A fork of pappy proxy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import crochet
9 years ago
import pappyproxy
import re
9 years ago
import shlex
9 years ago
9 years ago
from . import http
from twisted.internet import defer
from util import PappyException
9 years ago
Functions and classes involved with managing the current context and filters
scope = []
9 years ago
_BARE_COMPARERS = ('ex','nex')
class Context(object):
A class representing a set of requests that pass a set of filters
:ivar active_filters: Filters that are currently applied to the context
:vartype active_filters: List of functions that takes one :class:`pappyproxy.http.Request` and returns either true or false.
:ivar active_requests: Requests which pass all the filters applied to the context
:type active_requests: Request
:ivar inactive_requests: Requests which do not pass all the filters applied to the context
:type inactive_requests: Request
all_reqs = set()
Class variable! All requests in history. Do not directly add requests to this set. Instead,
use :func:`pappyproxy.context.Context.add_request` on some context. It will
automatically be added to this set.
in_memory_requests = set()
Class variable! Requests that are only stored in memory. These are the requests with ``m##``
style IDs. Do not directly add requests to this set. Instead, use
:func:`pappyproxy.context.Context.add_request` on some context with a request
that has not been saved. It will automatically be assigned a ``m##`` id and
be added to this set.
_next_in_mem_id = 1
def __init__(self):
self.active_filters = []
self.active_requests = set()
self.inactive_requests = set()
9 years ago
def get_memid():
i = 'm%d' % Context._next_in_mem_id
Context._next_in_mem_id += 1
return i
def filter_recheck(self):
self.inactive_requests = set()
self.active_requests = set()
for req in Context.all_reqs:
def add_filter(self, filt):
Add a filter to the context. This will remove any requests that do not pass
the filter from the ``active_requests`` set.
:param filt: The filter to add
:type filt: Function that takes one :class:`pappyproxy.http.Request` and returns either true or false. (or a :class:`pappyproxy.context.Filter`)
(new_active, deleted) = filter_reqs(self.active_requests, self.active_filters)
self.active_requests = set(new_active)
for r in deleted:
def add_request(self, req):
Adds a request to the context. If the request passes all of the context's
filters, it will be placed in the ``active_requests`` set. If it does not,
it will be placed in the ``inactive_requests`` set. Either way, it will
be added to ``all_reqs`` and if appropriate, ``in_memory_requests``.
9 years ago
:param req: The request to add
:type req: Request
# Check if we have to add it to in_memory
if not req.reqid:
req.reqid = Context.get_memid()
if req.reqid[0] == 'm':
# Check if we have to add it to active_requests
if passes_filters(req, self.active_filters):
# Add it to all_reqs
9 years ago
def remove_request(req):
Removes request from all contexts. It is suggested that you use
:func:`pappyproxy.http.Request.deep_delete` instead as this will
remove the request (and its unmangled version, response, and
unmangled response) from the data file as well. Otherwise it will
just be put back into the context when Pappy is restarted.
:param req: The request to remove
:type req: Request
if req in Context.all_reqs:
if req in Context.in_memory_requests:
# Remove it from all other contexts
for c in pappyproxy.pappy.all_contexts:
if req in c.inactive_requests:
if req in c.active_requests:
def filter_up(self):
Removes the last filter that was applied to the context.
# Deletes the last filter of the context
if self.active_filters:
self.active_filters = self.active_filters[:-1]
def set_filters(self, filters):
Set the list of filters for the context.
self.active_filters = filters[:]
9 years ago
class FilterParseError(PappyException):
class Filter(object):
9 years ago
A class representing a filter. Its claim to fame is that you can use
:func:`pappyproxy.context.Filter.from_filter_string` to generate a
filter from a filter string.
9 years ago
def __init__(self, filter_string):
self.filter_string = filter_string
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.filter_func(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Filter "%s">' % self.filter_string
9 years ago
def generate(self):
self.filter_func = yield self.from_filter_string(self.filter_string)
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
def from_filter_string(filter_string):
9 years ago
Create a filter from a filter string.
:rtype: Deferred that returns a :class:`pappyproxy.context.Filter`
9 years ago
args = shlex.split(filter_string)
9 years ago
if len(args) == 0:
raise PappyException('Field is required')
9 years ago
field = args[0]
new_filter = None
9 years ago
field_args = args[1:]
9 years ago
if field in ("all",):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_all(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("host", "domain", "hs", "dm"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_host(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("path", "pt"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_path(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("body", "bd", "data", "dt"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_body(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("verb", "vb"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_verb(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("param", "pm"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_params(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("header", "hd"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_headers(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("rawheaders", "rh"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_raw_headers(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("sentcookie", "sck"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_submitted_cookies(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("setcookie", "stck"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_set_cookies(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("statuscode", "sc", "responsecode"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_response_code(field_args)
9 years ago
elif field in ("responsetime", "rt"):
9 years ago
raise PappyException('Not implemented yet, sorry!')
