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#Gain focus
export HASFOCUS="true"
zle reset-prompt
zle -N gain_focus
bindkey '\033[I' gain_focus # Gain Focus
export HASFOCUS="false"
zle reset-prompt
zle -N loose_focus
bindkey '\033[O' loose_focus # Loose Focus
# Stop terminal from sending focus events before a process runs
# This eliviates the issue of getting weird characters when a read (or similar) prompt is visible
printf '\033[?1004l'
add-zsh-hook preexec dont_listen_for_focus
# Make the terminal send focus events again when the prompt is being drawn
# This almost works, although, if a long running process finishes in the background, that terminal will still look like it has focus
# This makes sc (and maybe other terminals?) send escape codes to the shell when focus is gained / lost
printf '\033[?1004h'
add-zsh-hook precmd listen_for_focus