#!/usr/bin/env sh LOGDIR="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/sxmo/modem ALSASTATEFILE="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/precall.alsa.state CACHEDIR="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/sxmo trap "gracefulexit" INT TERM modem_n() { MODEMS="$(mmcli -L)" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -qoE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' || finish "Couldn't find modem - is your modem enabled?" echo "$MODEMS" | grep -oE 'Modem\/([0-9]+)' | cut -d'/' -f2 } finish() { # E.g. hangup all calls, switch back to default audio, notify user, and die sxmo_vibratepine 1000 & mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-hangup-all for CALLID in $( mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-list-calls | grep -oE "Call\/[0-9]+" | cut -d'/' -f2 ); do mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-delete-call "$CALLID" done if [ -f "$ALSASTATEFILE" ]; then alsactl --file "$ALSASTATEFILE" restore else alsactl --file /usr/share/sxmo/alsa/default_alsa_sound.conf restore fi setsid -f sh -c 'sleep 2; sxmo_statusbarupdate.sh' if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "sxmo_modemcall: $1">&2 notify-send "$1" fi kill -9 0 pkill -9 dmenu #just in case the call menu survived somehow? exit 1 } gracefulexit() { finish "Call ended" } modem_cmd_errcheck() { RES="$(mmcli "$@" 2>&1)" OK="$?" echo "sxmo_modemcall: Command: mmcli $*">&2 if [ "$OK" != 0 ]; then finish "Problem executing mmcli command!\n$RES"; fi echo "$RES" } vid_to_number() { mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" -o "$1" -K | grep call.properties.number | cut -d ':' -f2 | tr -d ' ' } log_event() { EVT_HANDLE="$1" EVT_VID="$2" NUM="$(vid_to_number "$EVT_VID")" TIME="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" mkdir -p "$LOGDIR" printf %b "$TIME\t$EVT_HANDLE\t$NUM\n" >> "$LOGDIR/modemlog.tsv" } toggleflag() { TOGGLEFLAG=$1 shift FLAGS="$*" echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -- "$TOGGLEFLAG" >&2 && NEWFLAGS="$(echo -- "$FLAGS" | sed "s/$TOGGLEFLAG//g")" || NEWFLAGS="$(echo -- "$FLAGS $TOGGLEFLAG")" NEWFLAGS="$(echo -- "$NEWFLAGS" | sed "s/--//g; s/ / /g")" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sxmo_megiaudioroute $NEWFLAGS echo -- "$NEWFLAGS" } toggleflagset() { FLAGS="$(toggleflag "$1" "$FLAGS")" } acceptcall() { CALLID="$1" echo "sxmo_modemcall: Attempting to initialize CALLID $CALLID">&2 DIRECTION="$( mmcli --voice-status -o "$CALLID" -K | grep call.properties.direction | cut -d: -f2 | tr -d " " )" if [ "$DIRECTION" = "outgoing" ]; then modem_cmd_errcheck -m "$(modem_n)" -o "$CALLID" --start log_event "call_start" "$CALLID" echo "sxmo_modemcall: Started call $CALLID">&2 elif [ "$DIRECTION" = "incoming" ]; then if [ -x "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/pickup" ]; then echo "sxmo_modemcall: Invoking pickup hook (async)">&2 "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxmo/hooks/pickup" & fi touch "$CACHEDIR/${CALLID}.pickedupcall" #this signals that we picked this call up #to other asynchronously running processes modem_cmd_errcheck -m "$(modem_n)" -o "$CALLID" --accept log_event "call_pickup" "$CALLID" echo "sxmo_modemcall: Picked up call $CALLID">&2 else finish "Couldn't initialize call with callid <$CALLID>; unknown direction <$DIRECTION>" fi alsactl --file "$ALSASTATEFILE" store } hangup() { CALLID="$1" modem_cmd_errcheck -m "$(modem_n)" -o "$CALLID" --hangup log_event "call_hangup" "$CALLID" modem_cmd_errcheck -m "$(modem_n)" --voice-delete-call="$CALLID" finish "Call with $NUMBER terminated" exit 0 } togglewindowify() { if [ "$WINDOWIFIED" = "0" ]; then WINDOWIFIED=1 else WINDOWIFIED=0 fi } incallsetup() { DMENUIDX=0 CALLID="$1" NUMBER="$(vid_to_number "$CALLID")" WINDOWIFIED=0 # E.g. There's some bug with the modem that' requires us to toggle the # DAI a few times before starting the call for it to kick in FLAGS=" " toggleflagset "-e" toggleflagset "-m" toggleflagset "-2" toggleflagset "-2" toggleflagset "-2" } incallmonitor() { CALLID="$1" while true; do sxmo_statusbarupdate.sh if mmcli -m "$(modem_n)" -K -o "$CALLID" | grep -E "^call.properties.state.+terminated"; then #note: deletion will be handled asynchronously by sxmo_modemmonitor's checkforfinishedcalls() if [ "$NUMBER" = "--" ]; then finish "Call with unknown number terminated" else finish "Call with $NUMBER terminated" fi fi echo "sxmo_modemcall: Call still in progress">&2 sleep 3 done } incallmenuloop() { echo "sxmo_modemcall: Current flags are $FLAGS">&2 CHOICES=" $([ "$WINDOWIFIED" = 0 ] && echo Windowify || echo Unwindowify) ^ togglewindowify $([ "$WINDOWIFIED" = 0 ] && echo 'Screenlock ^ togglewindowify; sxmo_screenlock &') Volume ↑ ^ sxmo_vol.sh up Volume ↓ ^ sxmo_vol.sh down Earpiece $(echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -q -- -e && echo ✓) ^ toggleflagset -e Mic $(echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -q -- -m && echo ✓) ^ toggleflagset -m Linejack $(echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -q -- -h && echo ✓) ^ toggleflagset -h Linemic $(echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -q -- -l && echo ✓) ^ toggleflagset -l Speakerphone $(echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -q -- -s && echo ✓) ^ toggleflagset -s Echomic $(echo -- "$FLAGS" | grep -q -- -z && echo ✓) ^ toggleflagset -z DTMF Tones ^ dtmfmenu $CALLID Hangup ^ hangup $CALLID " pkill -9 dmenu # E.g. just incase user is playing with btns or hits a menu by mistake echo "$CHOICES" | xargs -0 echo | cut -d'^' -f1 | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' | awk '{$1=$1};1' | #this cryptic statement trims leading/trailing whitespace from a string dmenu -idx $DMENUIDX -l 14 "$([ "$WINDOWIFIED" = 0 ] && echo "-c" || echo "-wm")" -fn "Terminus-30" -p "$NUMBER" | ( PICKED="$(cat)"; echo "sxmo_modemcall: Picked is $PICKED">&2 echo "$PICKED" | grep -Ev "." CMD=$(echo "$CHOICES" | grep "$PICKED" | cut -d'^' -f2) DMENUIDX=$(echo "$(echo "$CHOICES" | grep -n "$PICKED" | cut -d ':' -f1)" - 1 | bc) echo "sxmo_modemcall: Eval in call context: $CMD">&2 eval "$CMD" incallmenuloop ) & wait # E.g. bg & wait to allow for SIGINT propogation } dtmfmenu() { CALLID="$1" DTMFINDEX=0 NUMS="0123456789*#ABCD" while true; do PICKED="$( echo "$NUMS" | grep -o . | sed '1 iReturn to Call Menu' | dmenu "$([ "$WINDOWIFIED" = 0 ] && echo "-c" || echo "-wm")" -l 20 -fn Terminus-20 -c -idx $DTMFINDEX -p "DTMF Tone" )" echo "$PICKED" | grep "Return to Call Menu" && return DTMFINDEX=$(echo "$NUMS" | grep -bo "$PICKED" | cut -d: -f1 | xargs -IN echo 2+N | bc) modem_cmd_errcheck -m "$(modem_n)" -o "$CALLID" --send-dtmf="$PICKED" done } pickup() { acceptcall "$1" incallsetup "$1" incallmonitor "$1" & incallmenuloop "$1" } modem_n || finish "Couldn't determine modem number - is modem online?" "$@"