#!/usr/bin/env sh trap gracefulexit INT TERM WIN=$(xdotool getwindowfocus) NOTIFDIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxmo/notifications gracefulexit() { echo "Gracefully exiting $0" kill -9 0 } programchoicesinit() { XPROPOUT="$(xprop -id "$(xdotool getactivewindow)")" WMCLASS="${1:-$(echo "$XPROPOUT" | grep WM_CLASS | cut -d ' ' -f3-)}" if echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "userscripts"; then # Userscripts menu CHOICES=" $( find "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/userscripts" \( -type f -o -type l \) -print0 | xargs -IF basename F | awk '{printf "%s\t^ 0 ^ $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/userscripts/%s \n", $0, $0}' ) Edit Scripts ^ 0 ^ sxmo_files.sh $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/userscripts " WINNAME=Userscripts elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "scripts"; then # Scripts menu CHOICES=" Web Search ^ 0 ^ sxmo_websearch.sh Record ^ 0 ^ sxmo_record.sh Timer ^ 0 ^ sxmo_timer.sh Youtube ^ 0 ^ sxmo_youtube.sh video Youtube (Audio) ^ 0 ^ sxmo_youtube.sh audio Weather ^ 0 ^ sxmo_weather.sh RSS ^ 0 ^ sxmo_rss.sh Reddit ^ 0 ^ sxmo_reddit.sh " WINNAME=Scripts elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "applications"; then # Apps menu CHOICES=" $(command -v surf >/dev/null && echo 'Surf ^ 0 ^ surf') $(command -v netsurf >/dev/null && echo 'Netsurf ^ 0 ^ netsurf') $(command -v firefox >/dev/null && echo 'Firefox ^ 0 ^ firefox') $(command -v sacc >/dev/null && echo 'Sacc ^ 0 ^ st -e sacc i-logout.cz/1/bongusta') $(command -v w3m >/dev/null && echo 'W3m ^ 0 ^ st -e w3m duck.com') $(command -v htop >/dev/null && echo 'Htop ^ 0 ^ st -e htop') $(command -v xcalc >/dev/null && echo 'Xcalc ^ 0 ^ xcalc') $(command -v st >/dev/null && echo 'St ^ 0 ^ st') $(command -v foxtrotgps >/dev/null && echo 'Foxtrotgps ^ 0 ^ foxtrotgps') " WINNAME=Apps elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "config"; then # System Control menu CHOICES=" Brightness ↑ ^ 1 ^ sxmo_brightness.sh up Brightness ↓ ^ 1 ^ sxmo_brightness.sh down Modem Toggle ^ 1 ^ sxmo_modemmonitortoggle.sh Modem Info ^ 0 ^ sxmo_modeminfo.sh Modem Log ^ 0 ^ sxmo_modemlog.sh Flash $( grep -qE '^0$' /sys/class/leds/white:flash/brightness && printf %b "Off → On" || printf %b "On → Off"; printf %b "^ 1 ^ sxmo_flashtoggle.sh" ) Bar Toggle ^ 1 ^ key Alt+b Invert Colors ^ 1 ^ xcalib -a -invert Change Timezone ^ 1 ^ sxmo_timezonechange.sh Rotate ^ 1 ^ sxmo_rotate.sh Upgrade Pkgs ^ 0 ^ st -e sxmo_upgrade.sh " WINNAME=Config elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "audioout"; then # Audio Out menu CURRENTDEV="$(sxmo_audiocurrentdevice.sh)" CHOICES=" Headphones $([ "$CURRENTDEV" = "Headphone" ] && echo "✓") ^ 1 ^ sxmo_audioout.sh Headphones Speaker $([ "$CURRENTDEV" = "Line Out" ] && echo "✓") ^ 1 ^ sxmo_audioout.sh Speaker Earpiece $([ "$CURRENTDEV" = "Earpiece" ] && echo "✓") ^ 1 ^ sxmo_audioout.sh Earpiece None $([ "$CURRENTDEV" = "None" ] && echo "✓") ^ 1 ^ sxmo_audioout.sh None Volume ↑ ^ 1 ^ sxmo_vol.sh up Volume ↓ ^ 1 ^ sxmo_vol.sh down " WINNAME="Audio" elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "power"; then # Power menu CHOICES=" Lock ^ 0 ^ sxmo_lock.sh Lock (Screen off) ^ 0 ^ sxmo_lock.sh --screen-off Suspend ^ 0 ^ sxmo_lock.sh --suspend Logout ^ 0 ^ pkill -9 dwm Reboot ^ 0 ^ st -e sudo reboot Poweroff ^ 0 ^ st -e sudo halt " WINNAME="Power" elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "mpv"; then # MPV CHOICES=" Pause ^ 0 ^ key space Seek ← ^ 1 ^ key Left Seek → ^ 1 ^ key Right App Volume ↑ ^ 1 ^ key 0 App Volume ↓ ^ 1 ^ key 9 Speed ↑ ^ 1 ^ key bracketright Speed ↓ ^ 1 ^ key bracketleft Screenshot ^ 1 ^ key s Loopmark ^ 1 ^ key l Info ^ 1 ^ key i Seek Info ^ 1 ^ key o " WINNAME=Mpv && return elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "feh"; then # Feh CHOICES=" Next → ^ 1 ^ key space Previous ← ^ 1 ^ key BackSpace Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key up Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key down Zoom to fit ^ 1 ^ key slash Zoom to fill ^ 1 ^ key exlam Rotate ↺ ^ 1 ^ key less Rotate ↻ ^ 1 ^ key greater Flip ⇅ ^ 1 ^ key underscore Mirror ⇄ ^ 1 ^ key bar Toggle filename ^ 1 ^ key d " WINNAME=Feh && return elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "sxiv"; then # Sxiv CHOICES=" Next → ^ 1 ^ key space Previous ← ^ 1 ^ key BackSpace Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key equal Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key minus Rotate ↺ ^ 1 ^ key less Rotate ↻ ^ 1 ^ key greater Flip ⇄ ^ 1 ^ key question Flip ⇅ ^ 1 ^ key bar " WINNAME=Sxiv && return elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "st-256color"; then # St # First we try to handle the app running inside st: WMNAME="${1:-$(echo "$XPROPOUT" | grep -E "^WM_NAME" | cut -d ' ' -f3-)}" if echo "$WMNAME" | grep -i -E "\"(vi|vim|vis|nvim|neovim)\""; then #Vim in st CHOICES=" Scroll ↑ ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+u Scroll ↓ ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+d Command prompt ^ 0 ^ key Escape Shift+semicolon Save ^ 0 ^ key Escape Shift+semicolon w Return Quit ^ 0 ^ key Escape Shift+semicolon q Return Paste Selection ^ 0 ^ key Escape quotedbl asterisk p Paste Clipboard ^ 0 ^ key Escape quotedbl plus p Search ^ 0 ^ key Escape / Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Prior Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Next St menu ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh st-256color " WINNAME=Vim elif echo "$WMNAME" | grep -i -w "nano"; then #Nano in st CHOICES=" Scroll ↑ ^ 1 ^ key Prior Scroll ↓ ^ 1 ^ key Next Save ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+O Quit ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+X Paste ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+U Type complete ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+u Copy complete ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+i Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Prior Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Next St menu ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh st-256color " WINNAME=Nano elif echo "$WMNAME" | grep -i -w "tuir"; then #tuir (reddit client) in st CHOICES=" Previous ↑ ^ 1 ^ key k Next ↓ ^ 1 ^ key j Scroll ↑ ^ 1 ^ key Prior Scroll ↓ ^ 1 ^ key Next Open ^ 0 ^ key o Back ← ^ 0 ^ key h Comments → ^ 0 ^ key l Post ^ 0 ^ key c Refresh ^ 0 ^ key r Quit ^ 0 ^ key q Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Prior Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Next St menu ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh st-256color " WINNAME=tuir elif echo "$WMNAME" | grep -i -w "w3m"; then #w3m CHOICES=" Back ← ^ 1 ^ key B Goto URL ^ 1 ^ key U Next Link ^ 1 ^ key Tab Previous Link ^ 1 ^ key Shift+Tab Open tab ^ 0 ^ key T Close tab ^ 0 ^ Ctrl+q Next tab ^ 1 ^ key braceright Previous tab ^ 1 ^ key braceleft Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Prior Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Next St menu ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh st-256color " WINNAME=w3m elif echo "$WMNAME" | grep -i -w "ncmpcpp"; then #ncmpcpp CHOICES=" Playlist ^ 0 ^ key 1 Browser ^ 0 ^ key 2 Search ^ 0 ^ key 2 Next track ^ 0 ^ key greater Previous track ^ 0 ^ key less Pause ^ 0 ^ key p Stop ^ 0 ^ key s Toggle repeat ^ 0 ^ key r Toggle random ^ 0 ^ key z Toggle consume ^ 0 ^ key R St menu ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh st-256color " WINNAME=ncmpcpp else STSELMODEON="$( echo "$XPROPOUT" | grep -E '^_ST_SELMODE.+=' | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d ' ' )" CHOICES=" Type complete ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+u Copy complete ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+i Selmode $( [ "$STSELMODEON" = 1 ] && printf %b 'On → Off' || printf %b 'Off → On' printf %b '^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+s' ) $([ "$STSELMODEON" = 1 ] && echo 'Copy selection ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+c') Paste ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+v Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Prior Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+Next Scroll ↑ ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+b Scroll ↓ ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+f Invert ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+x Hotkeys ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh sthotkeys " WINNAME=St fi elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i "sthotkeys"; then # St hotkeys CHOICES=" Send Ctrl-C ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+c Send Ctrl-Z ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+z Send Ctrl-L ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+l Send Ctrl-D ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+d Send Ctrl-A ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+a Send Ctrl-B ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+b " WINNAME=St elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i netsurf; then # Netsurf CHOICES=" Pipe URL ^ 0 ^ sxmo_urlhandler.sh Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+plus Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+minus History ← ^ 1 ^ key Alt+Left History → ^ 1 ^ key Alt+Right " WINNAME=Netsurf elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep surf; then # Surf CHOICES=" Navigate ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+g Link Menu ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+d Pipe URL ^ 0 ^ sxmo_urlhandler.sh Search Page ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+f Find Next ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+n Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+k Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+j Scroll ↑ ^ 1 ^ key Shift+space Scroll ↓ ^ 1 ^ key space JS Toggle ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+s History ← ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+h History → ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+l Refresh ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+r " WINNAME=Surf elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i firefox; then # Firefox CHOICES=" Pipe URL ^ 0 ^ sxmo_urlhandler.sh New Tab ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+t New Window ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+n Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+plus Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key Ctrl+minus History ← ^ 1 ^ key Alt+Left History → ^ 1 ^ key Alt+Right Refresh ^ 0 ^ key Ctrl+Shift+r " WINNAME=Firefox elif echo "$WMCLASS" | grep -i foxtrot; then # Foxtrot GPS CHOICES=' Locations ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh menulocations Copy ^ 1 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh copy Paste ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh paste Drop Pin ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh droppin Region Search ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh menuregionsearch Region Details ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh details Zoom + ^ 1 ^ key i Zoom - ^ 1 ^ key o Map Type ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh menumaptype Panel Toggle ^ 1 ^ key m GPSD Toggle ^ 1 ^ key a Locate Me ^ 0 ^ sxmo_gpsutil.sh gpsgeoclueset ' WINNAME=Maps else # Default system menu (no matches) CHOICES=" $( [ -n "$(ls -A "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxmo/userscripts)" ] && echo 'Userscripts ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh userscripts' ) Scripts ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh scripts Apps ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh applications Files ^ 0 ^ sxmo_files.sh $(command -v foxtrotgps >/dev/null && echo 'Maps ^ 0 ^ foxtrotgps') Dialer ^ 0 ^ sxmo_modemdial.sh Texts ^ 0 ^ sxmo_modemtext.sh Camera ^ 0 ^ sxmo_camera.sh Wifi ^ 0 ^ st -e nmtui Audio ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh audioout Config ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh config Power ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh power " WINNAME=Sys fi } getprogchoices() { # E.g. sets CHOICES var programchoicesinit "$@" # Decorate menu at top *always* w/ incoming call entry if present if [ -e "$NOTIFDIR"/incomingcall ]; then INCOMINGCALLMSG="$(tail -n+3 "$NOTIFDIR"/incomingcall)" INCOMINGCALLPICKUPACTION="$(head -n1 "$NOTIFDIR"/incomingcall)" CHOICES=" $INCOMINGCALLMSG ^ sh -c "rm "$NOTIFDIR"/incomingcall; "$INCOMINGCALLPICKUPACTION"" $CHOICES " fi # For the Sys menu decorate at top with notifications if >1 notification if [ "$WINNAME" = "Sys" ]; then NNOTIFICATIONS="$(find "$NOTIFDIR" -type f | wc -l)" if [ "$NNOTIFICATIONS" -gt 0 ]; then CHOICES=" Notifications ($NNOTIFICATIONS) ^ 0 ^ sxmo_notificationsmenu.sh $CHOICES " fi fi # Decorate menu at bottom w/ system menu entry if not system menu echo $WINNAME | grep -v Sys && CHOICES=" $CHOICES System Menu ^ 0 ^ sxmo_appmenu.sh sys " # Decorate menu at bottom w/ close menu entry CHOICES=" $CHOICES Close Menu ^ 0 ^ quit " PROGCHOICES="$(echo "$CHOICES" | xargs -0 echo | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | awk '{$1=$1};1')" } key() { xdotool windowactivate "$WIN" xdotool key --delay 50 --clearmodifiers "$@" #--window $WIN } quit() { exit 0 } mainloop() { getprogchoices "$ARGS" echo "$PROGCHOICES" | cut -d'^' -f1 | dmenu -idx "$DMENUIDX" -l 16 -c -fn "Terminus-30" -p "$WINNAME" | ( PICKED="$(cat)" echo "$PICKED" | grep . || quit LOOP="$(echo "$PROGCHOICES" | grep -m1 -F "$PICKED" | cut -d '^' -f2)" CMD="$(echo "$PROGCHOICES" | grep -m1 -F "$PICKED" | cut -d '^' -f3)" DMENUIDX="$(echo "$PROGCHOICES" | grep -m1 -F -n "$PICKED" | cut -d ':' -f1)" echo "Eval: <$CMD> from picked <$PICKED> with loop <$LOOP>" if echo "$LOOP" | grep 1; then eval "$CMD" mainloop else eval "$CMD" & quit fi ) & wait } pgrep -f "$(command -v sxmo_appmenu.sh)" | grep -Ev "^${$}$" | xargs kill -TERM DMENUIDX=0 PICKED="" ARGS="$*" mainloop