359 lines
9.5 KiB

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\signature{Jonathan Hodgson}
\newcommand{\email}{\href{mailto:$email$?subject=Re: $subject$}{$email$}}
\newcommand{\email}{\href{mailto:jonathan@jonathanh.co.uk?subject=Re: $subject$}{jonathan@jonathanh.co.uk}}
\textbf{Jonathan Hodgson} \\
***REMOVED*** \\[0.2cm]
\textbf{Tel:} \href{tel:***REMOVED***}{***REMOVED***} \\
\textbf{Email:} \email
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\begin{letter}{You need to specify address}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam}
{\large\bf Re: $subject$}
\closing{Yours sincerely,}
\closing{Yours faithfully,}