#!/usr/bin/env sh NOTIFDIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxmo/notifications # Takes 4 args: # (1) the filepath of the notification to write (or random to generate a random id) # (2) action notification invokes upon selecting # (3) the file to watch for deactivation. # (4) description of notification NOTIFFILEPATHTOWRITE="$1" ACTION="$2" WATCHFILE="$3" NOTIFMSG="$4" writenotification() { lsof | grep "$WATCHFILE" && exit 0 # Already viewing watchfile, nops mkdir -p "$NOTIFDIR" if [ "$NOTIFFILEPATHTOWRITE" = "random" ]; then NOTIFFILEPATHTOWRITE="$NOTIFDIR/$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 10)" fi rm -f "$NOTIFFILEPATHTOWRITE" printf %b "$ACTION\n$WATCHFILE\n$NOTIFMSG\n" > "$NOTIFFILEPATHTOWRITE" } [ "$#" -lt 4 ] && echo "Need >=4 args to create a notification" && exit 1 writenotification