#!/usr/bin/env sh EDITOR=vis LOGDIR="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxmo/modem err() { echo $1 | dmenu -fn Terminus-20 -c -l 10 kill $$ } modem_n() { MODEMS="$(mmcli -L)" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' > /dev/null || err "Couldn't find modem - is your modem enabled?" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' | cut -d'/' -f2 } textcontacts() { # TODO: is find automatically sorted by timestamp? find $LOGDIR/* -type d -maxdepth 1 | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' | tac } editmsg() { TMP="$(mktemp --suffix $1_msg)" echo "$2" > "$TMP" TEXT="$(st -e $EDITOR $TMP)" cat $TMP } sendmsg() { MODEM=$(modem_n) NUMBER="$(echo "$1" | sed 's/^[+]//' | sed 's/^1//')" TEXT="$2" TEXTSIZE="$(echo "$TEXT" | wc -c)" SMSNO=$( mmcli -m $MODEM --messaging-create-sms="text='$TEXT',number=$NUMBER" | grep -o [0-9]*$ ) mmcli -s ${SMSNO} --send || err "Couldn't send text message" for i in $(mmcli -m $MODEM --messaging-list-sms | grep " (sent)" | cut -f5 -d' ') ; do mmcli -m $MODEM --messaging-delete-sms=$i done TIME="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" mkdir -p $LOGDIR/$NUMBER echo -ne "Sent to $NUMBER at $TIME:\n$TEXT\n\n" >> $LOGDIR/$NUMBER/sms.txt echo -ne "$TIME\tsent_txt\t$NUMBER\t$TEXTSIZE chars\n" >> $LOGDIR/modemlog.tsv err "Sent text message ok" } sendtextmenu() { modem_n || err "Couldn't determine modem number - is modem online?" # Prompt for number NUMBER=$( echo -e "\nCancel\n$(textcontacts)" | awk NF | sxmo_dmenu_with_kb.sh -p "Number" -fn "Terminus-20" -l 10 -c ) echo "$NUMBER" | grep -E "^Cancel$" && exit 1 echo "$NUMBER" | grep -E '[0-9]+' || err "That doesn't seem like a valid number" # Compose first version of msg TEXT="$(editmsg $NUMBER 'Enter text message here')" while true do CHARS=$(echo "$TEXT" | wc -c) CONFIRM=$( echo -e "Edit Message ($TEXT)\nSend to → $NUMBER\nCancel" | dmenu -c -idx 1 -p "Confirm" -fn "Terminus-20" -l 10 ) echo "$CONFIRM" | grep -E "^Send" && sendmsg "$NUMBER" "$TEXT" && exit 0 echo "$CONFIRM" | grep -E "^Cancel$" && exit 1 echo "$CONFIRM" | grep -E "^Edit Message" && TEXT="$(editmsg "$NUMBER" "$TEXT")" done } tailtextlog() { st -e tail -f $LOGDIR/$1/sms.txt } main() { # Display ENTRIES="$(echo -e "$(textcontacts)" | xargs -INUM echo NUM logfile)" ENTRIES="$(echo -e "Close Menu\nSend a Text\n$ENTRIES")" NUMBER="$(echo -e "$ENTRIES" | dmenu -p Texts -c -fn Terminus-20 -l 10)" echo $NUMBER | grep "Close Menu" && exit 1 echo $NUMBER | grep "Send a Text" && sendtextmenu && exit 1 tailtextlog "$(echo $NUMBER | sed 's/ logfile//g')" } main