@ -269,6 +269,36 @@ Strict means the browser sends the cookie only for same-site requests\n\n" |
return "$ret" |
} |
test_permissions-policy(){ |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "Permissions-Policy" | drawInBox |
wecho "The Permission-Policy header replaces the Feature-Policy and is \ |
used to allow or disallow certain browser features or apis in the interest of \ |
security.\n\n" |
return 3 |
fi |
local value="$(echo "$1" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | trimWhitespace)" |
} |
test_feature-policy(){ |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "Feature-Policy" | drawInBox |
wecho "The Feature-Policy header was used to allow or disallow certian \ |
browser features or apis. It has been superceded by the permissions-policy |
header but should still be included for legacy browsers.\n\n" |
return 3 |
fi |
if ! echo "$headers" | grep -Eqi '^permissions-policy'; then |
echo "Feature-Policy" | drawInBox |
wecho "The Feature-Policy header was used to allow or disallow certian \ |
browser features or apis. It has been superceded by the permissions-policy |
header but should still be included for legacy browsers. |
It has been highlighted because the Permissions-policy header wasn't found.\n\n" |
return 3 |
fi |
local value="$(echo "$1" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | trimWhitespace)" |
} |
usage(){ |
echo -n "analyse-headers [OPTIONS]... URL |
@ -339,7 +369,9 @@ headers="$(curl -s -I "$url")" |
missingHeaders="x-frame-options |
content-security-policy |
x-xss-protection |
x-content-type-options" |
x-content-type-options |
feature-policy |
permissions-policy" |
tmpfile="$(mktemp)" |
touch "$tmpfile" |