Change colour=auto to colour-always

Jonathan Hodgson 7 years ago
parent b6b4936cb9
commit e30e249ff3
  1. 12

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function old() {
#This prints the current working directory after doing a cd"
cd "$@"
ls -F --color=auto
ls -F --color=always
#Takes you to the aquarius theme
@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ function theme() {
#These search functions use grep to search all sub-folders of the current working directory
searchjs() {
# This will search through .js and .es6 files but won't search minified files
grep -r -i -n --color="auto" --include=\*.{js,es6} --exclude=\*.min.js "$1" .
grep -r -i -n --color="always" --include=\*.{js,es6} --exclude=\*.min.js "$1" .
searchcss() {
# This will search through .css and .less files but won't search minified files
grep -r -i -n --color="auto" --include=\*.{css,less,scss,sass} --exclude=\*.min.css "$1" .
grep -r -i -n --color="always" --include=\*.{css,less,scss,sass} --exclude=\*.min.css "$1" .
searchphp() {
grep -r -i -n --color="auto" --include="*.php" "$1" .
grep -r -i -n --color="always" --include="*.php" "$1" .
# This makes cd use function above
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ alias file-perms='find . -type f -not -path "./.git/*" -not -path "./.git" -exec
alias wp-perms='folder-perms; file-perms'
# Make ls add Indicators to file names and colour the output
alias ls='ls -F --color=auto'
alias ls='ls -F --color=always'
# Make tree add indicators and color
alias tree='tree -F -C'
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ alias pull='git pull '
alias bb='git open'
# Always make grep ouput color
alias grep="grep --color=auto"
alias grep="grep --color=always"
# Shortcuts to sites folder
alias sites="cd ~/Sites"
