#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Types enum State { StateNoInput, // Screen on / input lock StateNoInputNoScreen, // Screen off / input lock StateSuspend, // Deep sleep StateSuspendPending, // Suspend 'woken up', must leave state in <5s, or kicks to StateSuspend StateDead // Exit the appliation }; enum Color { Red, Blue, Purple, Off }; // Fn declarations void configuresuspendsettingsandwakeupsources(); void die(const char *err, ...); int getoldbrightness(); void lockscreen(Display *dpy, int screen); void readinputloop(Display *dpy, int screen); void setpineled(enum Color c); void syncstate(); void updatestatusbar(); void writefile(char *filepath, char *str); // Variables Display *dpy; enum State state = StateNoInput; KeySym lastkeysym = XK_Cancel; int lastkeyn = 0; char oldbrightness[10] = "200"; char * brightnessfile = "/sys/devices/platform/backlight/backlight/backlight/brightness"; char * powerstatefile = "/sys/power/state"; void configuresuspendsettingsandwakeupsources() { // Disable all wakeup sources struct dirent *wakeupsource; char wakeuppath[100]; DIR *wakeupsources = opendir("/sys/class/wakeup"); if (wakeupsources == NULL) die("Couldn't open directory /sys/class/wakeup\n"); while ((wakeupsource = readdir(wakeupsources)) != NULL) { sprintf( wakeuppath, "/sys/class/wakeup/%s/device/power/wakeup", wakeupsource->d_name ); fprintf(stderr, "Disabling wakeup source: %s", wakeupsource->d_name); writefile(wakeuppath, "disabled"); fprintf(stderr, ".. ok\n"); } closedir(wakeupsources); // Enable powerbutton wakeup source fprintf(stderr, "Enable powerbutton wakeup source\n"); writefile( "/sys/devices/platform/soc/1f03400.rsb/sunxi-rsb-3a3/axp221-pek/power/wakeup", "enabled" ); // Enable rtc wakeup source fprintf(stderr, "Enable rtc wakeup source\n"); writefile( "/sys/devices/platform/soc/1f00000.rtc/power/wakeup", "enabled" ); // Temporary hack to disable USB driver that doesn't suspend fprintf(stderr, "Disabling buggy USB driver\n"); writefile( "/sys/devices/platform/soc/1c19000.usb/driver/unbind", "1c19000.usb" ); // Temporary hack to disable Bluetooth driver that crashes on suspend 1/5th the time fprintf(stderr, "Disabling buggy Bluetooth driver\n"); writefile( "/sys/bus/serial/drivers/hci_uart_h5/unbind", "serial0-0" ); // E.g. make sure we're using CRUST fprintf(stderr, "Flip mem_sleep setting to use crust\n"); writefile("/sys/power/mem_sleep", "deep"); } void die(const char *err, ...) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s", err); state = StateDead; syncstate(); exit(1); } int getoldbrightness() { char * buffer = 0; long length; FILE * f = fopen(brightnessfile, "r"); if (f) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = malloc(length); if (buffer) { fread(buffer, 1, length, f); } fclose(f); } if (buffer) { sprintf(oldbrightness, "%d", atoi(buffer)); } } void lockscreen(Display *dpy, int screen) { // Loosely derived from suckless' slock's lockscreen binding logic but // alot more coarse, intentionally so can be triggered while grab_key // for dwm multikey path already holding.. int i, ptgrab, kbgrab; Window root; root = RootWindow(dpy, screen); for (i = 0, ptgrab = kbgrab = -1; i < 9999999; i++) { if (ptgrab != GrabSuccess) { ptgrab = XGrabPointer(dpy, root, False, ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None, CurrentTime); } if (kbgrab != GrabSuccess) { kbgrab = XGrabKeyboard(dpy, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); } if (ptgrab == GrabSuccess && kbgrab == GrabSuccess) { XSelectInput(dpy, root, SubstructureNotifyMask); return; } usleep(100000); } } void readinputloop(Display *dpy, int screen) { KeySym keysym; XEvent ev; char buf[32]; fd_set fdset; int xfd; int selectresult; struct timeval xeventtimeout = {5, 0}; xfd = ConnectionNumber(dpy); for (;;) { FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(xfd, &fdset); if (state == StateSuspendPending) selectresult = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &xeventtimeout); else selectresult = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdset, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (FD_ISSET(xfd, &fdset) && XPending(dpy)) { XNextEvent(dpy, &ev); if (ev.type == KeyPress) { XLookupString(&ev.xkey, buf, sizeof(buf), &keysym, 0); if (lastkeysym == keysym) { lastkeyn++; } else { lastkeysym = keysym; lastkeyn = 1; } if (lastkeyn < 3) continue; lastkeyn = 0; lastkeysym = XK_Cancel; switch (keysym) { case XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume: state = StateSuspend; break; case XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume: state = (state == StateNoInput ? StateNoInputNoScreen : StateNoInput); break; case XF86XK_PowerOff: state = StateDead; break; } syncstate(); } } else if (state == StateSuspendPending) { state = StateSuspend; syncstate(); } if (state == StateDead) break; } } void setpineled(enum Color c) { if (c == Red) { writefile("/sys/class/leds/red:indicator/brightness", "1"); writefile("/sys/class/leds/blue:indicator/brightness", "0"); } else if (c == Blue) { writefile("/sys/class/leds/red:indicator/brightness", "0"); writefile("/sys/class/leds/blue:indicator/brightness", "1"); } else if (c == Purple) { writefile("/sys/class/leds/red:indicator/brightness", "1"); writefile("/sys/class/leds/blue:indicator/brightness", "1"); } else if (c == Off) { writefile("/sys/class/leds/red:indicator/brightness", "0"); writefile("/sys/class/leds/blue:indicator/brightness", "0"); } } void syncstate() { if (state == StateSuspend) { setpineled(Red); configuresuspendsettingsandwakeupsources(); writefile(powerstatefile, "mem"); // Just woke up updatestatusbar(); state = StateSuspendPending; syncstate(); } else if (state == StateNoInput) { setpineled(Blue); writefile(brightnessfile, oldbrightness); } else if (state == StateNoInputNoScreen || state == StateSuspendPending) { setpineled(Purple); writefile(brightnessfile, "0"); } else if (state == StateDead) { writefile(brightnessfile, oldbrightness); setpineled(Off); } } void updatestatusbar() { pid_t statusbarpid = -1; char buffer[999]; // TODO: there's probably a better way.. if (fgets(buffer, 999, popen("pgrep -f sxmo_statusbar.sh", "r")) != NULL) statusbarpid = (pid_t) atoi(buffer); if (statusbarpid != -1) kill(statusbarpid, SIGUSR1); } void writefile(char *filepath, char *str) { int f; f = open(filepath, O_WRONLY); if (f != -1) { write(f, str, strlen(str)); close(f); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open filepath <%s>\n", filepath); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int screen; if (setuid(0)) die("setuid(0) failed\n"); if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) die("Cannot open display\n"); screen = XDefaultScreen(dpy); XSync(dpy, 0); getoldbrightness(); syncstate(); lockscreen(dpy, screen); readinputloop(dpy, screen); return 0; }