#!/usr/bin/env sh LOGDIR="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/sxmo/modem NOTIFDIR="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/sxmo/notifications trap "gracefulexit" INT TERM err() { echo "$1">&2 notify-send "$1" gracefulexit } gracefulexit() { echo "gracefully exiting $0!">&2 kill -9 0 } modem_n() { MODEMS="$(mmcli -L)" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' > /dev/null || err "Couldn't find modem - is your modem enabled?\nDisabling modem monitor" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' | cut -d'/' -f2 } lookupnumberfromcallid() { VOICECALLID=$1 mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-list-calls -o "$VOICECALLID" -K | grep call.properties.number | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d ' ' } checkformissedcalls() { if pgrep -vf sxmo_modemcall.sh; then # Add a notification for every missed call # Note sxmo_modemcall.sh cleanups/delete the callid from the modem; so # effectivly any incoming call thats terminated here is a missed call! for MISSEDCALLID in $( mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-list-calls | grep incoming | grep terminated | grep -oE "Call\/[0-9]+" | cut -d'/' -f2 ); do MISSEDNUMBER="$(lookupnumberfromcallid "$MISSEDCALLID")" mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-delete-call "$MISSEDCALLID" rm -f "$NOTIFDIR/incomingcall_${MISSEDCALLID}_notification" TIME="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" mkdir -p "$LOGDIR" printf %b "$TIME\tcall_missed\t$MISSEDNUMBER\n" >> "$LOGDIR/modemlog.tsv" CONTACT="$(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -F "^${MISSEDNUMBER//+/\\+}:")" sxmo_notificationwrite.sh \ random \ "st -f Terminus-20 -e sh -c \"echo 'Missed call from $CONTACT at $(date)' && read\"" \ none \ "Missed call - $CONTACT" done fi } checkforincomingcalls() { VOICECALLID="$( mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-list-calls -a | grep -Eo '[0-9]+ incoming \(ringing-in\)' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+' )" echo "$VOICECALLID" | grep -v . && rm -f "$NOTIFDIR/incomingcall*" && return # Determine the incoming phone number echo "Incoming Call:" INCOMINGNUMBER=$(lookupnumberfromcallid "$VOICECALLID") if [ -x "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/ring" ]; then echo "Invoking ring hook (async)">&2 "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/ring" "$(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -E "^${INCOMINGNUMBER//+/\\+}:")" & else sxmo_vibratepine 2500 & fi TIME="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" mkdir -p "$LOGDIR" printf %b "$TIME\tcall_ring\t$INCOMINGNUMBER\n" >> "$LOGDIR/modemlog.tsv" sxmo_notificationwrite.sh \ "$NOTIFDIR/incomingcall_${VOICECALLID}_notification" \ "sxmo_modemcall.sh pickup $VOICECALLID" \ none \ "Pickup - $(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -E "^${INCOMINGNUMBER//+/\\+}:")" & echo "Call from number: $INCOMINGNUMBER (VOICECALLID: $VOICECALLID)">&2 } checkfornewtexts() { TEXTIDS="$( mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --messaging-list-sms | grep -Eo '/SMS/[0-9]+ \(received\)' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+' )" echo "$TEXTIDS" | grep -v . && return # Loop each textid received and read out the data into appropriate logfile for TEXTID in $TEXTIDS; do TEXTDATA="$(mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" -s "$TEXTID" -K)" TEXT="$(echo "$TEXTDATA" | grep sms.content.text | sed -E 's/^sms\.content\.text\s+:\s+//')" NUM="$( echo "$TEXTDATA" | grep sms.content.number | sed -E 's/^sms\.content\.number\s+:\s+//' )" TIME="$(echo "$TEXTDATA" | grep sms.properties.timestamp | sed -E 's/^sms\.properties\.timestamp\s+:\s+//')" mkdir -p "$LOGDIR/$NUM" echo "Text from number: $NUM (TEXTID: $TEXTID)">&2 printf %b "Received from $NUM at $TIME:\n$TEXT\n\n" >> "$LOGDIR/$NUM/sms.txt" printf %b "$TIME\trecv_txt\t$NUM\t${#TEXT} chars\n" >> "$LOGDIR/modemlog.tsv" mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --messaging-delete-sms="$TEXTID" sxmo_notificationwrite.sh \ random \ "st -e tail -n9999 -f '$LOGDIR/$NUM/sms.txt'" \ "$LOGDIR/$NUM/sms.txt" \ "Message - $(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -E "^${NUM//+/\\+}:"): $TEXT" if [ -x "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/sms" ]; then "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/sms" "$(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -E "^${NUM//+/\\+}:")" "$TEXT" fi done } mainloop() { checkformissedcalls checkforincomingcalls checkfornewtexts # Monitor for incoming calls dbus-monitor --system "interface='org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Voice',type='signal',member='CallAdded'" | \ while read -r; do checkforincomingcalls done & # Monitor for incoming texts dbus-monitor --system "interface='org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Messaging',type='signal',member='Added'" | \ while read -r; do checkfornewtexts done & # Monitor for missed calls dbus-monitor --system "interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties',member='PropertiesChanged',arg0='org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Call'" | \ while read -r; do checkformissedcalls done & wait wait wait } mainloop