elif field in ("tag", "tg"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_tag(field_args)
elif field in ("saved", "svd"):
9 years ago
new_filter = gen_filter_by_saved(field_args)
elif field in ("before", "b4", "bf"):
new_filter = yield gen_filter_by_before(field_args)
elif field in ("after", "af"):
new_filter = yield gen_filter_by_after(field_args)
9 years ago
raise FilterParseError("%s is not a valid field" % field)
9 years ago
if new_filter is None:
9 years ago
raise FilterParseError("Error creating filter")
9 years ago
# dirty hack to get it to work if we don't generate any deferreds
# d = defer.Deferred()
# d.callback(None)
# yield d
9 years ago
def cmp_is(a, b):
return str(a) == str(b)
def cmp_contains(a, b):
return (b.lower() in a.lower())
def cmp_exists(a, b=None):
return (a is not None and a != [])
9 years ago
def cmp_len_eq(a, b):
return (len(a) == int(b))
def cmp_len_gt(a, b):
return (len(a) > int(b))
def cmp_len_lt(a, b):
return (len(a) < int(b))
def cmp_eq(a, b):
return (int(a) == int(b))
def cmp_gt(a, b):
return (int(a) > int(b))
def cmp_lt(a, b):
return (int(a) < int(b))
def cmp_containsr(a, b):
if re.search(b, a):
return True
return False
except re.error as e:
raise PappyException('Invalid regexp: %s' % e)
9 years ago
def relation_from_text(s, val=''):
# Gets the relation function associated with the string
# Returns none if not found
def negate_func(func):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
return not func(*args, **kwargs)
return f
negate = False
if s[0] == 'n':
negate = True
s = s[1:]
9 years ago
9 years ago
if s in ("is",):
retfunc = cmp_is
elif s in ("contains", "ct"):
retfunc = cmp_contains
elif s in ("containsr", "ctr"):
retfunc = cmp_containsr
elif s in ("exists", "ex"):
retfunc = cmp_exists
elif s in ("Leq",):
retfunc = cmp_len_eq
elif s in ("Lgt",):
retfunc = cmp_len_gt
elif s in ("Llt",):
retfunc = cmp_len_lt
elif s in ("eq",):
retfunc = cmp_eq
elif s in ("gt",):
retfunc = cmp_gt
elif s in ("lt",):
retfunc = cmp_lt
raise FilterParseError("Invalid relation: %s" % s)
if negate:
return negate_func(retfunc)
return retfunc
def compval_from_args(args):
9 years ago
9 years ago
returns a function that compares to a value from text.
ie compval_from_text('ct foo') will return a function that returns true
if the passed in string contains foo.
9 years ago
9 years ago
if len(args) == 0:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
if args[0] in _BARE_COMPARERS:
if len(args) != 1:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
comparer = relation_from_text(args[0], None)
value = None
if len(args) != 2:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
comparer = relation_from_text(args[0], args[1])
value = args[1]
9 years ago
9 years ago
def retfunc(s):
return comparer(s, value)
9 years ago
9 years ago
return retfunc
9 years ago
9 years ago
def compval_from_args_repdict(args):
Similar to compval_from_args but checks a repeatable dict with up to 2
comparers and values.
if len(args) == 0:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
nextargs = args[:]
value = None
if args[0] in _BARE_COMPARERS:
comparer = relation_from_text(args[0], None)
if len(args) > 1:
nextargs = args[1:]
if len(args) == 1:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
comparer = relation_from_text(args[0], args[1])
value = args[1]
nextargs = args[2:]
comparer2 = None
value2 = None
if nextargs:
if nextargs[0] in _BARE_COMPARERS:
comparer2 = relation_from_text(nextargs[0], None)
9 years ago
9 years ago
if len(nextargs) == 1:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
comparer2 = relation_from_text(nextargs[0], nextargs[1])
value2 = nextargs[1]
def retfunc(d):
for k, v in d.all_pairs():
if comparer2 is None:
if comparer(k, value) or comparer(v, value):
return True
if comparer(k, value) and comparer2(v, value2):
return True
return False
9 years ago
9 years ago
return retfunc
def gen_filter_by_all(args):
compval_from_args(args) # try and throw an error
def f(req):
compval = compval_from_args(args)
if args[0][0] == 'n':
return compval(req.full_message) and (not req.response or compval(req.response.full_message))
9 years ago
9 years ago
return compval(req.full_message) or (req.response and compval(req.response.full_message))
return f
9 years ago
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_host(args):
compval_from_args(args) # try and throw an error
def f(req):
compval = compval_from_args(args)
return compval(req.host)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_body(args):
compval_from_args(args) # try and throw an error
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
compval = compval_from_args(args)
if args[0][0] == 'n':
return compval(req.body) and (not req.response or compval(req.response.body))
9 years ago
9 years ago
return compval(req.body) or (req.response and compval(req.response.body))
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_raw_headers(args):
compval_from_args(args) # try and throw an error
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
compval = compval_from_args(args)
if args[0][0] == 'n':
return compval(req.headers_section) and (not req.response or compval(req.response.headers_section))
9 years ago
9 years ago
return compval(req.headers_section) or (req.response and compval(req.response.headers_section))
return f
9 years ago
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_response_code(args):
compval_from_args(args) # try and throw an error
def f(req):
if not req.response:
return False
compval = compval_from_args(args)
return compval(req.response.response_code)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_path(args):
