#!/usr/bin/env sh ACTION="$1" XPROPOUT="$(xprop -id "$(xdotool getactivewindow)")" WMCLASS="$(echo "$XPROPOUT" | grep WM_CLASS | cut -d ' ' -f3- | cut -d ' ' -f1 | tr -d '\",')" HANDLE=1 if [ -x "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxmo/hooks/gesture ]; then #hook script must exit with a zero exit code ONLY if it has handled the gesture! "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxmo/hooks/gesture "$WMCLASS" "$@" HANDLE=$? fi if [ "$HANDLE" -ne 0 ]; then #special context-sensitive handling case "$WMCLASS" in "foxtrotgps") # E.g. just a check to ignore 1-finger gestures in foxtrotgps if [ "$ACTION" != "killwindow" ]; then HANDLE=0 fi ;; "st-256color") # First we try to handle the app running inside st: WMNAME=$(echo "$XPROPOUT" | grep -E "^WM_NAME" | cut -d ' ' -f3-) if echo "$WMNAME" | grep -i -w tuir; then if [ "$ACTION" = "enter" ]; then xdotool key o HANDLE=0 elif [ "$ACTION" = "back" ]; then xdotool key s HANDLE=0 fi fi ;; esac fi if [ "$HANDLE" -ne 0 ]; then #standard handling case "$ACTION" in "prevdesktop") xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+e ;; "nextdesktop") xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+Shift+r ;; "moveprevdesktop") xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+e ;; "movenextdesktop") xdotool key --clearmodifiers Alt+r ;; "unmute") sxmo_vol.sh unmute & ;; "mute") sxmo_vol.sh mute & ;; "brightnessup") sxmo_brightness.sh up & ;; "brightnessdown") sxmo_brightness.sh down & ;; "volup") sxmo_vol.sh up & ;; "voldown") sxmo_vol.sh down & ;; "showkeyboard") pidof "$KEYBOARD" || "$KEYBOARD" & ;; "hidekeyboard") pkill -9 "$KEYBOARD" ;; "showmenu") pidof dmenu || sxmo_appmenu.sh & ;; "showsysmenu") sxmo_appmenu.sh sys & ;; "hidemenu") pkill -9 dmenu ;; "killwindow") sxmo_killwindow.sh ;; "scrollup_long") xdotool key Prior ;; "scrolldown_long") xdotool key Next ;; "scrollup_med") xdotool key Up Up Up ;; "scrolldown_med") xdotool key Down Down Down ;; "scrollup_short") xdotool key Up ;; "scrolldown_short") xdotool key Down ;; "scrollleft_short") xdotool key Left ;; "scrollright_short") xdotool key Right ;; "enter") xdotool key Return ;; "back") xdotool key BackSpace ;; *) #fallback, just execute the command "$@" ;; esac fi