" Standard setup {{{1 " set non-compatible set nocompatible " set syntax highlighting syntax on " Enable netrw filetype plugin indent on " start pathogen call pathogen#infect() call pathogen#helptags() "Leaders {{{1 let mapleader = "," let maplocalleader = "\\" let base16colorspace=256 " Access colors present in 256 colorspace colorscheme base16-gruvbox-dark-hard " Config {{{1 " Set auto read so a file is updated if externally changed set autoread " Turn on mouse Interaction set mouse=a " Set spelcheck language set spelllang=en_gb " Set default split to be right or bottom set splitright set splitbelow " Tell vim it's a fast terminal set ttyfast " set relative ruler with current line as real line number set relativenumber set number " Stop vim wrapping a line mid-word set linebreak " search in sub folders set path+=** " Display matching files when tab completing - ignoring files that I probably " dont want to match set wildmenu set wildignore+=*.min.js,*.min.css,*/node_modules/*,*/dist/* " Time vim waits to see if you are pushing another key set timeoutlen=500 " set tabwidth set autoindent set smartindent set shiftwidth=4 set tabstop=4 " Add invisivle character reperesentation set list listchars=tab:»\ ,trail:\␣,eol:↩ " make search highlight as you type set incsearch " Make search case insensitive unless I type a capital letter set ignorecase smartcase " Make backspace work properly in insert mode set backspace=indent,eol,start " Show commands as you type them set showcmd " Make vim default to the plus register (system clipboard) when yanking etc. "set clipboard=unnamedplus " Make the cursor change in insert mode "Ps = 0 -> blinking block. "Ps = 1 -> blinking block (default). "Ps = 2 -> steady block. "Ps = 3 -> blinking underline. "Ps = 4 -> steady underline. "Ps = 5 -> blinking bar (xterm). "Ps = 6 -> steady bar (xterm). let &t_SI = "\e[5 q" let &t_EI = "\e[1 q" " optional reset cursor on start: " augroup myCmds " au! " autocmd VimEnter * silent !echo -ne "\e[2 q" " augroup END " Highlighting {{{1 " Spell {{{2 highlight clear SpellBad highlight SpellBad cterm=underline ctermfg=red highlight clear SpellRare highlight SpellRare cterm=underline ctermfg=yellow highlight clear SpellLocal highlight SpellLocal cterm=underline ctermfg=yellow " Plugin Options {{{1 " Airline set laststatus=2 let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 let g:airline_theme='base16' " Vimtex let g:tex_flavor='latex' let g:vimtex_view_method='zathura' let g:vimtex_quickfix_mode=0 set conceallevel=1 let g:tex_conceal='abdmg' " Tables let g:table_mode_corner_corner='+' let g:table_mode_header_fillchar='=' " UtiliSnips let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="" let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical" " Lion let g:lion_squeeze_spaces = 1 " Quick tex options {{{2 " HTML {{{3 " let g:quicktex_html = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \';b' : "<+++> <++>", " \';i' : "<+++> <++>", " \';1' : "


<++>", " \';2' : "


<++>", " \';3' : "


<++>", " \';p' : "


<++>", " \';a' : "\"><+++> <++>", " \';ul' : "
  • <+++>
  • \
\\<++>", " \';ol' : "
  1. <+++>
  2. \
\\<++>", " \';li' : "
  • <++>
  • ", " \} " " CSS {{{3 " let g:quicktex_css = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \ " \'w' : "width: <+++>;\<++>", " \'h' : "height: <+++>;\<++>", " \'mw' : "max-width: <+++>;\<++>", " \'mh' : "max-height: <+++>;\<++>", " \'t' : "top: <+++>;\<++>", " \'b' : "bottom: <+++>;\<++>", " \'l' : "left: <+++>;\<++>", " \'r' : "right: <+++>;\<++>", " \'pos' : "position: <+++>;\<++>", " \ " \'m' : "margin: <+++>;\<++>", " \'mt' : "margin-top: <+++>;\<++>", " \'mb' : "margin-bottom: <+++>;\<++>", " \'ml' : "margin-left: <+++>;\<++>", " \'mr' : "margin-right: <+++>;\<++>", " \ " \'p' : "padding: <+++>;\<++>", " \'pt' : "padding-top: <+++>;\<++>", " \'pb' : "padding-bottom: <+++>;\<++>", " \'pl' : "padding-left: <+++>;\<++>", " \'pr' : "padding-right: <+++>;\<++>", " \ " \'bor' : "border: <+++>;\<++>", " \'bort' : "border-top: <+++>;\<++>", " \'borb' : "border-bottom: <+++>;\<++>", " \'borl' : "border-left: <+++>;\<++>", " \'borr' : "border-right: <+++>;\<++>", " \ " \';abs' : "position: absolute;\<++>", " \';rel' : "position: relative;\<++>", " \';fix' : "position: fixed;\<++>", " \ " \';block' : "display: block;\<++>", " \';inl' : "display: inline;\<++>", " \';inb' : "display: inline-block;\<++>", " \';flex' : "display: flex;\<++>", " \';inf' : "display: inline-flex;\<++>", " \ " \'include' : "@import \"<+++>\";\<++>", " \'@include' : "@import \"<+++>\";\<++>", " \'require' : "@import \"<+++>\";\<++>", " \'@require' : "@import \"<+++>\";\<++>", " \'import' : "@import \"<+++>\";\<++>", " \ " \'media' : "@media (<+++>){\<++>\}", " \';minw' : "@media (min-width: <+++>){\<++>\}", " \';mindw' : "@media (min-width: @min-desktop-width){\<+++>\}", " \} " let g:quicktex_less = g:quicktex_css " " " JS {{{3 " let g:quicktex_javascript = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \ " \';fun' : "function <+++>(<++>){\<++>\}", " \ " \} " " Latex Normal {{{3 " let g:quicktex_tex = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \';b' : "\\textbf{<+++>} <++>", " \';e' : "\\emph{<+++>} <++>", " \'prf' : "\\begin{proof}\<+++>\\\end{proof}", " \';m' : "$<+++>$ <++>", " \';M' : "\\[ <+++> \\] <++>", " \';ma' : "$a$ ", " \';mb' : "$b$ ", " \';mc' : "$c$ ", " \';md' : "$d$ ", " \';me' : "$e$ ", " \';mf' : "$f$ ", " \';mg' : "$g$ ", " \';mh' : "$h$ ", " \';mi' : "$i$ ", " \';mj' : "$j$ ", " \';mk' : "$k$ ", " \';ml' : "$l$ ", " \';mm' : "$m$ ", " \';mn' : "$n$ ", " \';mo' : "$o$ ", " \';mp' : "$p$ ", " \';mq' : "$q$ ", " \';mr' : "$r$ ", " \';ms' : "$s$ ", " \';mt' : "$t$ ", " \';mu' : "$u$ ", " \';mv' : "$v$ ", " \';mw' : "$w$ ", " \';mx' : "$x$ ", " \';my' : "$y$ ", " \';mz' : "$z$ ", " \';mA' : "$A$ ", " \';mB' : "$B$ ", " \';mC' : "$C$ ", " \';mD' : "$D$ ", " \';mE' : "$E$ ", " \';mF' : "$F$ ", " \';mG' : "$G$ ", " \';mH' : "$H$ ", " \';mI' : "$I$ ", " \';mJ' : "$J$ ", " \';mK' : "$K$ ", " \';mL' : "$L$ ", " \';mM' : "$M$ ", " \';mN' : "$N$ ", " \';mO' : "$O$ ", " \';mP' : "$P$ ", " \';mQ' : "$Q$ ", " \';mR' : "$R$ ", " \';mS' : "$S$ ", " \';mT' : "$T$ ", " \';mU' : "$U$ ", " \';mV' : "$V$ ", " \';mW' : "$W$ ", " \';mX' : "$X$ ", " \';mY' : "$Y$ ", " \';mZ' : "$Z$ ", " \} " " " Latex Maths {{{3 " let g:quicktex_math = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \';b' : "\\mathbf{<+++>} <++>", " \';B' : "\\mathbb{<+++>} <++>", " \'fr' : '\mathcal{R} ', " \'eq' : '= ', " \'set' : '\{ <+++> \} <++>', " \'frac' : '\frac{<+++>}{<++>} <++>', " \'in' : '\in ', " \'bn' : '\mathbb{N} ', " \} " " " Markdown {{{3 " let g:quicktex_markdown = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \';b' : "**<+++>** <++>", " \';i' : "*<+++>* <++>", " \';a' : "[<+++>](<+url+>) <++>", " \} " let g:quicktex_pandoc = g:quicktex_markdown " " PHP {{{3 " let g:quicktex_php = { " \' ' : "\/<+.