This is a script that provides context menus (via rofi) based on a previous action. It takes an optional --first argument that, when present, causes the script to select the first option on the list automatically. It currently has two actions that it knows how to follow: * using my password manager script to select a password - In this situation it will get a otp for the same password * After taking a screenshot - open the screenshot - Add a shadow to the screenshot - Perform ocr on the screenshot I will extend this to do more things in time.
3 changed files with 129 additions and 31 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# This file should be bound to a keybinging |
# It allows for follow up actions |
# |
# For example, after taking a screenshot, I may wish to |
# * add a shadow |
# * open in gimp |
# * Apply tesseract ocr |
# The file .local/share/lastaction will contain the last action and potentially relevant information about it such as the screenshot's path |
# If this is true, the first is automatically taken |
first=false |
die(){ |
echo "$@" > /dev/stderr |
exit 1 |
} |
trimWhitespace(){ |
sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' |
} |
deleteEmptyLines(){ |
sed '/^$/ d' |
} |
getSuggestions(){ |
case "$1" in |
screenshot) |
printf "View\tsxiv\n" |
printf "add shadow\tscreenshotAddShadow\n" |
printf "OCR\tscreenshotOCR\n" |
;; |
password) |
echo "OTP passwordOTP" |
;; |
esac |
} |
screenshotOCR(){ |
file="$1" |
tesseract "$file" "$file" |
LINES=$(wc -l < "${file}.txt") |
if [ "$LINES" -eq 0 ]; then |
notify-send "ocr" "no text was detected\nimage file at $file" |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ -n "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ]; then |
cat "${file}.txt" | wl-copy |
echo -n "${file}.txt" | wl-copy --primary |
else |
cat "${file}.txt" | xclip -selection clipboard |
echo -n "${file}.txt" | xclip -selection primary |
fi |
} |
screenshotAddShadow(){ |
file="$1" |
newfile="${file%.*}-withshadow.${file##*.}" |
[ ! -f "$file" ] && die "Can't find file" |
#tmpfile="$(mktemp)" |
convert "$file" \( +clone -background black -shadow 80x20+0+15 \) +swap -background transparent -layers merge +repage "$newfile" |
#convert "$tmpfile" -bordercolor none -border 32 "$newfile" |
#rm "$tmpfile" |
if [ -n "$WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ]; then |
# Copies the image to your clipboard (ctrl + v) |
wl-copy < "$file" |
# Copies the filename to primary selection (shift + insert or middle mouse) |
echo -n "$file" | wl-copy --primary |
else |
# Copies the image to your clipboard (ctrl + v) |
xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i "$newfile" |
# Copies the filename to primary selection (shift + insert or middle mouse) |
echo -n "$newfile" | xclip -selection primary |
fi |
notify-send "New Shadow On Screenshot" "$newfile" |
echo "screenshot $newfile" > "$lastactionfile" |
} |
passwordOTP(){ |
password-manager "$1" otp |
} |
[ "$1" == "--first" ] && first=true && shift |
lastactionfile="${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/lastaction" |
[ ! -f "$lastactionfile" ] && die "No last action" |
lastaction="$(sed -n 1p "$lastactionfile")" |
[ -z "$lastaction" ] && die "No last action" |
action="$(echo "$lastaction" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" |
options="$(echo "$lastaction" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)" |
suggestions="$(getSuggestions "$action")" |
torun="" |
if [ "$(echo "$suggestions" | wc -l)" -le 1 ] || [ "$first" == "true" ]; then |
torun="$(echo "$suggestions" | sed -n 1p | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" |
else |
choice="$(echo "$suggestions" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rofi -dmenu)" |
[ -z "$choice" ] && die "Exited without selection" |
torun="$(echo "$suggestions" | grep "^$choice" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" |
fi |
$torun $options |
Reference in new issue