#!/usr/bin/env sh trap "gracefulexit" INT TERM # include common definitions # shellcheck source=scripts/core/sxmo_common.sh . "$(dirname "$0")/sxmo_common.sh" fatalerr() { # E.g. hangup all calls, switch back to default audio, notify user, and die mmcli -m "$(mmcli -L | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' | cut -d'/' -f2)" --voice-hangup-all echo "$1" >&2 notify-send "$1" (sleep 0.5; sxmo_statusbarupdate.sh) & kill -9 0 } modem_n() { MODEMS="$(mmcli -L)" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -qoE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' || fatalerr "Couldn't find modem - is your modem enabled?" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' | cut -d'/' -f2 } dialmenu() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then NUMBER="$1" else CONTACTS="$(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -E "^\+?[0-9]+:")" NUMBER="$( printf %b "Close Menu\nMore contacts\n$CONTACTS" | grep . | sxmo_dmenu_with_kb.sh -l 10 -p Number -c -i )" echo "$NUMBER" | grep "Close Menu" && kill -9 0 echo "$NUMBER" | grep -q "More contacts" && NUMBER="$( printf %b "Close Menu\n$(sxmo_contacts.sh --all)" | grep . | sxmo_dmenu_with_kb.sh -l 10 -p Number -c -i )" NUMBER="$(echo "$NUMBER" | cut -d: -f1 | tr -d -- '- ')" fi if [ -z "$NUMBER" ] || [ "$NUMBER" = "CloseMenu" ]; then #no number selected (probably cancelled), silently discard exit 0 else echo "$NUMBER" | grep -qE '^[+0-9]+$' || fatalerr "$NUMBER is not a number" fi echo "Attempting to dial: $NUMBER" >&2 CALLID="$( mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-create-call "number=$NUMBER" | grep -Eo "Call/[0-9]+" | grep -oE "[0-9]+" )" find "$CACHEDIR" -name "$CALLID.*" -delete # we cleanup all dangling event files echo "Starting call with CALLID: $CALLID" >&2 echo "$CALLID" } modem_n || fatalerr "Couldn't determine modem number - is modem online?" CREATEDCALLID="$(dialmenu "$1")" if [ -n "$CREATEDCALLID" ]; then sxmo_modemcall.sh pickup "$CREATEDCALLID" fi