Bin: NessusComplianceFilter: add to help

After talking to Scot, I thought it may be helpful to add an example awk
command for grouping rows. In the example added, awk will show only the
compliance name, along with a comma seperated list of ip addresses
Jonathan Hodgson 3 years ago
parent 5156ae80dc
commit fa8fc5787d
  1. 6

@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ printhelp(){
echo "e.g."
echo "cat example.nessus | nessusComplianceFilter \"^18.\" \"Defender\""
echo "will output a tsv containing all failures (or warnings) that start with '18.' and contain the word 'Defender'"
echo ""
echo "It has been built with extensability in mind. It should work well with other unix-y tools"
echo ""
echo "e.g. Only show the name and ip addresses grouped"
echo "cat example.nessus | nessusComplianceFilter | awk awk -F \$'\t' 'NR>1{arr[\$1] = arr[\$1] \$6 \", \"}END{for (a in arr) print a \"\\t\" arr[a]}'"
exit 0