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
compval = compval_from_args(args)
return compval(req.path)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_responsetime(args):
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
compval = compval_from_args(args)
return compval(req.rsptime)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_verb(args):
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
compval = compval_from_args(args)
return compval(req.verb)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_tag(args):
def f(req):
9 years ago
compval = compval_from_args(args)
for tag in req.tags:
9 years ago
if compval(tag):
return True
return False
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_saved(args):
if len(args) != 0:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
def f(req):
if req.saved:
9 years ago
return True
9 years ago
return False
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_before(args):
if len(args) != 1:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
r = yield http.Request.load_request(args[0])
def f(req):
if req.time_start is None:
return False
if r.time_start is None:
return False
return req.time_start <= r.time_start
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_after(reqid, negate=False):
if len(args) != 1:
raise PappyException('Invalid number of arguments')
r = yield http.Request.load_request(args[0])
def f(req):
if req.time_start is None:
return False
if r.time_start is None:
return False
return req.time_start >= r.time_start
9 years ago
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_headers(args):
comparer = compval_from_args_repdict(args)
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
if args[0][0] == 'n':
return comparer(req.headers) and (not req.response or comparer(req.response.headers))
9 years ago
9 years ago
return comparer(req.headers) and (req.response and comparer(req.response.headers))
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_submitted_cookies(args):
comparer = compval_from_args_repdict(args)
def f(req):
return comparer(req.cookies)
return f
def gen_filter_by_set_cookies(args):
comparer = compval_from_args_repdict(args)
9 years ago
def f(req):
if not req.response:
return False
9 years ago
checkdict = http.RepeatableDict()
for k, v in req.response.cookies.all_pairs():
checkdict[k] = v.cookie_str
return comparer(checkdict)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_url_params(args):
comparer = compval_from_args_repdict(args)
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
return comparer(req.url_params)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_post_params(args):
comparer = compval_from_args_repdict(args)
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
return comparer(req.post_params)
9 years ago
return f
9 years ago
def gen_filter_by_params(args):
comparer = compval_from_args_repdict(args)
9 years ago
def f(req):
9 years ago
return comparer(req.url_params) or comparer(req.post_params)
9 years ago
return f
def init():
yield reload_from_storage()
9 years ago
def filter_reqs(requests, filters):
to_delete = set()
# Could definitely be more efficient, but it stays like this until
# it impacts performance
for req in requests:
for filt in filters:
if not filt(req):
retreqs = [r for r in requests if r not in to_delete]
return (retreqs, list(to_delete))
9 years ago
def reload_from_storage():
9 years ago
Context.all_reqs = set()
reqs = yield http.Request.load_all_requests()
for req in reqs:
9 years ago
9 years ago
def passes_filters(request, filters):
for filt in filters:
if not filt(request):
return False
return True
def in_scope(request):
global scope
return passes_filters(request, scope)
def set_scope(filters):
global scope
scope = filters
9 years ago
def save_scope(context):
9 years ago
global scope
9 years ago
scope = context.active_filters[:]
9 years ago
9 years ago
def reset_to_scope(context):
9 years ago
global scope
9 years ago
context.active_filters = scope[:]
9 years ago
def print_scope():
global scope
for f in scope:
print f.filter_string
def store_scope(dbpool):
# Delete the old scope
yield dbpool.runQuery(
# Insert the new scope
i = 0
for f in scope:
yield dbpool.runQuery(
INSERT INTO scope (filter_order, filter_string) VALUES (?, ?);
(i, f.filter_string)
i += 1
def load_scope(dbpool):
global scope
rows = yield dbpool.runQuery(
SELECT filter_order, filter_string FROM scope;
rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda r: int(r[0]))
new_scope = []
for row in rows:
new_filter = Filter(row[1])
9 years ago
yield new_filter.generate()
9 years ago
scope = new_scope
def clear_tag(tag):
# Remove a tag from every request
reqs = yield http.Request.load_requests_by_tag(tag)
for req in reqs:
if req.saved:
yield req.async_save()
def async_set_tag(tag, reqs):
async_set_tag(tag, reqs)
Remove the tag from every request then add the given requests to memory and
9 years ago
give them the tag. The async version.
:param tag: The tag to set
:type tag: String
:param reqs: The requests to assign to the tag
:type reqs: List of Requests
yield clear_tag(tag)
for req in reqs:
if not req.reqid:
req.reqid = get_memid()
def set_tag(tag, reqs):
9 years ago
set_tag(tag, reqs)
Remove the tag from every request then add the given requests to memory and
give them the tag. The non-async version.
:param tag: The tag to set
:type tag: String
:param reqs: The requests to assign to the tag
:type reqs: List of Requests
yield async_set_tag(tag, reqs)
def validate_regexp(r):
except re.error as e:
raise PappyException('Invalid regexp: %s' % e)
9 years ago
def add_request_to_contexts(req):
import pappyproxy.pappy
for c in pappyproxy.pappy.all_contexts: