You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# replaces " with \"
echo -n '"'
echo "$@" | sed 's/"/\\"/g'
echo -n '"'
local id="$1"
local title="$(echo "$container" | hq "#$id" text)"
local -a headings
local -a bodys
while IFS= read -rd '' heading; do
done < <( echo "$container" | hq "#${id}-container" data |\
hq -0 '.details-header' text )
while IFS= read -rd '' body; do
done < <( echo "$container" | hq "#${id}-container" data |\
hq -0 '.details-header + div' text )
# For some reason the html output doesn't put the observed bit in a div like
# the others
local observed="$(echo "$container" | hq "#${id}-container" data |\
sed -n '/<h2/,$p' | hq 'div:nth-of-type(2)' text)"
local link="${bodys[2]}"
local expected="${bodys[5]}"
# For some reason the html output doesn't put the observed bit in a div like
# the others
local observed="$(echo "$container" | hq "#${id}-container" data |\
sed -n '/<h2/,$p' | hq 'div:nth-of-type(2)' text)"
echoescaped -n "${title}"
echo -n ","
echoescaped -n "${link}"
echo -n ","
echoescaped -n "${expected}"
echo -n ","
echoescaped -n "${observed}"
echo ","
# Expects a file on stdin
# Get the bit between compliance failed and the next heading
container="$(cat - | sed -n "/<h6.*Compliance 'FAILED'/,/<h6/p")"
ids="$(echo "$container" | grep -Eo 'id="idp[0-9]*-container' |\
cut -d '"' -f2 | cut -d '-' -f1)"
echo "Title,See Also,Expected,Observed"
while read id; do
printRow "$id"
done <<< "$ids"