Removes some old commented bits that won't be used

Jonathan Hodgson 4 years ago
parent 79a2042c1a
commit 3124da5b30
  1. 46

@ -214,37 +214,6 @@
% \frametitle{Setting It Up}
% \framesubtitle{Preferences}
% \textbf{Pick One}
% \begin{minted}{bash}
% # No colour
% git config --global color.ui never
% # Auto colour
% git config --global color.ui auto
% # Force colour
% git config --global color.ui always
% # Overide for a command
% git -c color.ui=always status > ~/some-file
% \end{minted}
% \note{%
% On Linux systems, this is set to auto by default. Might be different on a Mac. Generally
% auto is probably what you want. It will be coloured unless you are piping the output to a
% file or another process.
% Take note of the incorrect spelling of colour.
% You can override all configuration options on an individual command basis if you like.
% }
@ -283,12 +252,6 @@
.2 final.
.3 some.
.3 files.
% .2 real-final.
% .3 some.
% .3 files.
% .2 actual-real-final.
% .3 some.
% .3 files.
@ -316,8 +279,9 @@
\frametitle{Model it}
\frametitle{Improve it}
%\draw (-1.5,-1.5) rectangle (7.5,1.5);
@ -337,13 +301,13 @@
\item This is a simple representation of the folder structure we saw.
\item Notice that so the computer knows the order, somewhere in each ``snapshot", we
include a reference to the previous snapshot.
\item This is stored along side other metadata such as a timestamp and the person
taking the snapshot.
\item We then just need to record the most recent version somewhere.
@ -352,7 +316,7 @@
%\node at (-2.5,0) {master};
\node[commit] at (0,0) (commit1) {93e4d3d\ldots};
\node[commit] at (3,0) (commit2) {2557962\ldots};
\node[commit] at (6,0) (commit3) {od68560\ldots};
\node[commit,draw=red] at (6,0) (commit3) {od68560\ldots};
\draw[arrow] (commit1) -- (commit2);
\draw[arrow] (commit2) -- (commit3);
\node[draw,text width=1.8cm,anchor=north,align=center] at (0, -1.5) {\small \vdots\\[0.1cm] };
