#!/usr/bin/env sh # include common definitions # shellcheck source=scripts/core/sxmo_common.sh . "$(dirname "$0")/sxmo_common.sh" err() { echo "$1">&2 echo "$1" | dmenu kill $$ } choosenumbermenu() { # Prompt for number NUMBER="$( printf %b "\n$icon_cls Cancel\n$icon_grp More contacts\n$(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep -E "^\+?[0-9]+:")" | awk NF | sxmo_dmenu_with_kb.sh -p "Number" -i | cut -d: -f1 | tr -d -- '- ' )" if echo "$NUMBER" | grep -q "Morecontacts"; then NUMBER="$( #joined words without space is not a bug printf %b "\nCancel\n$(sxmo_contacts.sh --all)" | grep . | sxmo_dmenu_with_kb.sh -p "Number" -i | cut -d: -f1 | tr -d -- '- ' )" fi if echo "$NUMBER" | grep -q "Cancel"; then exit 1 elif ! echo "$NUMBER" | grep -qE '^[+0-9]+$'; then notify-send "That doesn't seem like a valid number" else echo "$NUMBER" fi } sendtextmenu() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then NUMBER="$1" else NUMBER="$(choosenumbermenu)" fi DRAFT="$LOGDIR/$NUMBER/draft.txt" if [ ! -f "$DRAFT" ]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname "$DRAFT")" echo 'Enter text message here' > "$DRAFT" fi sxmo_terminal.sh "$EDITOR" "$DRAFT" while true do CONFIRM="$( printf %b "$icon_edt Edit\n$icon_snd Send\n$icon_cls Cancel" | dmenu -i -p "Confirm" )" || exit if echo "$CONFIRM" | grep -q "Send"; then (sxmo_modemsendsms.sh "$NUMBER" - < "$DRAFT") && \ rm "$DRAFT" && \ echo "Sent text to $NUMBER">&2 && exit 0 elif echo "$CONFIRM" | grep -q "Edit"; then sendtextmenu "$NUMBER" elif echo "$CONFIRM" | grep -q "Cancel"; then exit 1 fi done } tailtextlog() { NUMBER="$1" CONTACTNAME="$(sxmo_contacts.sh | grep "^$NUMBER" | cut -d' ' -f2-)" [ "Unknown Number" = "$CONTACTNAME" ] && CONTACTNAME="$CONTACTNAME ($NUMBER)" TERMNAME="$NUMBER SMS" sxmo_terminal.sh sh -c "tail -n9999 -f \"$LOGDIR/$NUMBER/sms.txt\" | sed \"s|$NUMBER|$CONTACTNAME|g\"" } readtextmenu() { # E.g. only display logfiles for directories that exist and join w contact name ENTRIES="$( printf %b "$icon_cls Close Menu\n$icon_edt Send a Text\n"; sxmo_contacts.sh --texted | xargs -IL echo "L logfile" )" PICKED="$(printf %b "$ENTRIES" | sxmo_dmenu_with_kb.sh -p "Texts" -i)" || exit if echo "$PICKED" | grep "Close Menu"; then exit 1 elif echo "$PICKED" | grep "Send a Text"; then sendtextmenu else tailtextlog "$(echo "$PICKED" | cut -d: -f1)" fi } if [ "2" != "$#" ]; then readtextmenu else "$@" fi