This allows neovim instances to share registers, marks, command history
and some other bits.
See :h shada
Augroup stolen from here:
Greg Hurrell video:
This allows me to jump between c source, header and test files easily.
It is capable of a lot more than this but I haven't looked into it too
much yet.
Now uses ccls instead of clang for c language server. Seems better at
jumping to definition.
Also adds <leader k> to open man page since shift k is now overwritten
with the popup for the declaration that lsp provides
The two plugins were added along with relevant configuration for each
If in neovim and sudo_askpass isn't set, vim will display a warning if
WW is typed in command mode
ripgrep is now my grep command and I can use [c and ]c for moving
between quickfix entries
Setting this makes vim show the results of substitute commands as they
are types
When indenting or unindenting a code block, I normally visually select
it and use < or >. However, both of these unselect the selection.
The mappings make vim also do gv after such an action which re-selects
the previous selection.
File was simply taken from my old Vim configuration.
It inherits most of the html syntax as it is set on responses as well as
Also, adds some request / response specific highlighting for things like
http method etc.
By default, vim's reg-ex matching is weird. For example:
> * is special when not escaped but…
> + is special when escaped
> \{x,y} (escaping only the opening bracket) works but…
> You have to use \( \) (escape both parens)
> [] is special when both are unescaped
For more details, check out Greg Hurrell's screencast:
Vim can open external files when the cursor is "over" them by pushing gx
If in a netrw window, simply x is used.
This is useful when in, for example, a markdown file. I can view the
image by putting the cursor over the path and pushing gx
Defines functions for each as autoload functions. I need to look into
weather it would be better to have this as a local function in a plugin.
The function for url encoding was taken from vim-unimpared:
I don't need all the functionality it provides
The function for base64 encoding was taken from vim-base64:
although I use it with mappings in the vim-unimpared style
[b and ]b base64 encode and decode respectively
[u url encodes characters that are normally encodede in a url
[U url encodes all characters
]u and ]U both urldecode all encodede characters