exception as e:
def print_params_cmd(client, args):
View the parameters of a request
Usage: print_params <reqid(s)> [key 1] [key 2] ...
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
if len(args) > 1:
keys = args[1:]
keys = None
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
for req in reqs:
print('-- Request id=%s --------------------' % req.db_id)
print_params(client, req, keys)
def get_param_info(client, args):
if len(args) == 0:
raise CommandError("Request ID(s) required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
args = args[1:]
if args and args[0] == 'ct':
contains = True
args = args[1:]
contains = False
if args:
params = tuple(args)
params = None
def check_key(k, params, contains):
if contains:
for p in params:
if p.lower() in k.lower():
return True
if params is None or k in params:
return True
return False
found_params = {}
for req in reqs:
prefixed_id = client.get_reqid(req)
for k, v in req.url.param_iter():
if type(k) is not str:
raise Exception("BAD")
if check_key(k, params, contains):
add_param(found_params, 'Url Parameter', k, v, prefixed_id)
for k, v in req.param_iter():
if check_key(k, params, contains):
add_param(found_params, 'POST Parameter', k, v, prefixed_id)
for k, v in req.cookie_iter():
if check_key(k, params, contains):
add_param(found_params, 'Cookie', k, v, prefixed_id)
def find_urls(client, args):
if len(args) > 0:
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
reqs = client.in_context_requests_iter() # update to take reqlist
url_regexp = b'((?:http|ftp|https)://(?:[\w_-]+(?:(?:\.[\w_-]+)+))(?:[\w.,@?^=%&:/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&/~+#-])?)'
urls = set()
for req in reqs:
urls |= set(re.findall(url_regexp, req.full_message()))
if req.response:
urls |= set(re.findall(url_regexp, req.response.full_message()))
for url in sorted(urls):
def site_map(client, args):
Print the site map. Only includes requests in the current context.
Usage: site_map
if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == 'p':
paths = True
paths = False
all_reqs = client.in_context_requests(headers_only=True)
reqs_by_host = {}
for req in all_reqs:
reqs_by_host.setdefault(req.dest_host, []).append(req)
for host, reqs in reqs_by_host.items():
paths_set = set()
for req in reqs:
if req.response and req.response.status_code != 404:
tree = sorted(list(paths_set))
if paths:
for p in tree:
print ('/'.join(list(p)))
def save_request(client, args):
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
for req in reqs:
if len(args) >= 2:
fname = args[1]
fname = "req_%s" % client.get_reqid(req)
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
print('Request written to {}'.format(fname))
def save_response(client, args):
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id(s) is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
rsp = req.response
if len(args) >= 2:
fname = args[1]
fname = "rsp_%s" % client.get_reqid(req)
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
print('Response written to {}'.format(fname))
print('Request {} does not have a response'.format(req.reqid))
def dump_response(client, args):
Dump the data of the response to a file.
Usage: dump_response <id> <filename>
# dump the data of a response
if not args:
raise CommandError("Request id(s) is required")
reqs = load_reqlist(client, args[0])
for req in reqs:
if req.response:
rsp = req.response
if len(args) >= 2:
fname = args[1]
fname = req.url.path.split('/')[-1]
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
print('Response body written to {}'.format(fname))
print('Request {} does not have a response'.format(req.reqid))
def get_surrounding_lines(s, n, lines):
left = n
right = n
lines_left = 0
lines_right = 0
# move left until we find enough lines or hit the edge
while left > 0 and lines_left < lines:
if s[left] == '\n':
lines_left += 1
left -= 1
# move right until we find enough lines or hit the edge
while right < len(s) and lines_right < lines:
if s[right] == '\n':
lines_right += 1
right += 1
return s[left:right]
def print_search_header(reqid, locstr):
printstr = Styles.TABLE_HEADER
printstr += "Result(s) for request {} ({})".format(reqid, locstr)
printstr += Colors.ENDC
def highlight_str(s, substr):
highlighted = Colors.BGYELLOW + Colors.BLACK + Colors.BOLD + substr + Colors.ENDC
return s.replace(substr, highlighted)
def search_message(mes, substr, lines, reqid, locstr):
header_printed = False
for m in re.finditer(substr, mes):
if not header_printed:
print_search_header(reqid, locstr)
header_printed = True
n = m.start()
linestr = get_surrounding_lines(mes, n, lines)
linelist = linestr.split('\n')
linestr = '\n'.join(line[:500] for line in linelist)
toprint = highlight_str(linestr, substr)
def search(client, args):
search_str = args[0]
lines = 2
if len(args) > 1:
lines = int(args[1])
for req in client.in_context_requests_iter():
reqid = client.get_reqid(req)
reqheader_printed = False
mes = req.full_message().decode()
search_message(mes, search_str, lines, reqid, "Request")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
if req.response:
mes = req.response.full_message().decode()
search_message(mes, search_str, lines, reqid, "Response")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
wsheader_printed = False
for wsm in req.ws_messages:
if not wsheader_printed:
print_search_header(client.get_reqid(req), reqid, "Websocket Messages")
wsheader_printed = True
if search_str in wsm.message:
print(highlight_str(wsm.message, search_str))
# @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None)
# @defer.inlineCallbacks
# def view_request_bytes(line):
# """
# View the raw bytes of the request. Use this if you want to redirect output to a file.
# Usage: view_request_bytes <reqid(s)>
# """
# args = shlex.split(line)
# if not args:
# raise CommandError("Request id is required")
# reqid = args[0]
# reqs = yield load_reqlist(reqid)
# for req in reqs:
# if len(reqs) > 1:
# print 'Request %s:' % req.reqid
# print req.full_message
# if len(reqs) > 1:
# print '-'*30
# print ''
# @crochet.wait_for(timeout=None)
# @defer.inlineCallbacks
# def view_response_bytes(line):
# """
# View the full data of the response associated with a request
# Usage: view_request_bytes <reqid(s)>
# """
# reqs = yield load_reqlist(line)
# for req in reqs:
# if req.response:
# if len(reqs) > 1:
# print '-'*15 + (' %s ' % req.reqid) + '-'*15
# print req.response.full_message
# else:
# print "Request %s does not have a response" % req.reqid
## Plugin hooks
def load_cmds(cmd):
'list': (list_reqs, None),
'view_full_request': (view_full_request, None),
'view_full_response': (view_full_response, None),
'view_request_headers': (view_request_headers, None),
'view_response_headers': (view_response_headers, None),
'view_request_info': (view_request_info, None),
'pretty_print_request': (pretty_print_request, None),
'pretty_print_response': (pretty_print_response, None),
'print_params': (print_params_cmd, None),
'param_info': (get_param_info, None),
'urls': (find_urls, None),
'site_map': (site_map, None),
'dump_response': (dump_response, None),
'save_request': (save_request, None),
'save_response': (save_response, None),
'search': (search, None),
# 'view_request_bytes': (view_request_bytes, None),
# 'view_response_bytes': (view_response_bytes, None),
('list', 'ls'),
('view_full_request', 'vfq'),
('view_full_request', 'kjq'),
('view_request_headers', 'vhq'),
('view_response_headers', 'vhs'),
('view_full_response', 'vfs'),
('view_full_response', 'kjs'),
('view_request_info', 'viq'),
('pretty_print_request', 'ppq'),
('pretty_print_response', 'pps'),
('print_params', 'pprm'),
('param_info', 'pri'),
('site_map', 'sm'),
('save_request', 'savereq'),
('save_response', 'saversp'),
# ('view_request_bytes', 'vbq'),
# ('view_response_bytes', 'vbs'),
# #('dump_response', 'dr'),