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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# A bash script to replace a local database with one on a server
# It relies on wp being installed on both the server and the local machine
# - Note, if using xampp, mamp .. you should make sure that mysql and php are
# both in your $PATH
# On your local machine, it assumes that WP is in a folder called public_html
# SSH entry from .ssh/config
# The folder so search for on the remote server
# the home folder is grepped for this so public should get public/ and public_html/
# If the ssh entry isn't given, exit with a warning
if [ -z "$sshKey" ]; then
echo "Add an SSH entry"
exit 1
# This command exits with a non-zero exit code if not a multisite
wp site list 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Appears to be a multisite"
echo "Appears not to be a multisite"
# Finds the local public_html folder
# Gets the folder that we should Copy from
echo "Getting site variables from the server"
sshFolder="$(ssh "$sshKey" ls | grep "$sshFolder")"
# gets the fell path of the folder for the path replace later on
sshFolderPath="$(ssh "$sshKey" "cd $sshFolder; pwd")"
if [ "$multisite" == "true" ]; then
# Gets an array of domains on the remote server
remoteDomains=($(ssh "$sshKey" "cd $sshFolder; wp site list 2> /dev/null" | cut -f 2 | tail -n +2 | sed -E "s/https?:\/\///g" | sed -E "s/\/$//g"))
# Gets an array of domains on the local server
localDomains=($(wp site list 2> /dev/null | cut -f 2 | tail -n +2 | sed -E "s/https?:\/\///g" | sed -E "s/\/$//g"))
# puts the site url in an array
remoteDomains=($(ssh "$sshKey" "cd $sshFolder; wp option get siteurl 2> /dev/null" | sed -E "s/https?:\/\///g" | sed -E "s/\/$//g"))
# Gets an array of domains on the local server
localDomains=($(wp option get siteurl 2> /dev/null | sed -E "s/https?:\/\///g" | sed -E "s/\/$//g"))
echo "Downloading database"
# Dumps the database into our public_html folder
ssh "$sshKey" "cd $sshFolder; wp db export -" > "$public_html"/db.dump
# Imports the new database
echo "Importing the database"
wp db import "$public_html"/db.dump 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
# Loops through the domains and does a search and replace
echo "Performing find and replace"
for (( i = 0; i < ${#remoteDomains[@]}; i++ )); do
echo "${remoteDomains[$i]} -> ${localDomains[$i]}"
wp search-replace --all-tables --url="${remoteDomains[$i]}" "${remoteDomains[$i]}" "${localDomains[$i]}" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
# Searches and replaces the paths
echo "$sshFolderPath -> $public_html"
wp search-replace --all-tables --url="${localDomains[0]}" "$sshFolderPath" "$public_html" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
# Removes the db.dump that we created
rm "$public_html"/db.dump
#Makes sure everything in the uploads folder on the server is also on the local
5 years ago
rsync -ruh --progress "${sshKey}:${sshFolder}/wp-content/uploads/" "${public_html}/wp-content/uploads"