@ -582,38 +582,6 @@ can really help. |
} |
\end{frame} |
\begin{frame}[fragile] |
\frametitle{.gitignore} |
This file tells git which files not to track. |
\begin{minted}{bash} |
*.log |
*.doc |
*.pem |
*.docx |
*.jpg |
*.jpeg |
*.pdf |
*.png |
.DS_Store/ |
*.min.css |
*.min.js |
dist/ |
\end{minted} |
\note{% |
This will not stop git tracking a file if it's already being tracked. |
If you start tracking large binary files, git isn't going to be able to compress them. This |
will result in a massive repo and a headache for everyone. If at all possible, don't track |
large files, especially if they are going to be changed. Remember, git stores each version |
of each file. With text, this is fine as it can be compressed efficiently. If it's not text, |
it can't. |
You should probably also try to avoid including minified files as git won't be able to merge |
them automatically. |
} |
\end{frame} |
\begin{frame}[fragile] |
\frametitle{Diff} |
\begin{minted}{bash} |
@ -675,6 +643,38 @@ can really help. |
} |
\end{frame} |
\begin{frame}[fragile] |
\frametitle{.gitignore} |
This file tells git which files not to track. |
\begin{minted}{bash} |
*.log |
*.doc |
*.pem |
*.docx |
*.jpg |
*.jpeg |
*.pdf |
*.png |
.DS_Store/ |
*.min.css |
*.min.js |
dist/ |
\end{minted} |
\note{% |
This will not stop git tracking a file if it's already being tracked. |
If you start tracking large binary files, git isn't going to be able to compress them. This |
will result in a massive repo and a headache for everyone. If at all possible, don't track |
large files, especially if they are going to be changed. Remember, git stores each version |
of each file. With text, this is fine as it can be compressed efficiently. If it's not text, |
it can't. |
You should probably also try to avoid including minified files as git won't be able to merge |
them automatically. |
} |
\end{frame} |
\begin{frame} |
\frametitle{References} |
\begin{itemize} |