Vim can open external files when the cursor is "over" them by pushing gx
If in a netrw window, simply x is used.
This is useful when in, for example, a markdown file. I can view the
image by putting the cursor over the path and pushing gx
Defines functions for each as autoload functions. I need to look into
weather it would be better to have this as a local function in a plugin.
The function for url encoding was taken from vim-unimpared:
I don't need all the functionality it provides
The function for base64 encoding was taken from vim-base64:
although I use it with mappings in the vim-unimpared style
[b and ]b base64 encode and decode respectively
[u url encodes characters that are normally encodede in a url
[U url encodes all characters
]u and ]U both urldecode all encodede characters
Writing mode is to be used when I am writing prose rather than code, for
example markdown files or emails.
Currently, it enables spellcheck and adds insert mode mappings that add
undo points when certain punctuation is inserted, such as full stops or
Currently this is used for markdown files, emails and git commits
The shebang line is used to determine which should interpreter should be
used when executing the file
The mapping here adds the string `#!/usr/bin/env ` at the begining of
the line.
* New windows opening right and down
* spellcheck language en_gb
* Tell vim it's a fast terminal
* number and relativenumber
* allow buffers to be backgrounded
* Try and keep cursor 5 lines from the bottom / top when scrolling
This involved adding a submodule which contains the gruvbox plugin.
Normally I have the background transparent when using vim but I am going
to try without that.
I have set my leader key to space and my local leader to \ which I am
used to
My old vim config has a lot in there that I no longer use and as a
result I will be starting again. My vim configuration used to be a
submodule of my dotfiles, this proved to be more hassel than it was
worth so from now my new vim configuration will be in my main dotfiles
repository in the vim/ directory.
I will be re-building my vim configuration and plan do document
everything as I go in commit messages as seen in Greg Hurrel's excelent
dotfiles repo:
I will try to keep the number of non-syntax plugins to a minimum.
The script simply opens a new terminal with nvim running in it, passing
any arguments directly to nvim
This is used by tridactyl to open a text box in vim
Also added some new search engines and some other keybindings