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7 years ago
# Simple shell script to symlink my dotfiles to their place in the system
#whether to use -f when creating symlnk
#Ask if files should be overiten
read -n1 -p "Do you want to overide files if they exist? [y/N] " answer
#If anser is y or Y then they should be ovewriten
#Anything else and they shouldn't
if [[ "$answer" == "y" || "$answer" == "Y" ]]; then
# A wrapper around ln which will force if necesary
function myLink(){
if $force; then
/usr/bin/ln -sf "$1" "$2"
echo "forced $2 -> $1"
/usr/bin/ln -s "$1" "$2"
7 years ago
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/zprofile $HOME/.zprofile
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/zshrc $HOME/.zshrc
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/zsh/zshrc $HOME/.zshrc.pre-oh-my-zsh
7 years ago
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/bash/bash_profile $HOME/.bash_profile
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/shells/bash/bashrc $HOME/.bashrc
7 years ago
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/x/xinitrc $HOME/.xinitrc
myLink /home/jonathan/.dotfiles/x/xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap
7 years ago
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/git/gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig
7 years ago
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/i3
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/i3/config $HOME/.config/i3/config
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/i3/i3blocks.conf $HOME/.i3blocks.conf
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/dunst $HOME/.config/dunst
7 years ago
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/vim $HOME/.vim
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/vim/.vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/rofi $HOME/.config/rofi
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/Templates $HOME/Templates
7 years ago
myLink $HOME/.dotfiles/pandoc $HOME/.pandoc