You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

44 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "$@" > /dev/stderr
exit 1
echo "Nessus Compliance Filter"
echo "This command should be given a nessus xml file on stdin"
echo "Stdout will contain a tsv file for each compliance issue (not pass)"
echo "Positional Arguments can be given and each will regex match the Check Name"
echo ""
echo "e.g."
echo "cat example.nessus | nessusComplianceFilter \"^18.\" \"Defender\""
echo "will output a tsv containing all failures (or warnings) that start with '18.' and contain the word 'Defender'"
echo ""
echo "It has been built with extensability in mind. It should work well with other unix-y tools"
echo ""
echo "e.g. Only show the name and ip addresses grouped"
echo "cat example.nessus | nessusComplianceFilter | awk awk -F \$'\t' 'NR>1{arr[\$1] = arr[\$1] \$6 \", \"}END{for (a in arr) print a \"\\t\" arr[a]}'"
exit 0
type -p xq >/dev/null || die -e "You need to install xq\n"
[ "$1" = "-h" ] && printhelp
while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
filters="$filters | select( .\"cm:compliance-check-name\" | test(\"$1\"))"
echo "Compliance Check Compliance Result Profile Current Expected IP"
cat - | xq -r ".NessusClientData_v2.Report.ReportHost | if (. | type == \"array\") then .[] else . end |
(.ReportItem[] + {ip:.\"@name\"}) |
select(.compliance == \"true\") |
select(.\"cm:compliance-result\" != \"PASSED\") $filters |
[.\"cm:compliance-check-name\", .\"cm:compliance-result\", ( .\"cm:compliance-audit-file\" | match(\"L(evel_)?[12]\").string | sub(\"_\";\" \") | sub(\"L1\"; \"Level 1\") | sub(\"L2\"; \"Level 2\") ), .\"cm:compliance-actual-value\", .\"cm:compliance-policy-value\", .ip]
| @tsv" | sort -V