#this script is meant to be sourced #the glyphs are often in the private use area and #therefore require a font like those in https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/ for proper display if [ -z "$SXMO_NO_ICONS" ] || [ "$SXMO_NO_ICONS" -eq 0 ]; then icon_itm="" #item (default) icon_trm='' #terminal icon_vim='' icon_tgm='' #telegram icon_gps='' #gps icon_msg="" #text icon_pwr="⏻" #power icon_cfg="" #configuration cog icon_cls="" #close icon_phn="" #phone icon_dir="" #directory folder icon_fil="" #file icon_grd="" icon_mnu="" icon_cam="" icon_net="" icon_bel="" icon_mic="" icon_mmc="" icon_mus="" icon_mut="" #mute icon_spk="" #speaker icon_img="" icon_usr="" icon_tmr="" #timer icon_arl="" icon_arr="" icon_aru="" icon_ard="" icon_ac1="" icon_ac2="" icon_ac3="" icon_ac4="" icon_mov="" icon_shr="" #shrink icon_exp="" #expand icon_zmi="" icon_zmo="" icon_hom="" icon_rld="" icon_hdp="" #headphones icon_lck="" icon_rss="" icon_lnk="" icon_cpy="" icon_pst="" icon_fnd="" #search/find icon_win="" #window icon_tab="" icon_flt="" #filter/pipe icon_glb="" #globe icon_phl="'" #phonelog icon_inf="" #info icon_fll="" #flashlight icon_clk="" icon_rol="" #rotate left icon_ror="" #rotate right icon_upc="" #up in circle icon_zzz="" #sleep/suspend/crust icon_out="" #logout icon_ytb="" #youtube icon_wtr="" #weather icon_red="" #reddit icon_vid="" #video icon_mvi="" #movie icon_clc="" #calculator icon_eml="" #email icon_edt="" #editor icon_ffx="" #firefox icon_ffw="'" #fast forward icon_fbw="" icon_pau="" icon_a2y="⇅" icon_a2x="⇄" icon_sav="" #save icon_ret="" #return icon_nxt="" #next icon_prv="" #previous icon_stp="" #stop icon_sfl="" #shuffle, random icon_lst="" #list icon_kbd="" #keyboard icon_del="﫧" #delete icon_grp="" #group icon_snd="" #send icon_phx="" #hangup icon_wn2="" fi #allow the user to override icons if [ -x "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/icons" ]; then "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/icons" fi