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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# A simple script to adjust the volume
# Requires pulse and amixer
function drawBar(){
local percent="$1";
for i in {1..10}; do
local boxPercent=$(($i*10))
if [ "$boxPercent" -lt "$percent" ]; then
echo -n "■"
elif [ "$boxPercent" -eq "$percent" ]; then
echo -n "■"
elif [ "$(($boxPercent-10))" -lt "$percent" ]; then
echo -n "▣"
echo -n "□"
case "$1" in
brightnessctl set 10%+
brightnessctl set 10%-
brightness="$(brightnessctl get)"
brightnessMax="$(brightnessctl max)"
brightnessPercent="$((brightness * 100 / brightnessMax))"
command -v notify-send && notify-send -R "/tmp/brightness" "Brightness" "$(drawBar $brightnessPercent) ${brightnessPercent}%"