*+>\\"_c/+>/e\", " \';ob' : "ob_start();\<+++>\ob_get_clean();", " \';vd' : "var_dump(<+++>);", " \';obvd' : "ob_start();\var_dump(<+++>);\echo htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean());", " \';nl' : "echo '
    ';", " \} "}}} "}}} " Functions {{{1 function! NextMark() execute "normal! /(<.>)\zvda(" execute "startinsert" endfunction function! NewHtml() read ~/Templates/html normal! ggdd setlocal filetype=html "call NextMark() endfunction function! NewLatex() read ~/Templates/latex normal! ggdd setlocal filetype=tex endfunction " Strip the newline from the end of a string function! Chomp(str) return substitute(a:str, '\n$', '', '') endfunction " Find a file and pass it to cmd function! DmenuOpen(cmd) let fname = Chomp(system("git ls-files | rofi -dmenu -i -l 20 -p " . a:cmd)) if empty(fname) return endif execute a:cmd . " " . fname endfunction " Moves to open window, or focuses it " https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/8f80o3/awesome_way_to_navigate_windows_and_autocreate/ function! WinMove(key) let t:curwin = winnr() exec "wincmd ".a:key if (t:curwin == winnr()) if (match(a:key,'[jk]')) wincmd v else wincmd s endif exec "wincmd ".a:key endif endfunction " Commands {{{1 "gets the wp salts command! WpSalts :r! curl https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt 2> /dev/null " Mappings {{{1 " Move lines up/down/left/right using arrow keys nnoremap ddp nnoremap ddkP nnoremap xp nnoremap xhP " Maps the semi colon to colon in normal mode nnoremap ; : " Move lines up/down/left/right using arrow keys nnoremap ddp nnoremap ddkP nnoremap xp nnoremap xhP " Compiles documents nnoremap cc :w! \| !compiler % nnoremap cC :w! \| !compiler % nnoremap cf :w! \| !compiler % fplreport nnoremap cF :w! \| !compiler % fplreport nnoremap cl :w! \| !compiler % letter nnoremap cL :w! \| !compiler % letter nnoremap co :!opout % " Activate spelling nnoremap :set spell! " Disable Scroll wheel noremap noremap " nnoremap :call DmenuOpen("e") " make ctrl + hjkl move + create windows nnoremap :call WinMove('h') nnoremap :call WinMove('j') nnoremap :call WinMove('k') nnoremap :call WinMove('l') " Make Ctrl C and Ctrl V work on system clipboard " if in visual or insert mode respectively vnoremap "+y inoremap "+pa " Make Ctrl t open new tab " nnoremap :tabnew " map gV to select previously pasted nnoremap gV "`[".getregtype(v:register)[0]."`]" " cnoremap w1 w! " Set :w!! to save with sudo cnoremap w!! w !sudo tee % cnoremap w11 w !sudo tee % "Run current line as command nnoremap q !!$SHELL " Do Shebang line " inoremap :sil exe ".!which " s/^/#!/ filetype detectYpDi inoremap :sil s/^/#!\/usr\/bin\/env / filetype detectYpDi " DO bullet points inoremap :exe "norm Ypf lDB\"A " edit vimrc nnoremap ev :vsplit $MYVIMRC nnoremap sv :source $MYVIMRC " use command t to search help topics nmap h (CommandTHelp) " add new line without entering insert mode nnoremap o nnoremap O " Make jj in insert mode go to normal mode inoremap jj " Fix previous spelling mistake inoremap u[s1z=`]au " Set double space in insert mode to go to next mark and enter insert mode "inoremap :call NextMark() " Abreviations {{{1 iabbrev @@ jonathan@fellowshipproductions.co.uk iabbrev @@@ jonathan@lunarweb.co.uk " File Type Specific {{{1 "Make web files fold on indent {{{2 augroup file_web autocmd! autocmd FileType html,xhtml,css,less,javascript,php setlocal foldmethod=indent foldenable augroup END " js maps {{{2 augroup javascript autocmd! "binds this in class autocmd FileType javascript nnoremap b Ithis.^y$$a = pa.bind(this); augroup END " " less maps {{{2 augroup css autocmd! "binds this in class autocmd FileType less nnoremap cl :w! \| !compiler styles.less autocmd FileType less nnoremap cL :w! \| !compiler styles.less autocmd FileType less vmap a gL: augroup END " Add Html maps, Currently only pandoc conversion {{{2 augroup html autocmd! " Run current line through pandoc. " Convert from markdown to html autocmd FileType html nnoremap p :.!pandoc -t html -f markdown-auto_identifiers --wrap=preserve "convert from html to markdown autocmd FileType html nnoremap P :.!pandoc -t markdown -f html --wrap=preserve --atx-headers "Run current selection through pandoc " Convert from markdown to html autocmd FileType html vnoremap p :!pandoc -t html -f markdown-auto_identifiers --wrap=preserve "convert from html to markdown autocmd FileType html vnoremap P :!pandoc -t markdown -f html --wrap=preserve --atx-headers augroup END " Add latex maps, Currently only pandoc conversion {{{2 augroup latex autocmd! " Run current line through pandoc. " Convert from markdown to latex autocmd FileType tex,latex nnoremap p :.!pandoc -t latex -f markdown-auto_identifiers --wrap=preserve "convert from latex to markdown autocmd FileType tex,latex vnoremap P :.!pandoc -t markdown -f latex --wrap=preserve --atx-headers "Run current selection through pandoc " Convert from markdown to latex autocmd FileType tex,latex vnoremap p :!pandoc -t latex -f markdown-auto_identifiers --wrap=preserve "convert from latex to markdown autocmd FileType tex,latex vnoremap P :!pandoc -t markdown -f latex --wrap=preserve --atx-headers augroup END " Make vim fold using markers {{{2 augroup file_i3 autocmd! autocmd FileType i3config setlocal foldmethod=marker foldenable augroup END " Make vim fold using markers {{{2 augroup file_vim autocmd! autocmd FileType vim setlocal foldmethod=marker foldenable augroup END " Make json fold using syntax {{{2 augroup file_json autocmd! autocmd FileType json setlocal foldmethod=syntax foldenable augroup END " Make md files use spellcheck{{{2 augroup file_md autocmd! autocmd FileType markdown setlocal spell augroup END ""set es6 files to javascript {{{2 augroup detectES6 autocmd! autocmd BufNew,BufNewFile,BufRead *.es6 :setlocal filetype=javascript augroup END ""set htaccess variations to apache {{{2 augroup detectHtaccess autocmd! autocmd BufNew,BufNewFile,BufRead *.htaccess,*.localhtaccess,*.livehtaccess :setlocal filetype=apache augroup END