Some experiments with latex.
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% Based on tutorial here:
% Pulley
\draw[fill = black!70] (0,0) circle (1.5cm); % Big circle
\draw[fill=black!40] (0,0) circle (1.3cm); % Medium circle
% Note that the colon here means polar coordinates are being used
% 75:2.5 means 75 degrees and 2.5 cm
\draw[fill=white] (75:2.5) to[rounded corners=0.2cm] (0.2,-0.25) to[rounded corners=0.2cm]
(-0.2,-0.25) -- (105:2.5);
\draw[fill=black!90] (0,0) circle (0.12cm); % Axle circle
% Supporting structure
\fill[pattern= north west lines,] (-2.5,2.41) rectangle (2.5,2.6);
\draw(-2.5,2.41) -- (2.5,2.41);
% Mass 1
\draw[thick] (1.49cm,0) -- ++(0,-5cm)
node[draw=black,above=0.18cm,circle,fill=brown!70!black](cM){} node[draw=black,trapezium,rounded
corners=1pt,fill=brown!70!black,text=white, minimum height=0.7cm](M){M};
\draw [-latex,very thick,blue] (M.bottom side) -- ++(0,-1) node[midway,right]{$F_1$};
\draw [-latex,very thick,black] (cM.north) -- ++(0,1)node[midway,right]{$T_1$};
% Mass 2
\draw[thick] (-1.49cm,0) -- ++(0,-3.5cm)
node[draw=black,above=0.13cm,circle,fill=brown!70!black](cm){} node[draw=black,trapezium,rounded
corners=1pt,fill=brown!70!black,text=white, minimum height=0.6cm](m){m};
\draw [-latex,very thick,red] (m.bottom side) -- ++(0,-1)node[midway,left]{$F_2$};
\draw [-latex,very thick,black] (cm.north) -- ++(0,1)node[midway,left]{$T_2$};