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" base64 encodes text
" It relies on the executable base64 which should be installed on most unix-y
" systems.
function! mine#encoding#base64Encode(text) abort
return substitute(system('base64 --wrap=0', a:text), '\n$', '', 'g')
" base64 decodes text
" It relies on the executable base64 which should be installed on most unix-y
" systems.
function! mine#encoding#base64Decode(text) abort
return substitute(system('base64 --decode --ignore-garbage --wrap=0', a:text), '\n$', '', 'g')
" hex encodes text
" It relies on the executable xxd
function! mine#encoding#hexEncode(text) abort
return substitute(system('xxd -p', a:text), '\n$', '', 'g')
" base64 decodes text
" It relies on the executable base64 which should be installed on most unix-y
" systems.
function! mine#encoding#hexDecode(text) abort
return substitute(system('xxd -r -p', a:text), '\n$', '', 'g')
" Url encodes characters that are normally encoded in urls
" Taken from
function! mine#encoding#urlEncode(text) abort
" iconv trick to convert utf-8 bytes to 8bits indiviual char.
return substitute(iconv(a:text, 'latin1', 'utf-8'),'[^A-Za-z0-9_.~-]','\="%".printf("%02X",char2nr(submatch(0)))','g')
" Url decodes text
" Taken from
function! mine#encoding#urlDecode(text) abort
let text = substitute(substitute(substitute(a:text,'%0[Aa]\n$','%0A',''),'%0[Aa]','\n','g'),'+',' ','g')
return iconv(substitute(text,'%\(\x\x\)','\=nr2char("0x".submatch(1))','g'), 'utf-8', 'latin1')
" Url encodes all characters
function! mine#encoding#urlEncodeAll(text) abort
" iconv trick to convert utf-8 bytes to 8bits indiviual char.
return substitute(iconv(a:text, 'latin1', 'utf-8'),'.','\="%".printf("%02X",char2nr(submatch(0)))','g')
function! mine#encoding#wrapper(fn) abort
" keep track of what paste was set to
let l:paste = &paste
" make sure it is enabled
set paste
" make sure the selection is selected
normal! gv
" transform text
" adapted from:
execute "normal! c\<c-r>=mine#encoding#" . a:fn . "(@\")\<cr>\<esc>`[v`]h"
" reset paste to whatever it was before
let &paste = l:paste